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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

edinaelezovic2009.08.13 - 04:20AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
Great chapter,just wow

Sampdoria2009.08.13 - 03:48AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
This chapter was another proof on why Thursdays have become such an easy day to get out of bed: A new update to this story to look forward to! This was one of the best chapters so far, and considering all the other great chapters in this story and the fact that I was crying for Hermione at the end of this chapter, should be considered as another proof of the brilliance of this story. I had never thougth it possible to be so in love with and addicted to, a story where I don't want for Hermione to end up with Severus. While I have said before that he overstepped what can be considered forgivable, no matter what issues he should use as an excuse, I can only once again state that I find him so repulsive that just the thougth of him ever to get to thouch Hermione ever again makes me sick. You are one of the most talented writers I have come across, but I am quite sure that there is no longer anything that can be said and done to make me forgive Severus. Hermione might (sadly enough), but I wont. The only reason I don't want him dead and burried (though I can promise you I would gladly have danced on his grave), is that Hermione would die too and she doesn't deserve that. I am also angry at the others for giving her such a hard time, showing so clearly what a bunch of selfserving prats they are, for Severus I am way past anger, my dislike for him knows no limits and I am trilled that Hermione finally snapped and ran, hopefully she will stay away, hidden from all of them, so long that they really have to realise how lost they will be without her. As usual I am crossing of days on my calender while waiting for the next Thursday to arrive:-))

buffyslayer2009.08.13 - 03:20AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
What does a girl have to accomplish to get some small amount of positive acknowledgement? Merlin, you'd think everyone has gone completely nutter. To top it all off, she gets stabbed...what the hell, man?!? The way everyone is acting, you'd think Hermione has spent the last two days using kittens like quaffles. This chapter was really provoking, intellectually and emotionally, and I really did enjoy it. Keep up the good work. P.S. Hey, no more Hermione stabbing, okay? That really does hurt, you know.

cabooklover2009.08.13 - 03:15AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
I think my heart just broke. What an amazing chapter. <3 I hope all if well in RL, best wishes and good karma are being sent your way. Update as soon as you can please. :)

kaiserin2009.08.13 - 02:56AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
Wow that was definitly my favorite chapter so far. absolute favorite though everyone is so rude in this chapter they wont let her get a word in and i wont even get started on severus she saves him and then when he finds out about the unicorn blood he of course makes assumptions about it and gets mad at her and poor hermione cant take anymore of it and i dont blame her after all she did to get him back and everyone is mad at her about it. its so infuriating. Lovely chapter thursday seems like such a long ways away hopefully the week goes by fast. Kai

malfoysmirk2009.08.13 - 02:24AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
I can't believe it. he saves him and everyone is not worried about her but instead they are angry for pety reasons. Why is poppy acting like such a witch? Hermione saved him. Also last chapter draco and harry did not believe hermione when she says that severus is in trouble and when she comes back they act like ( insert swear words). Remus is being unreasonable as well. Tonks was not hurt plus hermione did help him out. It feels like the characters in this story don't really care about her but are very selfish. sigh. Sorry. I love this story. Next thursday? That like telling a kid to eat there veggies and they will get the dessert next week. Finally hermione isstanding up for herself.

TheSlytherinQueen2009.08.13 - 02:19AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
wow. That was one of the best chapters I have ever read, in this story and out of all others I have read. You are completely amazing! I don't know how I will survive until next Thursday but I will try my best. If I die of suspense I will never know what happens which is out of the question! cant wait for the next chapter! p.s. I know this is my first review but I usually read this story on fanficion. But you updated this first so I just had to read it! p.s.s. This is my favorite story on this website and fanfiction. it's FANTASTIC!!!

Green Aurora2009.08.13 - 01:27AM41: Thirty-Seven: The MissionSigned
Here are my thoughts: I, too, was confused as to why Severus would threaten to kill her, but a few minutes of rereading led me to think it's about the unicorn blood, and now he thinks he has a cursed life. I don't think he could have said that however, or Hermione would have understood the rage, so instead there is unclear communication and she flees. If all of that is true though, now that Severus has seen that she is a unicorn and even sees the silver blood dripping out of her wound, he has every reason to calm down and try to think about this all logically. He has to consider that she gave him her blood, which he would need to acknowledge might have a different effect than regular unicorn blood, and that should get him to a point where he's willing to discuss things rationally. Right? RIGHT? (Even though it was Castina's freely given blood, that doesn't matter so long as Severus realizes there might be something about it he doesn't know, I think.) Of course, now that Hermione has run off, this provides a perfect opportunity for Severus to take some time to put all the pieces together concerning what Hermione actually did to rescue him and maybe he'll buy a clue about how she feels? One can only hope... I'm angered by everyones' reactions to her rescue though I think they are all in character... I'm a little disappointed in Harry's position but I think that it's true to what we know about him being protective of the people he loves and his tendency to react first and think later. As readers, I think we definitely needed to see Hermione's breaking point. Great job; I wish a week didn't seem like so far in the future!

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