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Reviews for And They Didn't Live Happily Ever After

Sokudo Ningyou2005.09.03 - 02:03AM39: “The Edge of Sanity”Signed
This is a new scene; Hermoine going utterly mad to release her stress. It's a nice change of pace, instead of Ol' Logical Hermie.

Author's Response: Yes, things are at a point where logic is useless. Hermione is very stressed and has finally reached her breaking point.

Lana Manckir2005.09.03 - 12:45AM39: “The Edge of Sanity”Signed
Good explanation about divorcing after kids. I loved the chapter, I am glad Hermione found out but I'm not happy at how she did, I mean, I would prefer her to find out from Snape. Although I can understand her reluctance to believe she is in love with her former professor, I still can't shake the annoyance of her reaction. What's so wrong about loving Snape? He showed her his true self, and how wonderful he can be. I mean, that should be enough, and I think she's smart to realize that no one never really knew Snape. I can't wait to read more and I hope she can pull herself together.

Author's Response: Many of your questiosn will be answered in chapters 39 & 40. Hermione has her own reasons to question Snape's sincerity. She's feeling very put out, hurt and betrayed. She feels played, and rightfully so. Hermione has a very distinct view of how she remembers him from years ago - especially the night before her wedding (more on that in chapter 39). And now she has this very different impression that seems completely out of character from whom she remembered. It's like thinking you knew someone you thought you really knew, then came to see this other side you didn't know existed. More on the way.

joots2005.09.03 - 12:26AM39: “The Edge of Sanity”Signed
Oh my goodness, where to start? I was giddy when Hermione realized she was in love, and worried to death when she started having her panic attack- Snape is good! I believe it's time I mention how amazingly cool I think it is that you share all the outside information with your readers in your Author Notes- I find myself looking forward to reading them. This story has progressed so much, and I'm loving every part of it! I seriously cannot wait for another chapter, I'm so excited to see what happens when she sees Snape again! And then will she be telling Ginny that she knows? Oh my! The possiblities!! Excellent, Thank you!! :)

Author's Response: Yes, just as Hermione is wallowing in that wonderfully fulfilling feeling of being in love, I piss on her parade and have her discover she's fallen for her old professor who has been cruel to her over the years - who she finds physically unappealing (as she remembers him) - and is so much older than her. Chapter 39 is with my 2nd beta and I'll be sending off chapter 40 very shortly to my 1st beta. I'm still writing chapter 41, so more is on the way for sure. I can't say is she'll be telling GInny anything, as that would be telling. What do you think Hermione would do?

Aurealis2005.09.03 - 12:07AM39: “The Edge of Sanity”Signed
Oh SNAP!!!! Hermione is going to go crazy on Severus/Calleo's ass in the next installment.

Author's Response: Well, first you ahve to read chapters 39 and 40, before Hermione meets up with him in chapter 41.

droxy2005.09.02 - 11:40PM1: "The Pub"Signed
how incredibly sad all of this is, but the title says it all.

Author's Response: Yes, this is why I pickled that title. It expolains how the four main canon characters (Harry, Ginny, Ron & Hermione) did not live the happy fairytale ending years later that we can predict Rowling will end book 7 on.

Maela2005.09.02 - 11:19PM39: “The Edge of Sanity”Signed
Finally! Hermione put the pieces together. Now what is our girl going to do with her new realization? Update soon! I'm dying to know what happens next.

Author's Response: Yep. Hermione knows now. She has a lot to think on and deal with. You'll see a lot of her inner thoughts in chapter 39 and 40.

avery2005.09.02 - 10:48PM39: “The Edge of Sanity”Signed
Thinking about it further (your story occupies a rather large chunk of my brain, btw, and I'm not complaining) I hope that Hermione confronts Ginny before she sees Calleo again. Ginny can tell her how Severus is her friend, although, yeah, there'll be lots of guilt/angst/hard feelings on both sides, but really, wouldn't it be better to clear the air before things get more complicated when Hermione does see Calleo/Snape again? On another note, it makes more and more sense that Kingsley was the one in Lavender's office that night. He's obviously sympathetic to Draco and Sev's plight, as is Lavender, who knows the truth about them, and... yeah. I did like the idea of Lavender using her powers for her own fulfillment in an evil Slytherin type way though. The only thing I take issue with about your story is your take on Molly. I know she's protective, but I don't think she's a liar. But one thing out of a hundred is pretty good. As I said before, I hope you update soon.

Author's Response: Hermione may or not confront Ginny. To confront GInny would admit to someone that she knows who Calleo is. Does she want to deal with that? Hmmmm, more in chapter 39 and 40. Molly didn't lie. She really thinks her little baby was molested by that awful, evil manifestation that possessed her little baby. (As you can envision Molly shakng her head) "I know what teenage boys really think about," you can imagine her saying. So she figured that it is better to never bring it up with Ginny than to ask a poor 11 year old girl (or even Ginny as an adult) if the bad man touched her or made her touch herself in a bad way. Remember, the wizarding community has a real problem with counseling, so you can only imagine the mindset that comes with that sort of community. Basically, "If we don't talk about it and pretend it never happened, it's just better that way." So Molly never talked to Ginny about what Tom Riddle's memory did or didn't do to her. Hope that explains part of Molly's motivations and actions - backwards and delusional as they are.

lemonade82005.09.02 - 10:24PM39: “The Edge of Sanity”Signed
Whoa!! Hermione has a lot on her plate, no energy and few healthy coping mechanisms working for her. For all that, she's handling this well!!! (okay, yeah... big lie- am dodging lightning as we speak). Poor thing, she needs a hug and there is nobody she thinks she can turn to now. She seems to feel that Ginny is an enemy, too-- her one friend left that she could tell (certainly not Harry!). The fact is that she has acknowledged that she is in love with Snape. So that will work itself out somehow, I'm concerned but not afraid for that situation. The first question I have for upcoming chapters is what she intends to do with the knowledge that she acquired during her "me time" in the tipi. If she doesn't tell them in a pique of anger, and they get in trouble, she might not be able to forgive herself. But in order to tell them, she either has to see/inform Severus, confront Ginny that she knows, see Draco (yeah,right!!) or owl Lavender. Any way she turns she has to fess up, and I bet that would be a REALLY hard thing for her to do right now when she's holding on by a thread. Oh, and I saw how drunk Harry was and held my breath wondering if he was going to dump his dirty laundry for all to see in the middle of the party. AND MOLLY!!!! I think she got a hold of that diary and has turned into Voldemort herself!! I hope she gets pregnant with another set of twins!!! (mwahahaha). That would keep her busy and out of Ginny and Hermione's hair. Can you arrange that for me?? Thanks!! (only joking!) Great chapter, exciting 'unveiling'.

Author's Response: I do love your reviews. Yes, Hermione is havign a bit of a problem coping with some very heavy news. Death upon divorce if kids are born and the fact she's been lusting after a man she considers abhorrent - or at least one of the most unpleasant men she's ever known. Nope, no one to turn to, but she will have a nice little chat (in chapter 40). There will be lots of things coming up in the next few chapters that will answer some of your questions. I was debating Harry letting lose and saying some really backhanded shit about Molly infront of everyone, but I thought that would best be handled in a future chapter. Molly is a domineering mother who has developed a few habits in order to control and raise six boys and one girl - especially two very mischeivious twins. Molly is a loving mother and thinks she's doing what's best, but some of the things she does are manipulative and not very helpful. So glad you loved this chapter.

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