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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

Nerdlee2009.05.28 - 10:36AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
It would be embarassing to mantion how very close I just came to a good hard cry. That was wonderful. Awkward, but beautiful. And then it quickly became truly horrible. You make me feel, Babe. You make me feel. ~Mia

Author's Response: *hugs Mia* I'm happy (in a "pleased author" not a "sadistic person" sort of way ;) ) that the chapter affected you so much. Thanks, as always, for the review. ^_^

verasuspense2009.05.28 - 10:36AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
Hermione is British. It would be Mills & Boone heroines, not Harlequin ones.

Author's Response: Thank you. I've now corrected to the right romance novel heroines. ^_^ Being very Canadian, I miss these things sometimes, so it's great to have readers keeping an eye out for me. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

kymmy2009.05.28 - 10:30AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
please don't leave it there! please update sooner than next week. heck, you could update everyday and I'd be so, so happy. Love this story, but it is just cruel to leave it here.

Author's Response: Sorry to disappoint with the weekly update. If I didn't have to earn a living, I could probably swing the daily updates, but sadly, my employer expects me to come in five days out of seven and do productive things that have nothing to do with fanfic. ;) I'm glad you're enjoying the story, though, and I hope you're hanging in there. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

OzRatbag22009.05.28 - 10:28AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
Whoah! What a culmination to this portion of the story. :)

This is about the third time I've read through the story, and my apologies for waiting so long to review. I only found it last week actually. ;)

Where to start? The premise is wonderfully original and the whole idea of Pure Adults is one I've never seen before. It works on so many levels, and the inclusion of Fawkes and the unicorn herd adds immensely to the story arc. But, it's the journey of both Harry and Hermione as they discover the news and then the machinations in place to determine the two prizes for either the Ministry or Voldemort - whoever manages to snag the pair of them first.

The magic and spellwork you've created to underpin the story works on a great many levels, and Hermione's creativeness to conceal their status is really brilliantly original. Couple that with the advanced defence training and the growth in the friendship between Hermione and Severus - and it all works very, very well.

But, it is this chapter that has the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Severus made me want to climb through the screen and smack him, but it's his defences and Hermione's vulnerability in acceding to his invitation that make this such a powerful chapter.

The juxtaposition of Harry and Draco just make the whole scenario all the more debilitating. It really makes me wonder if Severus can really be that thick. Hermione says clearly in an earlier chapter that Pure Adults are distinguished because they aren't unchoosy about their potential partners. It makes me wonder if the crux isn't that Pure Adults have to lose their virginity to a loved one? That works for Harry and Draco, and had it been anyone other than Severus, it's doubtful Hermione would have acquiesced to the night.

This of course leaves Fawkes and Castina essentially picking up the shattered pieces of Hermione's soul, Harry being forestalled from scattering bits of Severus all over the castle, and Hermione finding the distance to coherently illustrate how much Severus meant to her in the first place.

Should be a fun ride. :p

When I read this for the first time last week, it was a very greedy first read, and it seemed prose heavy on that initial read. However, to take back my one criticism, I've found (happily) on further re-reads it actually is a joy to read this story - and the vivid descriptions add so many more layers than might have been otherwise in a shorter story. My only other criticism follows on my greediness - it's a cruel fate to have to wait another week to see the morning after fallout, but I shall no doubt survive. :D

Happily added to my favourites - and if you hadn't worked out by such a long review, to put it succinctly, I adore this magical world you've created and extrapolated from the known canon. :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a detailed review (and OMG for knowing how to make paragraphs in a review--please share your wisdom with the uninitiated *is hopeful*). It's delightful to hear that you have found my fic so original and that the "prose heavy" grew on you in the re-reads (and it's always lovely to hear from readers who find the fic worthy of re-reading). This is my first fic quite like this, and it's been very interesting to see how other people respond to it. I'm pleased that you found this chapter as powerful as I wanted it to be. So little is known for certain about Pure Adults that Severus would never let himself make assumptions about Hermione losing her virginity to a loved one (even if that's where the reader wants him to get to, lol). The weekly updates are generally enforced in order to give my readers the best version of the fic possible (and to prevent me from losing my job by never going). Thank you again for taking the time to review so thoroughly and I hope very much that you continue to enjoy the ride. ^_^

trulymadly2009.05.28 - 10:00AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
Wonderful story, finally they are together....and then such a shock: I'm completely at a loss why they do NOT communicate their feelings. Both are highly intelligent and do not perceive the other's true feelings??? From all that what Hermione has already said to and done for Severus he must have a clue and - imho - vice versa, too :-))) To be honest, your latest cliff hanger has haunted me for hours. Please let us not wait too long for the reconciliation they need and deserve - in view of the impending war and especially with regard to their mutual contributions of their special strengths caused by that night's sex. I assume they have to teach each other how to deal with whatever the significant other received, haven't they? :-)))

Author's Response: LOL There's having a clue, not *letting* yourself have a clue, and all sorts of hang-ups that prevent you from seeing the clue. I think Hermione and Severus suffer from all of the above. ;) They don't do things easily, anyway. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

namelessgal1232009.05.28 - 09:22AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
No no no! I certainly wasn't expecting the loss of Hermione's virginity this chapter, but was so pleasantly surprised by how wonderful it was - including all the little misunderstandings and quibbles that seem to define Hermione and Severus' relationship and make it so endearing. But I feel nearly as heartbroken as Hermione by the end, poor dear! Severus, why must you always push everyone away before they get too close to you!?! And that little extra twist of the knife seeing Harry and Draco so happy! This chapter was a veritable roller coaster of emotions, but lovely in its own heart-rending way. On a side note, I was listening to La Traviata while reading this chapter, and the pace of the music happened to coincide perfectly with my own, creating an even more intense experience. I'm in tears here!

Author's Response: I'm delighted that you found it both wonderful and heartrending (pretty much where poor Hermione is). Severus *sigh* has some very engrained habits and methods of reasoning that aren't necessarily the most brilliant ever. Fun that you ended up with the perfect soundtrack for you as you were reading. (I'll trust that they're tears in a good way.) Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

Losumi2009.05.28 - 08:37AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
Arrrrgggh -- Leave it to those two to so totally screw up communication! However, I have every bit of faith, dear author, that you'll straighten them out in your own sweet time. Right? RIGHT???!!!!!????

Author's Response: LOL *Not* understanding one another is indeed something they are good at. *whistles innocently and avoids answering the last question* Thanks for taking the time to leave a review again. ^_^

aalikane2009.05.28 - 08:13AM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
sooo NOT what I meant when I said i wanted to see H/S push forward with their relationship. Although...it would be amusing to see that Harry/Draco didn't have sex that night, just to see Hermione's reaction. Great job, keep it up :)

Author's Response: LOL I suspected it wasn't quite how you expected it to unfold, but sometimes these things come about in unexpected ways. Hermione would indeed have quite a shock if Harry and Draco didn't have sex. Thanks for taking the time to review again. ^_^

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