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Reviews for Lay Me Low

longroot2011.08.21 - 01:54AM21: Twenty: Valley Of PainSigned
Great chapter! I love Hermione's healing love. And I HAVE that Bonnie Raitt album!

Author's Response: Can't go wrong with a bit of Bonnie Raitt! Thank you so much - I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story.

msbossypants2011.08.20 - 06:54PM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
My lord, this is one big coaster ride, haha. One twist right after another... I love how well this effortlessly weaves in with the canon story, and how much of a badass Hermione is. That must have been one hell of a stage school for her to be able to improv so well! I definitely cannot wait for more of this tale to unfold.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! The next two chapters are waiting on the launching pad. I'm so glad you an enjoying it, and I hope you will continue to...

magicalpresence2011.08.20 - 07:00AM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
Wow this is wonderful. I was already wondering how the story was going to go along with canon - but you've just knocked me sideways - the fantastic idea that Hermione (or more, yourself!) had that managed to explain about the baby and Harry at the same time was genius! As well as the thought that Harry might actually work it out 'He was looking at Hermione' that once sentence gave me a little chill - I wonder if he'll work it out! Ooh so excited for the next part!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm really happy you're enjoying the story - everyone has been so patient while I've gotten caught up with my wiritng obligations, so Chapter 22 is in the queue, and chapter 23 is back from the cleaners, and will be uploaded very soon as well. Thank you for hanging in there with it all.

magicalpresence2011.08.18 - 03:21PM19: Eighteen: I’ll Be Thunder, You’ll Be LightningSigned
Woah. I need a cold shower!! That was BRILLIANT.

Author's Response: Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it. Here, let me get that little spot on your back you missed... ;)

braye272011.08.18 - 12:35PM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
This is another roller coaster of a chapter, and I'm fairly worn out after reading it... twice. Hermione's brilliant idea to give the Dark Lord a good reason not to be suspicious when he found out she wasn't pregnant was, well, brilliant. She thinks on her feet and can seize an opportunity with the best of 'em. I'm glad that Severus managed not to hex Harry, but I think I might have cuffed him in the ear. The only good thing to come out of the confrontation between them was that Harry finally managed to Occlude his mind against Severus' Legillimens. I wonder what will come of Harry's realization that the expression on Severus' face was "like anguish, or longing – maybe even love," and that he had been looking at Hermione and not Draco. And what was Ron thinking when he left Hermione and Harry to console each other. He had thought of Hermione as his girl, and now it seems to him that she and his best friend are closer than friends. This could really rock the boat that Dumbledore has placed all his plans for "the greater good" in. I'm delighted to see his update and can't wait for the next chapter. Wheeeee! Beth

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Beth, for the great review - I always look forward to your comments. The next two chapters are getting ready to be posted. Chapter 22 is in the queue, so hopefully it won't be long, and I've just gotten 23 back from Jules the beta, so it won't be long either. There are several things afoot, and hopefully they will answer some of your questions, but they may raise new ones!

KellyJoy2011.08.18 - 12:30AM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
Faking a miscarriage on the fly? With fake blood and everything? Damn, Hermione's hardcore. Though I understand the need for the ruse, I can't help but feel sorry for Draco, as I imagine it'd be harder for him to confide in Severus about his doubts if he really believes he is loyal to Voldemort. I have to say that you're doing a great job at surprising us and keeping us guessing, despite the story following canon. I'll be eagerly awaiting the next update, as usual!

Author's Response: Thank you, Kelly! Personally, I just think she wanted to skive off school for a couple of days and used it as an excuse! The next chapter is in the queue, and the following is at the cleaners, so hopefully the next update won't be far away. Thank you so much for your patience and your continued encouragement and feedback!

magicalpresence2011.08.17 - 10:59PM12: Eleven: I am the Spear as it Cries Out for BloodSigned
That was so beautiful!! I love how Severus has progressed, and how Hermione has changed him. I felt so sad about her parents, and I love that Severus is starting to not care what anybody thinks. I can't wait to carry on reading!! Well done :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my fic and your kind feedback..

BulletTimeScully2011.08.17 - 09:59PM22: Twenty One: Heaven From OneSigned
"He'd been looking at Hermione." I almost died... literally. Maybe Harry isn't as thick as he seems... Hmm... Hehe... Anyhoo, I must say, Teddy, that even though it was an act, the whole 'miscarriage' scene tore me apart. It was a wonderfully played scene, and very well crafted. Harry is also walking a fine line here... his sanity is questionable at the moment. What will happen when he finds out about Severus and Hermione? What will happen when 'the event' comes to pass? Keep on writing, because I can't wait to find out! Superb, as always, my friend. :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Bullet! You know how fangurly I get when you review!! lol I'm glad that everyone has been so patient and forgiving of the long wait, and that this chapter has been so well received. The next chapter is in the queue, and Jules has 23. These are probably the two most intense chapters I have ever written in my life, and I'm finally, finally, feeling proud of his fic. It has become the story I wanted it to be. If I can just hold my nerve and keep my hand stead on the till, I think it will remain that way. Thank you for always encouraging me.

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