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Reviews for And They Didn't Live Happily Ever After

joots2005.07.02 - 09:17PM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
Oh Glorious day- another chapter! I enjoyed hearing from 'Minerva and Albus' again, as well as the tension with Ginny and Hermione. It seems (perhaps?) that Hermione may let on some more to that of her meetings? As for Ron- what is this? Why is he trying again- just when we were ready to welcome Snape with open arms and toss Ron aside (ok, well, almost) he starts acting nice. Although i'm interested in his motives- whether or not he is genuine. Can't wait for another chapter! Thank you! :)

Author's Response: Yes, I do love those little talk Albus and Minerva have with him. It's the only way we get to see the real conflict within him. Hermione wants to tell Ginny about Calleo, but wonders how her friend and sister-in-law would react despite teh fact she's is fucking around on *her* husband. Ron has his reasons behind his actions. His motives are genuine, I can tell you that. More on the way soon.

Nichalia2005.07.02 - 02:56PM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
This story is more addictive than meth.

Author's Response: Oh my, well don't overdose. So glad to have you so riveted to my tale. Thanks! That's a big compliment to me.

spitfirecrackre2005.07.02 - 06:27AM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
It seems like you disapprove of multiple piercings, lol.

It's sad that Ginny and Hermione, or Ron and Hermione don't constantly blurt truths and try to find even ground after. Then again, such a haphazard method would most likely result in er...'irrevocable differences'.

What "escape box"? I'm dead curious.

Author's Response: No, I don't disapprove of multiple piercings, I'm just noting how Hermione has drifted away from the Muggle world and it seems strange to her. Yes, Hermione and Ginny are not saying what they really want to say, and Ron is not saying what he needs to say. You'll learn about teh escape box in ch32.

Somigliana2005.07.02 - 01:23AM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
Ah, sweet denial! You know what fascinates me about this fic? It’s the emotional reaction that it invokes. Close to ten years ago when I was at university, my closest male friend and I began to feel much the same magnetic attraction – on an intellectual and physical level. We were both seeing other people at the time and denial was rife. We left university and carried on with our respective lives, never taking the chance to explore a deeply rooted connection. Your fic makes me feel highly nostalgic and brings back haunting memories of important things being left unsaid. I reacted to this chapter with a bittersweet longing of what might have been.

Author's Response: It seems my fic has struck a chord in you. I hope it isn't depressing you too much. Yes, in this fic there are a lot of things left unsaid by many parties.

cocoachristy2005.07.01 - 10:41PM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
What an emotional chapter! My poor Severus! He is fighting it to the bitter end, though. It is hard on him, with the loss of his wife and child, though. Poor Slytherin. I enjoyed his conversation with Albus and Minerva. As weird as this sounds, I think they keep him sane.
Hmmm Ron. Gonna try now huh? Well its hard to love someone since you were 11, and then suddenly give up. But loving and being IN love are two different things. And, they are used to each other and comfortable with each other, althought there is no passion there...I hope they cut their losses soon! Can't wait to see what you have up next. (I would't cry if is was a good Calleo and Hermione shag) HA HA

Author's Response: Yes, Severus is fighting this tooth and nail. So you caught the part about his unborn "CHILD". Yes, very sad. Albus and Minerva allow him to think the thoughts he does without thinking he's gone soft. It's because of their 'presence' he does not view himself weak, versus if he admitted freely that he has these thoughts and desires within himself.

Yep, Ron is "making amends". About three or fours years too late, but he's trying. Why he's trying shall be revealed later. Yes, no passion between them at all. The SS/HG shagging will have to wait a bit. Have a good vacation.

lemonade82005.07.01 - 08:38PM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
Always good to see an update!! And so quickly.. thank you! Well, now I'm not completely convinced that Ron is seeing Lavender- even though he obviously has much going on that Hermione doesn't know about. He stayed with a mystery person, whispers names when he uh... flies solo, and is taking dancing lessons from another man's WIFE?? He certainly seems to be up to no good. I dunno, maybe he's unfaithful with that wife that is so nasty to Hermione at the games. (?? do I get a cookie if I'm right?? No?? Okay, an update is better than a cookie anyway.) ;D Hey, maybe he is having an affair with another quiddich player. (lol) keep us guessing, you do it as good as Jo. I think Ginny is kind of being a poop, though. She can be mad at Hermione's 'hypocrisy' all she wants, but Hermione isn't sleeping around on Ron. (shakes finger at Ginevra) Notice I'm not mad that she's found love with Malfoy. You did a good job of showing her motivations there. I wonder why it's so important to Ginny that Hermione confides in her about Calleo. Maybe she wants leverage against blackmail, or maybe she is trying to break it to Hermione that Severus is Calleo. I guess you'll tell us soon enough! (actually... I like that your characters aren't perfect-- don't take my comments wrong. I still love them, even when they act difficult.) Anyway, nice chapter.

Author's Response: I'll bake an extra batch of cookies in case you are right, but if you are wrong, it's gruel for you. ;-) Things are certainly pointing in that direction, but there is no concrete proof yet that he is cheating on Hermione. Ginny and Hermione are both being hypocrites. Hermione rationalized that she is not sleeping with Calleo physically whreas Ginny is, and Ginny because Herione is married to her brother. Perhaps Ginny wants Hermione to confide in her beause she knows what a burden it can be to hold such a big secret all by yourself. There are several reasons behind Ginny's desire for Hermione to confide about her visits to Calleo. I know what you mean about "not perfect". No one is without faults or blame for something, even Harry.

Lana Manckir2005.07.01 - 06:19PM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
Oh, so Ron wants to try and make amends. Is it out of guilt? And I mean guilt over something bad he's doing, perhaps? *hint, hint* Come on, let us know more! I know how those things work, he'll act nice and try to spoil her with a few material things, but eventually everything will slip back to the same routine, and then it may even be worse to take than before. Very sad about Sev's wife and his conflictive feelings, poor thing, his mind is in a huge turmoil right now. It was a very emotional and well done scene. I adore you and bow to your greatness! Oh and I won't even comment on Hermione's refusal to see what Ginny means. That infuriates me LOL. Great chapter, can't wait for more :)

Author's Response: Ron could be making amends out of guilt or for some other purpsoe...we shall see. Yes, Ron and Hermione could slip back into old habits and be even more resntful of each other. You are the first to finally mention Severus' inner turmoil over his wife in this chapter. When I was writing that, it was makign me cry, but then again, I know the whole story on Gabrielle. You will too, in time. Yes, Hermione is in the midst of denial and denying she;s being a hypocrite. No one is perfect in this flick, they all have faults.

pickles2005.07.01 - 03:16PM28: “Bright Lights, Big Bookstore"Signed
Another great chapter Betz. What's in Hermione's secret box? is it something that snape malfoy mrs potter and mrs weasley could use in case of an escape? thank you for the new chapters. have a great 4th of july.

Author's Response: What is in her secret box? It's a secret, of course, you silly! You'll see. It's rather mundane actually, but very practical. You have a good 4th of July too.

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