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Reviews for Lay Me Low

mlmonty2011.03.12 - 01:40AM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
I was confused a bit as to why Voldemort kept referring to Hermione as Severus' consort when they weren't married yet and he appeared to know nothing about them planning it. Thanks for explaining why IN the story so I wasn't left wondering if it was a 'typo' and you actually meant concubine.

Author's Response: Nothing's planned, dear, it's just the way the Muse puts it in my head....glad you're enjoying it!

Elou2011.03.11 - 10:48PM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
Wonderful. Such wonderful dialog between them all. The whole scene had me waiting the entire time for the other shoe to drop. For Voldy in his self absorption to remove his head from his own rear, and see that they were pulling he fleece over his eyes. But thankfully conceit wins out, and they are victorious. Lovely, indeed. Well written. Thank you again for sharing~Elou

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your feedback - I really appreciate it!

severus492011.03.11 - 08:15PM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
Something tells me in the future that Hermione and Narcissa will be come allies for a reason. My only hope is that Voldeybutt is dead before he realizes Hermione really is not pregnant.

Author's Response: Stranger things have happened...

Kermit 12011.03.11 - 07:06PM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
You continue to amaze me with this outstanding story. Now that they have a cunning plan they will surely bring the war to an end. I am very curious about what Hermione planned. Yes, together they can face anything as it was just demonstrated with Voldemort. Wonderful chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. It comes from being an only child with an imaginary friend and a very overly active imagination...

Ethylene2011.03.11 - 05:24PM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
Nice everything! Your characterization of Voldemort seemed the right blend of simmering viciousness and eloquent hubris. Hermione shone. Severus an anchor. Can't wait to read the coming chapter. Cheers :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much!! It's on it's way very, very soon!

Fizzabella2011.03.11 - 02:24PM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
Amazing. I love how Hermione emboldens Severus and how he calms her. Really intriguing. I am always glad to see a new chapter to this story:) Warm regards, Fizzabella

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Fizzabella! I am feverishly working on Chapter 17, and I have a new beta who's pretty quick, so I hope to have it out there very soon.

dirrtieshorrtie2011.03.11 - 01:02PM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
It seems to me that Voldemort has more feelings for Severus than he is letting on. He is always "sensuously" touching him, almost as if he wishes it could be more, but not wanting to lose his power over him. As if Voldemort wishes to be lovers, but refuses to lose control. I may be totally wrong, and probably am, but there seems to be something more within him than he is letting on. "...the most powerful dark wizard the world had ever created." I love this line. It shows that the events around Tom Riddle helped to create the man he is today. It wasn't just that he was born evil, he was shaped by the world and embraced it. Very nice! It is rather scary to think that at one point, Hermione's eyes looked like Bellatrix's while she was before Voldemort. And what did she see in Bellatrix's mind?! I like the comparison Hermione makes between Narcissa and her when they first arrive and when they leave. "I’m going to keep you with me and make sure you marry me, before you come to your senses and change your mind." Love it!

Author's Response: Thanks babe! chapter 17 is on the way...we might have a honeymoon if Severus plays his cards right..

lie2011.03.11 - 10:43AM17: Sixteen: Buy A Dream and Hide AwaySigned
Fantastic, I am always so happy when I see a new chapter is up and this did not dissapoint. I love the way they work together, cant wait to see what they are going to do!

Author's Response: Thank you! We might actually have a honeymoon soon....hey, I'm a poet and don't know it...

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