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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

jaemistoryteller2017.12.23 - 11:34PM57: Fifty-One: The Questions (Part Two)Signed
Well that was another rollercoaster ride! I understand why she told him, but he didn't actually let her get to the age part, cause the math just doesn't add up, the silly man.

jaemistoryteller2017.12.22 - 12:06PM55: Fifty: The ConfrontationsSigned
What a rollercoaster ride of emotion! Its good that Draco & Ron figured managed to figure things out. Of course Hermione would offer her best friend comfort when having a nightmare. At least Severus understood about the nightmare, even though he was slow on the uptick about the potion. Those poor children, still living means living.

kudlatek2017.05.17 - 07:01AM69: The EpilogueSigned
Absolutely bloody brilliant! One of thebest fics I've ever read. I always enjoy stories where Hermione is more powerful than Harry - all in all she is the intelligent one ;) Thank you for this amazing fic!

joots2017.04.21 - 08:16PM69: The EpilogueSigned
I have to say, after years of being gone from reading fan fiction, I remembered your story and just finished re-reading it. It is still such a great story! Thank you for sharing! I love your characters and the story you told. Great job!

dinopyte77942017.01.05 - 10:12PM69: The EpilogueSigned
My phone ate the notes that I kept while reading this. I debated even coming back to comment, but your fic is still on my mind. So, without further ado; The first dozen or two chapters were incredibly frustrating to read. It felt like you went in without an outline and threw in background information as it popped in your head. Much of it was important information that deserved more than a paltry and gimmicky flashback. I didn't like how it started out with Hermione and Severus as order colleagues on first name basis with a substantial history. You should have began a book or two earlier to do your story justice. Most of your supporting characters were too far out of character for my liking. I didn't like how Ron was written out for most of the fic. I wish that you had highlighted Hagrid somehow, since his and Hermione's friendship predated the golden trio, and she went through extraordinary lengths in her 3rd year to assist him in numerous was. I enjoyed Severus and Hermione's relationship, as the misunderstandings they had seemed plausible. Your Hermione was subtly different from canon; J.K. wrote her as brilliant, book-smart, logical, a quick study and quick-thinking. You wrote her as all of the above, but emphasized her power. I love seeing a strong female lead, but it didn't ring quite true. I could have gotten fantastically inebriated if I drank every time you used the word disseminate. Perhaps that's nit-picking, but I wanted to throw a thesaurus at you. You would have benefitted from an editor to substantially trim this fic. Many thoughts were hashed and rehashed time and time again. It was irritating and distracting; it was so long that I found myself forgetting important information that had been glossed over in favor of mundane and repetitive details. That being said, I appreciate the time and effort that went into writing this piece. The premise was unique and intriguing. Kudos.

Sampdoria2016.10.30 - 03:26AM69: The EpilogueSigned
I have spent the last week reading this story all over again, and there is no doubt one of the epic fanfics that will go down in history as one of the must reads that rival the original. Excellent work.

Moonchild2016.09.30 - 12:26AM69: The EpilogueSigned
I have just finished your story... and put my life on hold for about a week to do so. And it is amazing! Truly an epic! I even have a little ficlit in my head on how it would continue... and I love when a story does that. Keep on writing!

Pixie Dust2016.09.07 - 04:26AM69: The EpilogueSigned
I just read this again. I am fairly certain that it is the best fanfic ever written. If this was a book (and the characters were yours) I would buy the whole series! Thank you for spending so much time on this and sharing it with us.

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