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Reviews for Lay Me Low

Drinking chocolate2011.08.28 - 10:18AM14: Thirteen: When We Dance, Angels Will Run and Hide Their WingsSigned
Hey! I never saw until this chapter how *much* of a parallel there was between Hermione's need to prove herself as a Muggleborn and Snape's need to prove himself as a half-blood in Slytherin -- the pureblood emphasis in Slytherin makes his status almost equivalent to Hermione's. I'm seeing now that he knew more than half the seventh-years in general, with the memorized textbooks (like Hermione on her first day) as well as the Dark spells, but it was the Dark stuff that made his reputation in Slytherin so that's what endured. I wouldn't have gotten that without your chapter. It also impresses me that, without my noticing exactly where or how, you have gotten Snape out of his feeling that he *deserves* the worst possible punishments. That characterized his entire mindset at the beginning of the story and Hermione's love has healed that forever and...and...[splutter] just when did you do that? Brava! And similarly, in a more subtle and yet deeper way, you've gotten us past and through the sick feeling of power-imbalance attraction, with its potential for abuse, safely into true love between equals, nothing harmed, everything preserved. A-mazing. Snape thanks you; the readers thank you; Hermione tosses her head and asks how I ever doubted that she and her man could get themselves there.

Author's Response: You know, I am just blown away by your incredibly insightful and thought-provoking reviews. It is so gratifying when you write something that a reader wants to talk about. Thanking you is so completely inadequate compared to the feedback you are providing to me. I cannot properly articulate how validated I feel when I read a review like this. It completely blows me away and makes me feel too happy for words. Thank you again, for making me feel like a true writer.

beanniesalsa132011.08.28 - 03:48AM24: Twenty Three: Revenge Is A Dish Best ServedSigned

Author's Response: Thank you!

Drinking chocolate2011.08.28 - 03:01AM13: Twelve: My Dear SomeoneSigned
Heh. When she was angry about having to thank "him," I thought she meant Dumbledore! So if they have mingled blood and Hermione has risked death for him, does that mean something super-magical runs in Snape's veins...? :-)

Author's Response: It does, indeed.

Drinking chocolate2011.08.28 - 02:34AM12: Eleven: I am the Spear as it Cries Out for BloodSigned
Hmmm. There's quite a difference in Snape's thinking between the time he's exacting revenge on Dolohov and the time he is returning to Hermione, nauseated. Was Voldemort giving him some cursed urges again?

Author's Response: No, he was just sickened by what he has to do now...

Jamie842011.08.28 - 02:18AM24: Twenty Three: Revenge Is A Dish Best ServedSigned
I....LOVED.....IT!!!!! Hate cliffhangers, but this will be well worth it. I can't wait to read what your fingers type next.

Author's Response: I'm sorry - but I was so exhausted from writing that chapter I couldn't continue ;) Seriously, I'm writing 24 right now, so it shouldn't be long.

Drinking chocolate2011.08.28 - 02:02AM11: Ten: Into The Belly of The BeastSigned
The non-verbal communication is wildly romantic! Yes, any deep melding of their gifts is bound to be potent. I like what you did with the bit of foreshadowing. Different. Although I see Sirius Black peeking from beyond the veil to protest that he would never have. ;-)

Author's Response: Sirius has a long arm, that reaches even from the veil... ;)

Drinking chocolate2011.08.28 - 01:29AM10: Nine: Take Me For LongingSigned
Gack! How have I never, until now, thought about how Snape must have felt during that entire fifth year as both the Death Eaters and the Order obsessed about that damned prophecy, the one he failed to hear and report in its entirety, the one that ruined everything! That must have given him quite a few flashbacks to his failures!

Author's Response: I can only imagine that he felt all the old guilt and remorse like a fresh wound all over again. It must have been an incredibly bitter blow, in a lifetime of many.

Drinking chocolate2011.08.28 - 01:00AM9: Eight: I Cover My Ears, I Close My Eyes; Still Hear Your Voice Telling Me LiesSigned
I do like the confidence with which Snape spoke of them as a "we" to Dumbledore, especially the guarantee that the Dark Mark can be removed and they would disappear. Wow. So powerful...and I believed him utterly. I enjoyed the parallel between her Occlumency method and her canon work with the doors in the Department of Mysteries, casting Colloportus and marking doors that had been tried. And enjoyed even more the final passage of the chapter, which made me think you'd planted that parallel as deliberate foreshadowing and not just allusion.

Author's Response: Well, I won't give anything away - but there's a lot to come!

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