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Reviews for The Succubus

LariLee2005.02.08 - 03:44AM32: Chapter Thirty TwoSigned
Harry can certainly think fast on his feet. I feel so sorry for Luna. However, I am confused by this:Harry whispered for Loony to follow the pair. Just in case. Did you mean Lucius? Good job as usual! I look forward to your next update.

Author's Response: lol!! Loony is that first snake he conjured. He decided to name it that for Luna.. teehee. i think that's in the chapter before. he sent the snake to be sure the old man didnt pull a fast one! lol. more up soon

Mouse2005.02.08 - 03:35AM32: Chapter Thirty TwoSigned
Wow so much to comment on, I don't know where to begin. I hope Harry will be able to help Luna. Mrs W. must have so much guilt on her right now. Will we get to hear what's in the Diary? And what is wrong with Hermione? What is with the Incubus? Why is he back? Thought she defeated him??? I'm confused.lol. Amazing chapter hurry back, I gota know what happens next. Later, sweetie.

Author's Response: harry is gonna try his best to help luna out. I feel sorry for all the Weasleys. It's so sad when someone dies. such regrets we have when we didnt make a wrong , right.

as far as mione / incubus...well, we'll leave that for a couple of chapters. don't worry. she's confused about it as well (she's not even sure it's him). hehe more up soon.

Armor2005.02.08 - 03:31AM32: Chapter Thirty TwoSigned
It was fun to see Harry as a dark lord... "She wasn’t so bad, Nagini. Not once you had a decent conversation with her. She was brilliant!" and after that she killed the poor guy... Potter is very weird there. I'm sure, the incubus/succubus could come when their victim are too weak ! And I'm glad for Luna, she's still here after all, like the Hermione of heart with no companion. Update as soon as you can.

Author's Response: Uh huh..Harry's got some conflicting emotions going through him. But, he is the one that told Nagine to kill the guy, so I guess that makes him really like her. hehe

Yes about the incubus. Hermione is weak at this moment. The succubus won't be able to go to sev b/c he defeated it already, but this is different... i'll explain in two chapters i think. cheers!

Lana Manckir2005.02.08 - 02:48AM32: Chapter Thirty TwoSigned
YAY I love it, things are working just fine! More more more!

Author's Response: teehee..ty! more up soon

Slytherin Red2005.02.08 - 01:46AM32: Chapter Thirty TwoSigned
I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I can't wait to see what comes next! good job. Can't wait for the next chappie

Author's Response: kewl! thnnks so much! i'm working on it now. hopefully my beta will have some time for it tomorrow. I'm sure she will. She is brilliant.

medicdaddy2005.02.08 - 12:27AM25: Chapter Twenty FiveSigned
sorry i fell behind and couldnt get back hear until today . The real world was calling and even my email got backed up so far i had to deleate more than i would normally.sorry. this has turned out better that i had expected. i know that you have more for me to read so off i go. keep up the good work

Author's Response: well thanks so much. i did wonder what had happened to you! welcome back and cheers! more up tomorrow! take your time.

Terra of Slytherin2005.02.07 - 11:54PM32: Chapter Thirty TwoSigned
YAY! To the author's note...lol... No death the Luna, everyone deserves a happy ending except for the bad guys. Love Hooch and Stuart together, I can see them as a couple (even if his bits aren't put to right). Isn't Mione taking a medication called a contraceptive potion? She must be thinking about Severus too much. I wonder who Draco is going to end up with...a thought came to mind last chapter, but I lost it and cannot find it. I don't think the answer was Tonks... I eill have to reread to find out. ~Terra

Author's Response: about hermione's contraceptive potion, she is out of it, and she forgot about it b/c she only has to take it every three months.

it is effected by it, by the way. i like hooch n stuart together as well. about luna, well, we shall see. poor little doll. undecided still about draco... i had a plan but i don't think i will continue with it. more up on the morrow. cheers!

Fictionlover_322005.02.07 - 11:42PM32: Chapter Thirty TwoSigned
Harry is doing a superb job pretending to the new Lord. His plans of gathering the rest of the Death Eaters is brilliant. Bella and the rest of them won't know what hit them! I love it! It's so cuuning and manipulative. I had a feeling that snape would fly into a rage back there, and I was right. At least, Hermione is safe for now. But I wonder why she's having those dreams again, with the incubus? I'm sure you put in the dream scene for a reason, which I don't know yet, but the next chapter, I'll find out hopefully. I sincerely hope Luna gets better. I like her too, and it was unfair for her to get hexed like that. Wish I could write more but my math book is demanding my attention. So, I must go. Until next time. Cheers!

Author's Response: ah!! thanks for the reply. i love the way harry is acting as well. in the next chapter, it's all going down. we'll learn more about the incubus in about two chapters. i'm still undecided about luna. as in most stories, some good peeps suffer b/c of the jerks. so we shall see. thanks so much, doll. cheers

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