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Reviews for And They Didn't Live Happily Ever After

Mirina2005.07.08 - 01:44AM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
Aphid Shit.....hmmmm.....thankfully we weren't plagued with that particular problem when we had our jacaranda tree...and that really really nastily delicious cake you have there is EVIL....the last thing i needed was to fix that cake and then eat it!!! Fantasitic again!

Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, that cake is so good. So good I won't make it myself cause I wouldn't stop eating it once I made it.

HelluoLibrorum2005.07.08 - 01:31AM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
Your killing me, Betz! All that tension is driving me nuts! I really need to go and take a cold shower!

Author's Response: You need to take a cold shower? So does Severus. I hope I'm not killing you too quickly. It's so much better when it's a slow kill. ;-)

Lana Manckir2005.07.07 - 10:26PM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
Oh please, do I have to beg you? How much longer do we need to wait? Honestly, this is pure torture! I loved the chapter and I was beside myself hoping they would share one teeny kiss, anything! The cake seems scrumptious, i told my mom about it and she wants to try your recipe. I won't venture as I am not the greatest cook. But I'll be happy to eat it, my mouth was watering just to read Hermione eating it ;-) I know what you mean about the tree, I had a huge one on the front garden of my mom's home in Brazil. The flowers made a lavender rug all over our car, but the dew was just disgusting, I hated it, it would stick to my hand and clothes every time we brushed on the car or the gate. Geez you brought me childhood memories. Your story never ceases to amaze me ;-)

Author's Response: How much longer do you have to wait? Only *I* know...oh, and my betas...but no bribing them for spoilers. I live less than five miles away from the Ghiradhelli Chocolate factory, I can out bribe anyone with chocolate to keep my betas happy and silent.

Yes, it is a very good cake. My mother-in-law is just over the moon about it, as it's so easy and is very moist.

SO you know about jacarandas, too, huh? Yes, and heaven forbid you want to walk out to the mailbox in your bare feet with all those bees going crazy in and around the fallen flowers. Sticky, sticky, sticky...my parents had about five rather large ones around their property - they're gone now. Glad to make you happy envoking childhood memories.

Nyx2005.07.07 - 08:59PM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
Are you trying to kill us all? Are Snape's balls made of titanium? Let the man get a kiss for goodness sakes! Sorry about that...but there is tension and then there is traction. I love this story and am thrilled they did not bang each other from the get go...but man alive I am dying here. (and I am not even IN the story!) Keep up the great work and throw us all a lemon. Something to help deal with the pain! LOL.

Author's Response: Snape...the master of blue ball syndrome. Remember, he was a teacher at Hogwarts for 18 years. What makes you think he was getting much sex when he worked there? What? Shag Pince? Not bloodly likely! And as far as I know, there are no brothels in Hogsmeade, otherwise Fred and George would have introduced Harry to that little delight to get his mind off of his godfather's death. DOn't worry, Hermione and Severus will kiss in all good time...when they are both ready for it. If you want lemons, Severus' night with Miss Anne is coming up next.

sglgiles2005.07.07 - 08:37PM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
This has to be my favourite story of the moment. as soon as a new chapter comes out I read it first (well i am selfish) then tell all my friemds :D I'm generally a bit incoherant and make very little sense made you.. but they get told. I LOVE this story. you are a master.

Author's Response: Your favorite story? Mine? Thanks! (*blushes*) You are perfectly coherent. I know what it's like to favce a favorite story update. I get the same way when For Your Pleasure, Vengeance Is Sweet, Objects of Desire, Subtle, Falling Further In and a few more get updated too. I bow humbly to your enthusiastic praise.

lemonade82005.07.07 - 08:36PM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
She is SOOOO lucky she lost that bet!! ;D I was feeling a bit sorry for Severus when I took a peek at the masks at the addys you left! They probably get a little hot. (well, the full mask, anyway) (Have I ever thanked you for your ANs? Well, I will now. I enjoy them immensly) Severus as Henry Higgens-- brilliant!! I love "My Fair Lady". The dancing was wonderful, and the falling was funny. I'm glad she brought him with her. Shouldn't let those fellas get away with dropping her! lol *sigh* Holding her close.... love the sparks. So Draco is curious, eh? I wondered if he would nose about. Now he knows she's in love. I bet the slytherin in him will try to work that to his advantage somehow. He's got Ginny to bargain for, right? Lots of possibilities, can't wait to see where you take that. Although, he has enough fun badgering Severus about her as it is. :)

Author's Response: Yes, it is rather fortuitous that Hermione lost that bet. She still got what she wanted anyway...CHOCOLATE! I thought I'd let Severus out of the mask for a while. I did state in the challenge that he can hide his identity by any number of methods (blindfold, masks, appearance charms, potions). So glad you enjoy the A/Ns. I was hoping I didn't seem too pedantic, but then thought about people who have never been exposed to some of the things I bring up in this fic.

What girl, who has seen "My Fair Lady", hasn't broken out into that song after a sectacularly good evening out with a handsome roguish man? And more on Draco in the next chapter...it'll be posted in a few days.

pickles2005.07.07 - 06:21PM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
Ahhh possibly more recipes... Yummy...

Author's Response: Sure, more recipes on the way...if Severus will part with them. He's rather selfish and holds onto them like state secrets.

happilyjaded2005.07.07 - 05:57PM30: “Teach Me Tonight"Signed
Please add another Calleo/Snape/Hermione scene to your to do list. This chapter was *sigh* dreamy. I'm addicted, so please keep me out of the meetings by continuing to post in such a manner! ~Elizabeth

Author's Response: Oh, another date between Severus/Calleo and Hermione is on my to do list, but first I must deal with this pesky thing called a plot before we can get to the next meeting between the two. So thrilled you enjoyed this chapter - your dreamy sigh tells me I've hit the mark.

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