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Reviews for Lay Me Low

stgulik2011.08.16 - 12:19AM15: Fourteen: Love is Not a Victory MarchSigned
I've been re-reading this over the last few days, and this chapter is still one of the most imaginative and erotic scenes I've ever read. Their relationship evolves so completely over time, which is one of the most engaging things about this story!

Author's Response: Thanks, babe, but you know, if it's any good, it's due in no small part to you!

Toblass2011.08.15 - 10:21PM3: Two: From The Waiting To HearSigned
One has to wonder how much of Severus' attraction to Hermione had to do with the Sirius' unwanted advances...since one wizard wants what the other doesn't have. It seems to go both ways in his instance. The struggle going on in Severus' mind is so well written. Absolutely beautiful. I love this story. It's one of my all time favorites. This Severus is sexy, honest and vulnerable, but has enough darkness as well. Please take as long as you need to finish it...don't rush it, whatever you do.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I feel like I've been doing anything but rushing - I took such a long haitus from the story between 20 and 21. But I appreciate your meaning very much. I do want this to be a good fic from start to finish, and the end is going to be difficult. I think it will be harder to write from about 24 out (hopefully there won't be TOO many more after that!), but I don't want to rush and have everything fall apart at the last minute! Thank you so much for your feedback. It truly means a lot to me.

Harrysgirl932011.08.15 - 05:39PM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
Ahh! Teddy I've savoured this story and gone through quite slowly... I think it's the best damn fanfic ever :D I love the way you've depicted and explored their characters so vividly and intimately, and interlaced your own plot with the books! The gradual build up and how they come to completely adore each other is beautifully done, well done!! I was never really a fan of SSHG until I came across some short stories, and quickly, your 'Morning Falls' - your stories give Snape the redemption and love I think he deserves and I pretty sure I'm in real danger of becoming slightley obsessed! Thank you!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your warm and encouraging words! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate them - wow! As for becoming obsessed - welcome to my world! And stick around, after Labour Day, there will be over 100 different SSHG stories hitting the archives from our Livejournal SSHG Exchange, so you've landed here at a perfect time. I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story, and I promise that I'm updated a lot quicker, now that the Exchange is over. Thank you again for your wonderful feedback.

Toblass2011.08.15 - 02:04PM1: PrologueSigned
I am so glad I decided to re-read this story! I love how Severus rescues Hermione from sleazy Sirius... only to insult her to protect himself, or seemingly so. He is such a passionate and sensitive being, but that of course, he can't let others know that! Onward...!

Author's Response: I'm glad you are enjoying all over again - I can't believe I've been working on the fic since January - and I have about 12 other projects going on as well, but I really want to make this a priority - I've neglected it long enough!

dirrtieshorrtie2011.08.15 - 01:57PM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
I love how she teases Severus after class, knowing there isn't any time to do anything about it. And his reaction is one of want, lust. And she revels in it! Dumbledore... Ugh! Why wouldn't he give her a pass to the Restricted Section for more information on Horocruxes? He expects her to help Harry, but won't let her have access to information that will help him. You bring up a really good point, Why do boys bathrooms always stink? It never fails, they always have a nasty stench about them! The interaction between Draco and Hermione, you are able to see that Draco does want help, even if it comes from a Mudblood, but his pride as a Pure Blood won't allow it. It seems as if he thinks that if he accepts her help, then he will be a failure in Voldemort's eyes and his family will be punished. Hermione's quick thinking was absolutely brilliant! Getting Severus and Poppy to play along sealed the deal. It will take care of the issue of her fake pregnancy, and cement her stance on Voldemort's side, in the eyes of Voldemort. But the plot thickens... Harry noticed the way Severus looked at Hermione. He saw the love in his eyes. Now we just have to see if it will dawn on him, or if he will be just as thick as he usually is and not give it another thought. And now Ron... Ron, Ron, Ron. He is going to make a big issue out of this, isn't he?

Author's Response: Thanks, babe - I'm glad you enjoyed it - I always look forward to your reviews, but you know that already! I think that Harry has seen something important, but how that will factor in later, even I don't know - only DMuse knows for sure! lol I am clipping along a little faster now - Chapter 22 is at the cleaners, and things are hotting up, as usual - wonder what it's like to have a quiet life?

Fizzabella2011.08.15 - 12:30PM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
Do you, by chance, design and build roller coasters? This chapter was one WILD ride! I'm so glad to see it, though, this story is excellent and goes from strength to strength:) Can't wait for the next one:) Brilliant writing, brilliant characterizations! Warm regards, Fizzabella

Author's Response: Thank you so much! Everyone has been so kind and encouraging. I appreciate everyone's patience, and I'm feverishly working on the next two chapters and will hopefully have them up very soon. I'm glad you are still enjoying the story - hopefully there's not too far to go, but you never know with my dear Muse what he'll get up to with this story!

Toblass2011.08.15 - 11:25AM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
Yay!!! I'm sooo happy that you've updated this story with yet another amazingly powerful chapter! The way you describe Severus' love and adoration for Hermione makes me swoon! I'm relieved that the pregnancy issue has been resolved, but they need to be careful if Harry is on to their relationship. Uh oh, and now Ron is starting to imagine things...I am going to go back to the beginning and read it all over again. I've read all of your over stories and I have to say that you are definitely one of my top favorite authors. I hate to be greedy, but...more more more please!! Thank you!

Author's Response: Thank you so much - I was so afraid that after all this time, everyone would have just washed their hands of me! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I will say that the next two chapters are almost finished, so I will be making quicker updates from now on. LOL It's been so long I'm going to have to go back to the beginning and read it all over again - now, where was I? Seriously, thank you for reading, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

aliciana2011.08.15 - 07:46AM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
As I've told you before Teddy, I have to read your updates/stories and then conjugate slowly so that when I write a review it is well thought out,a concise and full of pertinent wisdom and insight. So here is today's.............By gum lass.......that were perfect that were. Seriously though. How clever of Hermione to terminate her faux pregnancy and give them some breathing space....not to mention the non-severity of the sectumsempra curse. Harry really does need to practise his aim. On a lighter note I was in Edinburgh at the weekend (saw Ruby Wax at the Fringe)and as we walked past the Elephant House across the road was a bus advertising DH2 with Ron and Hermione. Do you think JKR ever envisioned that when she was in there writing her books. I had a bit of an epiphany! Looking forward to more and to see how Sev will deal with topping DD. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxxx.

Author's Response: Thank you, Ali - that's as wise and insightful a review as I'll ever enjoy! ;) I really appreciate your patience, and I'm really glad you enjoyed the update. I apologise to you and everyone for taking so long, but 22 is almost done as well, and hopefully I'll update much more regularly now that the exchange is behind us (but what lovely fics are coming up soon!). I wish I could have a little felix felicis, like JKR, so that my book could take off like hers!

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