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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

greenenvy162009.06.18 - 12:00AM28: Twenty-Seven: The TransformationsSigned
I am curious to find out why Hermione couldn't do the transfiguration. Also, who grabbed her arm? Another wonderful cliffhanger.

Author's Response: What excellent curiosities you have. :D I'm delighted that you are terming the cliffie "wonderful", lol. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Jaya2009.06.17 - 11:55PM28: Twenty-Seven: The TransformationsSigned
D: No! A cliffhanger! Now is this arm siezer, Severus? I was wrong last time. Very well done. I shall read this again after I eat lunch. :D :D I agree with the previous poster. I love it when you manage to post two chapters together. Of course, this is mainly because of the cliffhangers. If you'd finished the chapter before she got randomly grabbed in the corridor, I wouldn't be being slowly eaten by my curiosity.

Author's Response: LOL Cliffhangers are the fic way of life. You're supposed to be curious. :D I'm not, of course, going to give away who it is at this point but am going to make you suffer all the way to Thursday. ;) Sadly, the bonus chapters are infrequent. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

LauraK2009.06.17 - 11:27PM28: Twenty-Seven: The TransformationsSigned
Well...I bet I know who the arm-seizer is! I sure wish we could get 2 chappies at a time more often......pleeeeeease?!

Author's Response: LOL I'm glad you've got theories. :D Sadly, the bonus chapters are generally few and far between. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Mystress_Kenobi2009.06.17 - 11:39AM27: Twenty-Six: The ReplacementSigned
Great chapters as per usual. I was really pleased that you used linda Turpin from ravenclaw to show that the war is a divisive element beyond the gryffindor and slytherin houses. I think you left out a 'd' from "ron hear*d*" I think near the tenth paragraph ;) I could be mistaken though. Victor krum at Hogwarts is going to be so exciting for a reappearance of jealous!snape tee hee hee, I can't wait. I'm hoping that she ends up at his door once more, then gets into an argument with him about Victor then she can kick his butt, or maybe harry and Draco have made up by this point and will help with the butt kicking. Still, poor Severus *pout*.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter (and still have some sympathy for Severus, lol, even if you think he needs to get kicked about a bit. ;) ) Since my fic focusses on Gryff/Slyth relationships and the main characters are Gryffs fighting against the ultimate Slyth bad guy, it's hard to give the Huffs & Raves as much screen time as they deserve. But the war *does* reach everyone, and it seems very silly to me to only ever have Gryffs and Slyths fighting it out; I'm glad you agree. The missing "d" was indeed a typos; thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'm glad you're looking forward to jealous!Severus (there are so many of you out there who are, lol). Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Avelynn Tame2009.06.16 - 12:36PM27: Twenty-Six: The ReplacementSigned
This is a phenomenal story! I saw a recommendation for it on livejournal last week and it took me a while to work my way through each chapter because they are deliciously long (I'm thrilled that this is the case, by the way). Words can't fully describe how much I love everything about this story. The characterisations, in particular, are wonderful. I love what you've done with Hermione - she's my favourite character, and it's often hard to find stories which do her justice. I particularly like the fact that this entire story is set from her point of view. I have a special level of respect for authors who do this; it must be so tempting to switch to another point of view in order to divulge extra information, but I prefer the way you've written this story. We only know what Hermione knows, which in a way makes each chapter a waiting game. As for Snape - I don't even know where to start. I'm in love with the way you've written him, even if I do want to give him a swift kick up the backside right now. All the way through this story I've made various deductive leaps about his feelings and motives, but you have the ability to make me doubt myself with each and every chapter! I'm eagerly awaiting future chapters in order to see how he interacts with Viktor. Every time you put Snape and Hermione together, I have to force myself to read the scene slowly, because I get so excited about their scenes together that I tend to rush through them. The plot is AMAZING. Your brain must be amazingly creative if you can come up with something like this. You've clearly put a lot of thought into the Pure Adult storyline and background, and much as I try to come up with predictions as to how it will all pan out, I can't decide on anything definite. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I can't wait for the next chapter. Please arrange for Viktor to punch Snape in the face so that I won't feel the urge to climb into my computer and do it myself. ~Ave

Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to leave such a lovely review. I'm delighted that you've joined the TPWP band-wagon (and I'm always happy to learn that I've been recc'd somewhere). ^_^ Hearing from readers who are pleased with my Hermione is always particularly pleasing for me; I know that we don't all see her the same way and that my way is by no means the only way to write her, but I did put a lot of effort into making her a "real" character (to lesser or greater success depending on whom you ask, of course). It is often tempting to switch to other POVs (occasionally there are scenes that positively scream for it), but I like the "deep immersion" POV that you get sticking with just one character (I'm not sure I've actually ever written anything that's from more than two characters' POVs, and even then it usually switches in large chunks). *I* want to give Severus a kick much of the time, but I think that's an important part of being true to his character. ;) I'm flattered that you think so highly of the plot, and I'm glad that you're making predictions and looking forward to what's coming up next. Thanks again for reviewing. ^_^

happykat2009.06.16 - 01:09AM27: Twenty-Six: The ReplacementSigned
Nooo! It's not lucky of me that you update only once a week!!! I NEED stress relief!!!! Amazing as always! I have to admit, even though I am female, I was in pain with Severus' enorgio/slicing technique... Owww...

Author's Response: LOL Maybe it's safer if you're getting that sort of stress relief only once a week. ;) Thanks for taking the time to leave another review. ^_^

Helena2009.06.15 - 01:53PM27: Twenty-Six: The ReplacementSigned
I laughed my arse off. How funny is it that Viktor has come running, and he's so protective of Hermione? Now Severus is really going to be thrown through a loop: is it Harry? is it Draco? is it Viktor? No you daft bat, it's you! Hermione, as ever, is astonishing in her ingenuity (replacement teacher sorted with just one letter) and composure (not even a flinch when Severus treated her like dirt). What a wonderful story this is! Keep up the brilliantly entertaining work!

Author's Response: LOL I'm glad you enjoyed Viktor's arrival; it's hard to blame Severus for his confusion all the time, isn't it? Hermione knows the most interesting people (I've always found it rather hilarious that she really is the one in canon who knows Viktor so well when the other two care about Quidditch so much), and she's ... often used to Severus treating her like dirt, sadly. Thanks, as always, for the review. ^_^

Moyra2009.06.14 - 01:27PM27: Twenty-Six: The ReplacementSigned
Victor seems to be rather fond of Mila Moya, coming to Hogwarts just because of a short inquiry from her. I am quite curious how this new (y-) factor will change the dynamics of the equation. --- Hopefully Severus will not be punished by V. for his inability to put H. under detention. And hopefully Harry & Draco will solve their problem

Author's Response: Viktor does rather, doesn't he? *whistles innocently* I'm glad you're looking forward to what's coming up (but I will, naturally, refrain from spoiling you). Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

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