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Reviews for And They Didn't Live Happily Ever After

Brisinggammen2006.09.11 - 03:26AM11: "Happy Victory Day"Signed
There is a small descrepancy between this and the previous chapter. In the previous chapter Hermione ask Lavender whether the offer of 10 pounds still stands. In this chapter she thinks about the price in galleons. I can't really remember but think they discussed it as galleons in the pub. However, no matter the currency I'm quite looking forward to her next visit with Señor Delgado.

Brisinggammen2006.09.11 - 03:06AM10: “Dead Men Walking”Signed
My sister lives right next to Tower Bridge. I'm going o look for that pub next time I visit. Great story so far. I'm a bit anxious though. These girls need to leave their husbands - partiularly before any kids enter the picture. Rather divorced for the right reasons than married for the wrong! (IMHO)

Miari2006.09.04 - 08:36PM53: “Waiting For the Gods of Weather to Smile”Signed
When will we be treated to chapter 54? It is cruel to make us wait so long, dear lady.

moruelenath2006.09.02 - 04:35PM53: “Waiting For the Gods of Weather to Smile”Signed
*sniff* no new chapters in such a long time! And it's such an amazing story! And I do appreciate that life (and the holidays that our tricky little Muses go on) get in the way a lot, but I'm honestly aching to read some more of this!! Jeni xxx

Kate McGuire2006.08.23 - 01:52AM53: “Waiting For the Gods of Weather to Smile”Signed
Please Please post a new chapter! I am left suspended.

tudorrose15332006.08.19 - 05:02PM53: “Waiting For the Gods of Weather to Smile”Signed
I was recced to this fic at the FIA Forums this past weekend, and read the whole thing through. I'm not a Snape/Hermione fan by any means, but I've read a few fics with the pairing that I enjoyed. I loved your story the best by far! The post-war Ministry is (shockingly, unfortunately) credible. The decree is really a brilliant invention of yours. Snape and Draco as gigolos? Could never have seen it...till now. I love your characterization of Ginny and Hermione, Hermione especially. You've got her down to a tee. I'm a Ron/Hermione shipper in canon (Ron/Pansy in fanon) so I usually see the pair as probable, but you did a really superb job of highlighting all the reasons Ron/Hermione could NEVER work. I have to say Ron and Blaise surprised the hell out of me, and I can't wait to see what happens. Also, the Snape and Hermione scenes are sensuous, stunning and beautifully written. You've done an amazing job. Thanks for putting SO much work into this fic. I'm so glad you're writing it, and I'm looking forward to updates! :-D

shadowcat71302006.08.19 - 04:53PM53: “Waiting For the Gods of Weather to Smile”Signed
Dear lord, I meant for that to be divided up into paragraphs, not lumped into one dauntingly long rambling. Curse this review box. Oh, and note to a previous reviewer - by BN, the betas mean Beta Note (like Author Note), not Nota Bene.

shadowcat71302006.08.19 - 04:50PM53: “Waiting For the Gods of Weather to Smile”Signed
Betz, my lovely! Dear lord, where to start. I discovered this fic last night and read it from about 2PM to 6AM, then a couple more hours today ... and I can honestly say that's some of the most worthy reasons to lose sleep I've had in a long time. The story by itself is simply beautiful - I knew from the first page I read that I'd found another author to love, your writing style is so elegant and perfect. But the embellishments really make it stand out - the fanart, the links to various points of interest, the recipies ... I always say that the SS/HG ship is the most informative one I've ever shipped, and your thoughtful additions are exactly what I mean. However, I think you want to hear praise of your thoughfulness pertaining to the actual story more than your thoughtfulness in the addenda, so - one thing I truly love about this fic is the REALISM. Of course every character has his or her flaws and foibles, but you give us something to like even in those that we want to hate; Ron's occasional thoughtfulness makes him hard to totally despise. Part of this realism is how everything isn't perfect - Hermione and Snape's first time, for instance, was perfect in its imperfection. Equally commendable is how you made these characters (specifically Snape, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco) your own, then stuck to your characterizations, while remaining very true to canon (or at least the spirit of canon). One thing that makes me prefer this fic to Azazello's "But You Alone" is Hermione's reaction to finding out "the truth". Part of what bothered me about Azazello's fic was Hermione's irrationality. I just didn't feel it was authentic for her to react in that manner ... but your Hermione has an inner debate with herself and doesn't jump to shrewish conclusions or decide to throw away everything they've worked for. Another lovely touch was Dumbledore and Minerva - how perfect. It would be so funny for Hermione to walk in on one of Snape's "consultations" with them, or for Snape and Hermione to admit to each other that they've both held debates with the empty air. One thing I didn't quite like (after all this outpouring of praise! but constructive criticism's the best praise, far better than pure adulation) was Draco's character. He didn't feel as fleshed out as did the other main characters, and his tendency to laugh at Snape became a little tedious and indicative of an uncomplex character. Perhaps I'm totally off the mark, in which case, disregard that last and bask in the glow of my well-deserved worship. You are truly one of the masters of this ship. Thank you.

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