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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

Jelly2009.09.19 - 09:14PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
I'm confused in a thoroughly delightful way...how do you do that??? My guess is that Tracey ambushed Hermione in some way and that Hermione managed to send Severus, Harry and Draco the message before her memory was wiped?? Am I even close? I'd love to be right and I'd love to be wrong. I love when you don't know where things are going. Delicious as always!

graenr2009.09.19 - 08:37PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
Oh, I had my hopes so high for the first half of the chapter...I loved how the scene with Castina foreshadowed Hermione's inability to perceive situations from a perspective other than her own until slapped in the face with it. And, as Severus showed, even when such slapping occurs at times. Still, when she was in the library and he began wandering the halls I began to have hopes that he'd correctly caught the implications of her statement on reflection. Instead you leave us hanging with the unforeseen (but expected due to predicted length) plot twist to carry us forward. And I have no clue what it is! Thank you, thank you for the Hermione birthday gift!

Sampdoria2009.09.19 - 07:56PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
First of all, this was a brilliantly written chapter, just as the rest of the story have been. I have said before that I am not much of a Severus fan in this fic, and while the previous chapter gave a glimpse of hope that there was hope for him (even if I thougth Hermione to be a fool for so easily forgive him), this chapter more than shows me that your Severus aint my cup of tea. That said, I am not to happy with Hermione either. Severus comes out as a stereo-type abuser; everyone else is to blame for whatever wrongs comes his way, and if he ever (at least in his own mind) makes a mistake, he sees no reason to make amends for it. That said, Hermione is just as stereo-type as victem, in stead of standing up for herself, cut her losses and state that she deserves better than this, she allows it all because she "loves" him, and she will rather be abused by him than risk loosing him. I am quite sure she will find perfect excuses for what he just did, "the poor man only wanted to see if she was an imposter" or "he only tried to protect her, looking for anything that could have altered her personality" It doesn't really matter what his resons were, she will find them acceptable anyway, and I admit that it makes me sad. I still think that this is one of the best HP fanfics written, both in writing and plot, there is no doubt about that. I don't have to love or even like your characters to say so, the fact is that you write them brilliantly. This is your story and you, as any author, is free to portrait the characters as you please. I can only hope that the "victem-role" Hermione seems so eager to play, aint portrated as a sign of true love at the end.

verasuspense2009.09.19 - 07:48PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
For two such brilliant people, Hermione and Severus certainly are stupid ! Severus *told* her that he thinks she settled for him when she would have preferred someone else to take her virginity, and she just *doesn't get it* ! She's going to hide her feelings even more carefully, instead of telling the idiot that OF COURSE he's the one she wants ! I don't trust that Tracey.

LauraK2009.09.19 - 07:43PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
Hmmm, I think Tracey's a bit more powereful than anyone knew. Is she a Legilimens? Did she put Hermione under Imperius? I'm hoping that if Severus got into Hermione's mind at all, he discovered her true feelings for him. THANK YOU for the bonus chapter!! Only 4 days til the next one now...totally doable. :D (Maybe you could make this the new pattern of posting......) :)

MlleGigi2009.09.19 - 07:19PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
I'm very happy that you were able to provide us with an update in the middle of the week, but nevertheless...ACK!!!! What an evil, evil cliffie! The fact that Harry and Draco were summoned by someone using MindSpeech suggests that something is very, very wrong. Given that Severus was running his fingers through her hair, I'm inclined to suspect that he was trying to find out if one lock of her hair is shorter than the others (suggesting that perhaps someone might have used a spell to cut some off without her knowledge for use in a Polyjuice potion). I hope she's all right -- a headache so bad that it made her pass out can't be a good sign.

amber prophet2009.09.19 - 07:16PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
Damn you and your cliffhangers!!!! DAMN YOU!!!! (Oh and thank you so much for bonus chapter full of bonusy goodness! I *thought* there would be one today and YAY!!!!)

kymmy2009.09.19 - 07:07PM47: Forty-Three: The CommunicationsSigned
Huh? You're going to leave us hanging till next Thur like that??? Did Tracey do something to her? Is that why the narrative just stopped there and went back to the library? Who would want to get them all together? Perhaps someone(s) else stopped her after her meeting with Tracey and obliviated her? And Severus causing her more pain.... Well, here's to waiting on the edge of the seat for next Thurs.

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