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Reviews for The Succubus

breastlady2006.02.07 - 11:11PM13: Chapter ThirteenSigned
I thought the potions scene necessary. It reminds us about the things they admire about one another. That's romantic. The only thing I am having trouble with is that Hermione has fallen asleep at least twice, I think, without shagging Severus Snape through the bed. Have they really only made love 3 times? How many days have they been sleeping in the same bed at this point? I don't think I could ever be so tired as to pass up the expert with hand, tongue and tool. It's not like they're bored with each other all ready. Hermione needs help with her libido. At her age I think most young people are randy 90% of the time and especially with it being so new. As a new bride at 18 I couldn't get enough, at least the whole first year. (Boy do those last two sentences make me sound as old as I really am.) She should save her falling asleep before her lover come out of the loo for when she's raising babies. More lemons for this dirty old lady please. Maybe Hermione just needs more foreplay.

Author's Response: There are more lemons, but I don't really like to fill the story with them. I, as a reader, am always more interested in good plot accented with lemons throughout. I usually skim lemons if there are too many. So I space them out. I won't always write each time they have sex and give details either. Readers can use their own imaginations for that and draw their own conclusions. Snape doesn't want to push her at first b/c it's a new thing to her... and to him. She is the same way. They both want to, but neither want to really come out and say it. For now. That will change later as they grow together. Relationships are not just about shagging after all. Not in my opinion anyway. They are still learning about each other.

breastlady2006.02.07 - 02:46AM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
I'm having a wonderful time reading your story and staying up too late past my bed time in the process. When I get sleepy I tend to impulse buy clothes on line. Short plumpy girl that I am, I'm always hoping to distract my audience with my spiffy wardrobe. I only bought four dresses and they were on sale and my birthday is soon and I should get some kind of treat for having to endure turning 45. Shouldn't I? I love the banter between our lovers, but I especially love that your story didn't just stop at the banishing of the unwanted visitors. I love the way you are continuing to develop the story and their relationship. On I shall read. (I wonder how much Jenny Craig costs, I could buy a diet while I'm at it. Then I can read some more of your wonderful tails while buying skinny clothes.)

Author's Response: I am happy that you are enjoying the story so far. Their relationship will continue to grow, and things will come full circle once more. I have a bit of Harry-character development to get through first. He plays a big part in the sequel.

I've never bought clothes online. I am always afraid that they'd not fit.

breastlady2006.02.05 - 09:36PM8: Chapter EightSigned
I loved it!

Author's Response: Thanks! :)

Suki2006.02.05 - 07:24PM19: Chapter NineteenSigned
ooh, i'd love to see your mini-movie!!! I'm loving this fic though, i've been waiting for fooorrrEVA for it to be complete. n now it is, and deliciously long! and i'm done now. and going to the next chapter!.

Author's Response: Are you the person that emailed me? I'll send it tomorrow. I'm on a different pc tonight. This story has been completed for a long time. LOL... Enjoy.

breastlady2006.02.05 - 06:54PM5: Chapter FiveSigned
Nicely done! Going just as it should. I liked him this way. He wasn't too soft. He was jealous and possessive. That isn't soft. He simply marked his territory. Anyway, if he’s never struck up a relationship before. He doesn't know how to hide these kinds of feelings if he's never had to. In a way he's going through the school boy's right of passage. How to get the girl without embarrassing yourself.

Author's Response: Yep! Exactly right. He'll be going through lots of changes throughout the story. We laugh along with him for some of it. :)

breastlady2006.02.05 - 04:12PM4: Chapter FourSigned
I'm surprised that the Headmaster is letting Hermione leave for the holidays with this going on. But maybe she can have a good shag with Charley or Bill while she's gone. The Playwitch picture sure makes a girl think about it. Maybe someone needs to somehow get that edition of Playwitch to her. That'd serve Snape right. I don't understand why he is being such an irrational ass and blaming things on Hermione. I know he's always an ass, but a more analytical and less emotional in his approach to solving problems kind of ass. Wait, I just remembered him telling everyone that Lupin is a werewolf. OK. You're right he is this kind of ass.

Author's Response: I guess the headmaster figures it's not truly his business, and she's no longer a student. This Hermione won't be messing around. I don't think I'll ever portray one that just sleeps around casually. Yes, Snape is definitely an ass about things. He won't be hard for long though. This is probably one of my nicer Snapes that I've written.

breastlady2006.02.05 - 03:25PM3: Chapter ThreeSigned
I give Severus one more week then I think he'll be ready to seduce Hermione. Why isn't Hermione researching this? I know she has a lot to do before she graduates. That could be a reason. If I was Hermione, the main thing that would be keeping me from marching down to the dungeons and striking a business transaction with Snape the Bastard involving getting it on and getting this over with is that everyone involved would know what we did. “Soooo, have you been seeing your Incubus lately? Ha ha ha.” It's like if your best friends and teachers knew you had an incontinence problem and would always be wondering any time you stopped talking if you'd just peed your pants. By telling Ron, Harry, Dumbledore and Minerva they seriously reduced any chance of dealing with this privately. I know Dumbledore needed to know so that they could get permission to deal with this. But everyone else is a bit much. Hermione wouldn’t need to tell any one if she didn’t need to have someone watching over her while she sleeps. Every night must get more humiliating. I think that knowing the facts about how this works, Severus is acting very immature about the whole thing. However, I’m really glad about how you’ve done it like this. The sensible solution wouldn’t have made as fun of a story. I really like it when HG and SS get put in situations where they gradually begin to become enamored with each other. I love your works and watch for them regularly in the completed section.

Author's Response: Well, I don't think Severus is acting immature. He is horrified that a Succubus is visiting him and that he has to shag a student (one that he doesn't really care for). They do get better and a little more accepting as the story progresses though.

Minerva is her Head of House and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, which entitled her to know that a teacher/her future apprentice may become involved. Ron and Harry are her best friends. She doesn't / can't keep much from them, especially with Snape. She needs them more than ever.

Roth19002006.01.31 - 02:37AM2: Chapter TwoSigned
I think I am addicted. ...damn you... :D

Author's Response: Teehee! Thanks... I think? :) Enjoy!

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