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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

cecily2009.07.09 - 03:35PM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
So I just found your story, and have spent the last couple days doing almost nothing else but read it. This has got to be one of the best fanfics I have ever read. Your plot is very unique and I love how you have portrayed each of the characters. At no point have I come across a part in the story where a character behaved in a way that I don't believe. I can't wait for Severus to figure out that Hermione does care for him.. He's reacting the same way he did when he kicked her out of the lab.. Didn't want to be rejected so he did the rejecting.. then there is all the jealousy to boot... Especially now that Krum is back.. haha I can't wait to read the rest of this story.. I know that I'll be anxiously awaiting Thursdays now until the whole thing is posted! Thank you so much for putting the time into making this such a great piece! :)

Author's Response: *beams* I'm delighted to hear that you're enjoying the fic so much; it's particularly lovely to hear from someone who found all the characters to be behaving in a believable way at all times. (I know all events are not going to go the precise way that a reader would have chosen had s/he been writing, but I always endeavour to offer adequate explanations/motivations so that all behaviour is explicable.) I'm glad that you're looking forward to what's coming up (particularly with Krum, lol). Thanks for taking the time to review. ^_^

kit_kat2009.07.09 - 11:29AM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
What a great chapter. My heart warmed when I read that SS let HG sleep on his couch. He also called her Hermione. He must care for her in some way. I must admit I was surprised it was RL who first acted badly when SS arrived instead of RW. I had expected RW to do something stupid the moment SS walked inn, but he didn't. He seems to be taking HG's choice better than RL.

Author's Response: I'm glad that you enjoyed the chapter and Severus's moment of tenderness so much. I think Ron has a healthier understanding of the sort of reaction Hermione would have if he broke the restrictions placed upon him; he's also pretty much going on his last chance (or he's at least run through a few)—so he's trying to be on his best behaviour. Remus, on the other hand, is really butting heads with Hermione for the first time. ;) Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

miss_ladywriter2009.07.09 - 10:25AM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
That. Was. Wonderful! I actually let out a, "nooo!" when I realised that we weren't going to be privy to the meeting and Hermione's ideas until next week. That said, I'm so enjoying your consistently brilliant updates - I can't help thinking that this is what the original series would've been like for us all if JKR had let us read a bit every week ;) Favourite moments this week? Well, obviously the most delightful has to go to Severus lifting poor drunk-exhausted Hermione into his arms and letting her sleep under a blanket. Aww. He seems to struggle so much with what he's allowed/able to say, but when he can just act, it's so much easier for him to make it clear how he feels. Bless :) And the fabulously stoic Minerva (one of my very favourite characters), barely blinking at the news, but ready to bait Snape with points! Her being chastised by Hermione made me stifle a snort of laughter :) As ever... can't wait for next week - and I'm thrilled by the news that we're only halfway there! You're not just an incredibly gifted writer, with all your genius plots and characterisations and language, you're so generous, ensuring we all have a lovely, lengthy chapter to enjoy every week! THANK YOU :)

Author's Response: *beams* I'm delighted that you enjoyed this chapter so much and that you're getting so much happiness from my updates. Getting canon week-by-week would have been a fascinating experience, wouldn't it have? I suspect it would have driven me insane, lol, but it would have prolonged the experience. (For example, DH was one eight-hour sitting for me, where I sobbed through some of it too hard to read clearly). Severus being able to show a moment of tenderness was something that I was very happy to be able to share; unfortunately, under most normal circumstances currently, he doesn't feel able. In my head, there's a part of Minerva that will always think of Severus as one of her students, just like Hermione is one of her students, and knowing both Severus and Hermione as she does, I think she could wrap her brain around the two of them being together better than some other people can. You are very welcome for the weekly updates; it's always reassuring to hear from someone who likes and understands the schedule I've established. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

tkdalton2009.07.09 - 08:41AM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
You are so evil! I really really really wanted to see Albus' reaction to Hermione's last statement and now i have to wait a week. How will i survive? I loved the Hermione/Severus interaction in this chapter. He can still be kind caring and compassionate when he wants to be and i like the glimpses of that side of him. I am glad to see that Ron is finally maturing and that the trio is back together again. Well this was another great chapter that continues to keep me addicted. Keep up the good work and i can't wait for some really good fights next week.

Author's Response: LOL I'm afraid my evilness when it comes to cliffies is probably a perpetual state of affairs—but it gives you something to look forward to. ;) I think Severus always has the capacity for kind, caring, and compassionate, but unfortunately, he's had a fair bit of time to learn to suppress it and present another face to the world. But sometimes, he lets it out anyway. ^_^ Ron has to mature sometime, right? I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and that you're looking forward to what's coming up next. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

trulymadly2009.07.09 - 08:31AM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
I totally agree with amber and JessL and had a good laugh over JessL's "And why is it that the only time they're not fighting is when one of them is asleep?", as I have to ask this myself. But, JessL, we should be happy and confident. Finally, our snarky Severus seems to be on his way to realize there might be happiness even for him. Wait and see: next time they are both wide awake, :-))). Thanks for the lovely chapter. As usual I can't wait for the next one - at least I'll read it before I see HP6 in the evening, arrrrgh.

Author's Response: LOL And as I said to her, there's less opportunity to misunderstand one another when one of them is asleep. Because really, they both have their feelings, and it's only in interaction with one another that things go horribly wrong because they can't communicate to save their lives. ;) Severus is pretty stubborn and scarred, though, so I might not hold my breath on that realisation really sinking in super speedily. ;) I'm glad you're looking forward to what's coming up next—and I hope you enjoyed HBP (which I watched at midnight last night :D ). Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Nahtanha2009.07.09 - 07:01AM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *deep breath* Oh, you're an evil, evil woman :D Reading this again as a single document once it's finished is going to be a very interesting experience! I can easily see myself at 3am going "I'll stop reading next chapter OH GOD NO MUST KEEP READING". And in the meantime perhaps I will learn patience. HAH. Well, one can only hope :D

Author's Response: LOL So I've been told, many a time. And I've certainly been lost to fics for hours and hours and hours and hours when the whole thing was available to me. :D They keep saying that patience is a virtue, so we'll all keep pretending to learn it. ;) Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

newniepg2009.07.09 - 06:52AM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
Oh good grief! I am looking forward to seeing their reaction to that particular statement! The bit where SS let Hermione sleep made me go 'YAY' and the blanket made me just . It is so absolutely lovely to see a ray of hope for the two of them. Would you believe it, I was a little nervous about opening this chapter, I thought it would be full of angsty reactions to do with Ron. What a nice surprise it turned out to be! Thank you.

Author's Response: LOL I'm glad you're looking forward to what's coming up next and that you enjoyed the moment of tenderness with Severus; it's not exactly something he's comfortable demonstrating, but even he gets there eventually (at least momentarily). I'm delighted that I was able to happily surprise you with the chapter. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

bluemooonie2009.07.09 - 06:51AM32: Thirty-One: The WardsSigned
I agree with amber prophet...the writing is very smooth and logical. I can't even begin to think about how much effort and how much time just setting up the plot of the story must have taken you! And yes, I'm always so sad when I get to the end of the chapter knowing I have to wait another week for the next! So, I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapters hoping my weeks pass quickly!

Author's Response: I'm pleased to hear that you feel that way and are looking forward to more; there was indeed a lot of planning that went into the story (a calendar of events, school schedule for all N.E.W.T.s, character relationship table, and sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset, and twilight tables to name just a portion), so it's lovely to hear from readers who feel that that effort was worthwhile and noteworthy. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. ^_^

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