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Reviews for The Problem with Purity

DistinctVagueness2011.10.30 - 09:18AM69: The EpilogueSigned
This has been an absolutely delightful read - and stretched over quite a long period of time for me, as I started it just before I began a new job and have had barely any time to read at length. You've certainly kept me well-occupied on long train/Tube journeys! It must have been a task indeed to sustain a fic of this length, and I applaud you on doing it so well. There's a lot of nice plot-interweaving going on which I enjoyed and a good balance of characters. I particularly liked that Severus and Hermione, despite the oddness of their relationship, managed to have some of the same initial disagreements and misunderstandings that a lot of couples have until they better understand how to react and read into the other's words and actions. It came across very naturally. I do have to admit that I nearly stopped reading at the first mention of Hermione's visits to the forest and her being an Animagus unicorn - purely because it sounded as if it would stray into fantasy which is not always my favourite SS/HG genre. -However- , I'm absolutely glad I continued reading, because it was a side of the story that was done very well, and I did like the intertwining of the unicorn and SS/HG's relationship. It was particularly poignant when Severus realised the ultimate consequences if he were to die and Hermione to live alone - I think his feelings can be understood very well. He would not understand her need for him to go on living, nor accept that she should also die. It came across very well. I'm amazed at you managing to write so much under NaNo circumstances. I'm considering trying it again in a couple of days (failed miserably when I tried years ago), but with so much going on in my life at the moment, I'm a little terrified of putting myself through it again! Any tips that you have would be appreciated! ;) If I had to say anything negative about this fic - at a stretch - I would say that an edit wouldn't go amiss, purely because it is such a mammoth story. Not necessarily to cut down on the word count, but to examine the most important and poignant plot points and ensure they are as sharp as possible. But, as you say, that would be a very large undertaking, and perhaps a little nit-picky. I think it stands excellently as it is, and is the kind of story you can sink into for days and become well-absorbed. I certainly would like to borrow your tenacity for writing it! Thank you for writing and I've popped this in my favourites. (And, as you asked in a previous chapter, I'm reading from England). -DV

KarySky2011.10.25 - 05:06PM24: Twenty-Three: The InvitationSigned
Okay, I only ever rarely comment on a story.... but now, about a third in, I must step in and comment. I'm compelled to do it. First of all, let me tell you that I find this story astonishing. I love the way you made Hermione, she's perfect. Severus is very in character, and you succeeded in making him act believable. He doesn't just have anger outbursfs for the sake of it (like I read in other stories oh too often). He always has a reason for acting like he does, and that's what I love mostly about your fic: the depth of character. I find Harry and Draco a bit too perfect until now, but, I'm not complaining. They're a nice contrast to Hermione and Severus. Now, back to this chapter.... I physically felt the pain of Hermione. I read the last part of the chapter at work and had to leave immediately after. I swear to God.. I shed one or two tears while I was driving home, and felt physical shudders. It's the first time it happens to me. And I find that absolutely disturbing. I love HG SS fanfiction, but I'm very, very hard to please, and this story, so far, has captured my attention more than any other fanfics, and it comes first in my list of my favourite fic, dethroning my other favourite, entitled The Twenty. I don't know if you still read reviews, but if you do, I just wanted to tell you that you have an amazing gift of details, depth and emotions. I love how you write sex scenes without being disturbingly too descriptive of everything going on. So, now, turning to the next chapter, and I don't think I'll review until the end of the story (if you only knew how many fanfics I stopped reading after THE sex scene) unless there is something else you manage to stir within me, something way too powerful to manage to stay silent.

Tracysgate2011.09.24 - 06:40PM69: The EpilogueSigned
Hi, so it took me about 20 solid hours of reading but here i am. I have to say again how much i love this story.its amazingly intricately written, with such depth of storylines and characters and twists. I know i made a big deal at the start about the moose thing, and thats only because that is the set of scenes that inspired this particular re-reading. I have re-read this story many times, due to many inspirational strikes. lets see, some of my favorite visualizations from this story are: obviously the idea of severus testing different moose recipies, harry carrying the wonded draco on the unicorns back, panther severus playing with Isura, wolf pup sophie and tonks, hermione in horse/unicorn form storming the deatheaters torturing severus, draco with tentacles, the great hall shedding paper hearts, and so so many more. you have painted the story so very well with words that i often feel like i just watched a mini series instead of reading such an epic story. I will no doubt re-read your amazing story again, and i may have revied it before but i can never remember so i usually do it again whenever the spirit moves me. I would be very pleased to hear that this review made you smile like you say so many others do. FYI im northern ireland based. for your map.

Tracysgate2011.09.23 - 05:06PM1: The PrologueSigned
this is one of my favorites, and since i just sat down to re-read it..... AGAIN :)... i was reading your AN and decided to review Before i start.... I Love This... :) and the reason for This re-read...(as i have re-read a number of times) ... the chocolate moose fiasco.... i was reading a different story and the whole moose episode came to mind.... it took me a while to remember which story it was from.. but here i am... I may not finish it tonight.. but i will tomorrow... or i wont sleep .. whichever... it is a labour of love for us too... just wanted to let you know that all your hard work is Repeatedly appreciated.

goldenquillsilverink2011.09.16 - 06:21PM45: Forty-One: The ChildrenSigned
nice how you changed the kid's name from Dorian to Damian

sslover2011.09.15 - 11:07PM1: The PrologueSigned
I am rereading this (or re-re-rereading this?) and am immediately reminded why this is one of my all-time favorites. I just wanted to say thank you for producing such a wonderful story, especially since I will be reading while I am up several times a night feeding my baby.

rainstorm1362011.09.06 - 08:20PM45: Forty-One: The ChildrenSigned
"Here was another strange experience to add to all her strange experiences. Hermione hadn't really thought through the implications on her end of the transformation; she might be the only wizard who'd ever transformed as an Animagus into two different forms. If she'd thought about it more, she might have inadvertently tried to transform Sophia into a unicorn; it was just as well, then, that she'd been concentrating solely on what Sophia would feel." Hermione would not be the only witch/wizard to know two Animagus forms, each one of the werewolves who had been an Animagus before her cure would as well. This is my fifth time through this story -- it's absolutely amazingly written. Each time I re-read it I find something new in it. Good job!!

Aurora2011.09.04 - 01:57AM69: The EpilogueSigned
A beautifully crafted masterpiece!! I am only sad that it is ending, that there is no more to enjoy. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with all of us here at Ashwinder.

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