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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

Amr2009.07.16 - 01:02AM34: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part Two)Signed
Thanks for the lovely long chapter. The back-story about Solace/Sorrow was very clever, and although I initially thought it contradicted what you'd said about her before, I checked back and I now see that your emphasis simply misled me. The bit about Hermione being her descendant was a surprise, but I'm puzzled about how Harry's blood can count as the third Slytherin. The fact that he shares blood with Voldemort doesn't really work, since it was Potter blood originally--even Voldemort doesn't have Slytherin blood now, since his blood is Harry's, not his original heir-of-Slytherin blood. Unless something was transferred along with the Curse that Failed? The scenes with Severus were beautifully done. You've shown us very clearly now how much he cares for her, but at the same time made it reasonable that she distrusts and rationalizes that caring as something else. Looking forward to next week, as always.

Author's Response: I'm glad that you enjoyed the chapter and the back story. I certainly tried to make everything consistent, though I might have ended up being a little ambiguous in the early bits so that I didn't get mired down in too much back story until it was time to reveal all, as it were, in this chapter. In order to enact this particular spell, the three casters must have a (familial) blood bond to the person they are casting on. Voldemort was reborn with Harry's blood, but I always considered that that was only *part* of him and that he would still retain his ancestry in the reborn body as well as the addition of Harry's blood. (Though this is perhaps debatable, it's the premise I went with for this fic). Hermione and Harry don't share blood, therefore, but they both share it with Voldemort, and that's what they need to work the spell. I'm pleased to hear that you found the scenes with Severus so effective here. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Snarkykitty8242009.07.16 - 12:53AM34: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part Two)Signed
Teehee, I was wondering about the Mindspeak thing. It didn't seem like it should be only the Pure Adults who could manage it; maybe just them and their mates, or somewhat powerful wizards (Albus), but I didn't think it would be isolated so much. I enjoy the thought of Hermione being distantly related to Salazar Slytherin, as she is clearly far too cunning to be just a Gryffindor (no offense to that house, but especially after re-witnessing Harry's attempts to get Slughorn to tell him his true memory, I'm disinclined to call them entirely clever). Hmm, what else... *tries to remember everything that happened* Ah yes, I'm so glad Severus is back to being somewhat gentlemanly. The two of them are still stepping around one another carefully, but they've stopped storming at each other. Huzzah! Can't wait for next Thursday! Thanks for another fantastic update! ~SK824~

Author's Response: I'd say the Pure Adults manage MindSpeak more naturally than others do (or at least, that they have the connections to learn it more readily), but it's not something that is actually reserved solely for them. I waffled way back when (as I was originally writing, I mean) about whether I actually wanted Hermione to be related to Salazar (as I love her being Muggle-born to blast the pure-bloods out of the water), but since idea of "pure blood" is so stupid anyway, I thought it would actually be interesting to play with the implications of the known and unknown descendent, etc. (Harry definitely has a very … open method of subterfuge, lol.) As for the, er, not storming, it comes and goes depending on the surrounding circumstances. ;) Thanks, as always, for the review. ^_^

apples1234562009.07.16 - 12:49AM34: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part Two)Signed
whos at the door, and who are viktor/hermione heard by?! post post post:)

Author's Response: *grins* Nearly there, now. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Shiro Ryu2009.07.16 - 12:40AM34: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part Two)Signed
Another great chapter! So, I have to wonder who is at the door? If I go by the implication from the authors note then unfortunately it is not Severus. That man needs to have some sense slapped into his head. Anyway, I can't wait for your next chapter. Thank you.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and are looking forward to what's coming up next. I think a number of characters need sense knocked into them, lol, but alas, they will continue to be their stubborn selves. ;) Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Snarkykitty8242009.07.16 - 12:28AM33: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part One)Signed
Wow, two updates (sort of)! I was about to complain that there wasn't an update in honor of the HBP movie (for which I too sat in line for several hours, chatting up the charming fellow dressed up as a half-blood prince...), but then I remembered that your story is too wonderful to complain about anything. :) On to Part Two! Yay! ~SK824~

Author's Response: (I'm impressed about your handy seating arrangements while you were waiting in line. ;) ) Had you complained about the lack of special HBP update, you would, of course, have received the same "But I had to go *see* the movie" response that others did. ;) And really, since the chapter went up on Wednesday, the same day as the movie, I don't think stones can be cast on this one. ;) Thanks, as always, for the review. ^_^

Jaya2009.07.16 - 12:25AM34: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part Two)Signed
And that was certainly awesome. Alas, I missed part 1 at first! It was only when I came to review that I noticed everyone was talking about two parts. XD This was brilliant, I am glad that Severus is no longer being quite so silly about things. I need more... but I always need more. Also, the last line of part two made me go DUN DUN DUNNN. So glad I am not reading this in public :D :D <3

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it—and made it back to part 1 and hopefully found that everything made more sense once you'd read that one. ^_^ Severus's silliness comes and goes depending on the circumstances. ;) More is nearly here now. It's usually safer for me not to read fic in public places, too; I get very involved. :D Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

AmyLouise2009.07.15 - 11:52PM34: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part Two)Signed
Such a treat to get two new chapters, and I love the thought you've given to the problems with the wards and how the knowledge was passed to Hermione. I'm content to let the Severus/Hermione relationship sit for a while; for now, it's more important that he will help her in resetting the wards. As I'm sure he will.

Author's Response: I'm pretty sure that this is one of the longest chapters in fic, so it probably won't be necessary to split very many of the others, but I'm glad it made you feel as though you got more this week than usual. Hearing that a reader is ready to be patient about the HG/SS is always useful in this fic. ;) Thanks, as always, for the review. ^_^

KatCzar212009.07.15 - 11:33PM34: Thirty-Two: The Meetings (Part Two)Signed
Yep, greatest gift ever, finding two new chapters. Very good. I love the parts where you can tell Snape's feelings for Hermione. Also Hermione turning out to have Slytherin blood in her was a big surprise and very well done. And i like the plan she has for killing Voldemort. Can't wait for the next chapter, even though it has Victor in it and will probably lead to another miscommunication between Snape and Hermione, sigh. But love this story and you!

Author's Response: LOL I'm delighted that you, too, were happy with the long chapter that wound up split in two and that you like what you can work out about Severus's feelings. I was actually of mixed feelings about making Hermione a descendent of Salazar because I'm quite fond of the notion that she's Muggle-born and very powerful and that pure-bloods are therefore completely out to lunch. On the other hand, since the idea of "pure blood" is actually quite ludicrous to begin with, the notion that blood is intermingled all over the place and even those proud pure-bloods can lose track of blood that they consider so "precious" is kind of fun to play with—not to mention that the fractional portion of Salazar's blood that Hermione has in her is in fact so small that it should mean nothing (except that it means a fair bit to pure-bloods and has lingering magical implications). I'm glad that you like the anti-Voldie plan and that you're looking forward to what's coming up next even if you're anticipating some misunderstandings, lol. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

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