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Reviews for Lay Me Low

Elou2011.01.12 - 12:45AM3: Two: From The Waiting To HearSigned
Intense, and magnetic. An unseen force pulling me into your descriptive prose. My goodness, I could almost hear the exchange between them. Lovely, indeed. I look forward, with keen interest, to the next installment.u for sharing~Elou Thank yo

Author's Response: I hope you will continue to enjoy the story.

severus492011.01.12 - 12:43AM3: Two: From The Waiting To HearSigned
Ooh, that's deep! I hope Hermione can keep up with it!

Author's Response: LOL I hope I can keep up with it! Glad you're enjoying it.

lmbrewer2011.01.12 - 12:17AM3: Two: From The Waiting To HearSigned
One of the biggest reasons so many girls (and boys) don't report being harassed, they're afraid they won't be believed. I can't believe Dumbledore, he should have more faith in Hermione, or at least Severus. Another excellent chapter. I am anxiously awaiting the next segment. Thank you for sharing.

Author's Response: Thank you. I think the real dilemma here is the matter of trust. Hermione doesn't want to betray Sirius' trust to Harry, she doesn't want anyone else to know because it might be misconstrued, and Snape is the only one who knows the truth and he's got his own agenda. Dumbledore, as we know from the last two books, is very myopic when it comes to his ideal of the Greater Good. I'm really glad you're enjoying the story!

Fizzabella2011.01.12 - 12:09AM3: Two: From The Waiting To HearSigned
This is amazingly absorbing, even enthralling. I can't wait for another chapter. Warm regards, Fizzabella

Author's Response: Thank you, Fizzabella! I'm really glad you're enjoying it. We are about to wade into some pretty murky waters here!

verasuspense2011.01.11 - 11:56PM3: Two: From The Waiting To HearSigned
Dumbledore's acting like the same idiot he was in the canon OotP. Good question: why Didn't he stop Umbridge ?

Author's Response: I never understood it myself. The words 'Greater Good' always come to mind. He really truly didn't think beyond it.

GerbilsRunAmok2011.01.11 - 11:07PM3: Two: From The Waiting To HearSigned
Whoa! That was intense...and Dumbledore's ignorance is frustrating. Why doesn't he believe them? :( Great read so far.

Author's Response: I found that Dumbledore believed that which he chose to believe, unless it collided with his ideal of the Greater Good.

strega2011.01.11 - 08:29PM2: One: Not Enough Fingers To Count The CostSigned
I liyke the way you have written Hermione pertaining to her interactions with Sirius; it seems that I rarely see her as an unsure and frightened teenager as portrayed in your story. I think that this is probably closer to reality when faced with such a situation as she is in with Sirius. I'm also enjoying your portrayal of Snape and his angst over Hermione and the situation he has created out of desperation and pain. Looking forward to more chapters.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I hope to be able to show many facets of Hermione's personality in this fic, and I hope you will enjoy them all.

roosickle2011.01.11 - 06:17PM2: One: Not Enough Fingers To Count The CostSigned
loving the beginning of this story, I have been looking for a new SS/HG to read for a while now, am hoping yo continue this I will add it to my favourites : )

Author's Response: Thank you. This is a WIP (but I don't leave work unfinished), so you may wish to check out my three completed fics here on Ashinder to get an idea of my writing style. Thank you for reading!

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