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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

Amr2009.07.23 - 10:46AM35: Thirty-Three: The ConversationSigned
One other little bit: I really have to congratulate you on the image of Hermione drinking the "very hot liquid" as she dealt with her annoyance with the "very cold man." I immediately thought of the dual novellas "The Semi-Attached Couple and the Semi-Detached House." Lovely. And I'm still listing potentially significant details in my head. The fact that Hermione can purify water with her horn? The fact that she can overhear Draco and Harry's mental conversation? The fact that Castina owes her a debt for saving Isaura? Somehow, I hope you're going to tie it all together.

Leraiv Snape2009.07.23 - 10:35AM35: Thirty-Three: The ConversationSigned
Snape and Hermione's spat in Dumbledore's office was unbelievable. It was awesome how she gave him what-for and sounded totally reasonable the whole time. I really like your Hermione.

Amr2009.07.23 - 10:32AM35: Thirty-Three: The ConversationSigned
All right. I'm getting really suspicious of Viktor. Knowing someone for just a little over half a year, and then corresponding for two years more, doesn't seem to justify the fairly extensive trust that Hermione seems to be offering. You've made it clear that their correspondence was superficial, and he might easily just be maintaining their friendship on Voldemort's orders. The offer of flying lessons seems to me to be suspicious, too. And why, even if he's besotted with her as he pretends to be, would he sit through so many boring hours of patient potion brewing with her, if not to take note of what she's doing? (I'm glad he didn't get to observe the brewer's tear addition; I have a feeling that is going to be important.) Severus clearly suspects Viktor's motives (and not just his romantic designs on Hermione) as well. Of course, his ridiculous accusation to Albus was amusing, but I hope it doesn't chasten him so much that he doesn't keep a suspicious eye on Viktor. As for the rest, I'm glad to see Minerva getting involved in the Animagus part of the cure (and not just as an observer, I hope), given that this is her specialty. I really liked the encomium to Molly, and the fact that Ron is working so hard to be reasonable about her and about Harry & Draco. (How did Draco Side-Along Harry, by the way, when he's not the Secret Keeper?) So many interesting strands woven into your story. I keep wondering what is going to be significant--the hand-charmed bag Severus gave Hermione for Christmas? The vial of unicorn blood Hermione wears? The basilisk venom? The exploding shield? The Veritaserum tolerance? And of course I'm wondering whether Pansy is going to end up with Ron or Viktor (assuming that I'm wrong and he isn't evil). Thanks for a thought provoking chapter, and apologies for the meandering review.

Nessasnight2009.07.23 - 10:30AM35: Thirty-Three: The ConversationSigned
Oh geez I feel like such a bad, bad person! Congratulations on your reviews! That is an awesome number! so again, Félicitations!

Nessasnight2009.07.23 - 10:22AM35: Thirty-Three: The ConversationSigned
At first, I would have to say that the chapter felt a little short content-wise compared to the others but lucky for you (lucky mostly for my sake haha), I re-read each chapter at least one more time, every time. Seems that yesterday I managed to skip on a few paragraphs towards the ending (probably because I was in an alcohol-induced, three AM bout of sleepiness) So I re-read everything this morning and changed my mind about that. I still think though that the whole werewolf experience would've nicely fitted in with the end of this chapter but then again, I have no clue of what comes next and let's face it, not all chapters can be equal lenght and content size. I though there was a lot of 'discussing' in the beginning and a lot of narrating (that may be why my mind stupidly skipped over the last paragraphs yesterday O_o ) towards the end but all in all I still loved the chapter. I was totally laughing when Severus caught up to Hermione about the conversation between her and Viktor. I actually had to go see the convo again just to see where it could've been misinterpreted because I hadn't caught on. Ron was so sweet with Hermione. I'm never sure how I like my Rons anymore and I've loved how you portrayed him throughout the fic so far. The fact that Hermione would be able to come and go as she pleases to the Safe House had indeed escaped me and I'm glad that you didn't have Remus berate her on her behaviour because I don't think I would've much liked him doing it, exactly for the reason he gave himself in the chapter. I'm sorry if I offended you in this review (I'm not sure I'm all too good on constructive criticism) but I still love you and still think this chapter, like the rest of the story is so well written. I can't grasp the fact that your plot seems to stand so solid. I wish I could do that! I can't wait for the next installement!

Miss Blue Sky2009.07.23 - 10:06AM6: Five: The First MoveSigned
I'll go slowly now because I'm without my notebook, so I'm depending on anyone else's machines. Well, I liked this chapter, really. I'm not sure about the whole unicorn thing, but for now I'm happy.

tkdalton2009.07.23 - 08:43AM35: Thirty-Three: The ConversationSigned
I don't know how long it took you to come up with the detailed description of the brewing process but it was worth it! I'm glad that Hermione got Severus the way she did with the "Ordered/Asked" converstation with Albus. I like seeing the side of Albus that has to admitt that Hermione is giving him a run for his money even if he does make the acknowledgment openly. This is my absolute favorite version of Hermione in the world of fanfiction but i keep waiting for her to lose it. How many things can one person take on and still function? I can't wait for next week and animagus transformations. It should be interesting to see everyones reactions since so far only Hermione/Draco/Remus have seen it before. Hermione is a genius and so are you please keep up the good work!

semperdumbledore2009.07.23 - 08:33AM35: Thirty-Three: The ConversationSigned
Here's a thought that occurred to me. If Severus knew that Hermione was allowing Krum to watch while she was brewing the Wolfsbane (and she has still yet to show him her notes on brewing the potion, much let him be around while she brews it) I'd think he'd think it would be a betrayal equivalent to sleeping with Krum. Granted, I completely understand while she has neither given Snape her notes or let her watch brew it - since their interactions are so completely voltile. So, looking from that perspective, he knows when she has to brew the Wolfsbane, and if Krum and Hermione aren't sleeping together; they are brewing together and that is just plain wrong. And a reason to get really upset because it's showing a level of trust she doesn't have in him. Anyways, I'm probably inferring a lot of things from him - probably because I'm trying to look for the reason behind Snape's behavior. This is a great post, as per usual. It makes you think, however, and again I might be wrong, but I don't think it will be possible for them to have a relationship whilst Hermione is still a student. After The Invitation, he's hardly ever referred to her by her first name, taken points, lorded over his position, and taken her to task with the headmaster - about his personal problems with her (not to mention his actions in Room one). I don't know what your timeline this, but considering this - I think we are in for a long, long wait. And while I'm not exactly happy about that fact; it's very true to their characters.

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