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Reviews for Luring the Enchantress

Rave_n12005.11.10 - 02:22PM29: We Do What We MustSigned
it'll all work out in the end. It will all work out in the end. It will all work out in the end. If I say it enough times it'll be true right? Right? RIGHT?!

Author's Response: Right on, doll.

kabochon2005.11.10 - 02:05PM28: Prelude to a WarSigned
This is amazing...

Author's Response: I sincerely hope that you aren't disappointed by the next chapter. I'm quite worried about people's reactions. My own beta threatened me. Hahhaah!

AngelForgotten2005.11.09 - 06:12PM28: Prelude to a WarSigned
Wow, definately the best intro to "the final battle" (if thats what it is) that I have read so far. I can't wait for the next chapter. It has gotten so good! I ALMOST wish that I had waited til the story was complete before I had begun reading cuz now the waiting is driving me crazy! lol. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Thank you. I am happy you liked the intro. There is a bit more to it in the next chapter. The chapter is up now. I do hope you enjoy it.

Novinha2005.11.09 - 05:16PM28: Prelude to a WarSigned
Voldemort wins? Pretty please?
Is ever so evil.

Author's Response: **wink**

SataiDelenn2005.11.09 - 02:04AM28: Prelude to a WarSigned
BTW..... How in the HELL are some of you getting separate paragraphs instead of the ever annoying one big paragraph?! PLEASE! Someone tell me!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: You have to put in a break tag or two. < br> (all together though).

SataiDelenn2005.11.09 - 01:56AM28: Prelude to a WarSigned
Well, I think that Ron, Neville, Luna, and Ginny will die, and that Hermione will win. Harry will be badly injured but he'll survive, and yes, Voldemort will die.....painfully. I'd say Moody would die, but he's just too paranoid. lol. Tonks might bite it though... Obviously I'm pulling for Harry. Oh, and I think that just before he dies, he realizes that it was Severus that betrayed him. Anyway, very tense chapter! Oh, please kill Bella off or at the very least make her a permanent case for insanity in St. Mungo's!!!!!! And make sure wormtail meets a very sticky and painful/torturous(sp?) demise!!!!!! Thanks for updating so quickly!!!!!!!!! I really love ALL your stories!!!!!!

Author's Response: I want to answer so many of your questions. You are definitely right on a couple of things. hehe! You shall see. I've posted the chapter. Hope you enjoy!

a_reader2005.11.09 - 12:46AM28: Prelude to a WarSigned
A great big injection of tension. I do like that there are still bumps in Severus and Hermione's relationship. The issues of trust are not so easily resolved and as she -- still so young -- encounters these examples of the life he's led, it's natural and realistic for her to not breeze right by them. And also, I like how you've handled the meeting between she and Dumbledore. A lot of fics do tend to gloss over what should be strong objections from him ("Let there be no impediment to the porn!"), but in all honesty Dumbledore should have a really hard time with it (both morally, and because it reflects really badly on him). Your scene is perfectly discomforting, and I actually flipped to a different browser window for a bit to process my frustration. I think overall what I like best about this is the acknowledgement of shades of grey -- no one is perfect. Harry has his bad moments, Snape his good ones, Hermione may be a teenaged know it all, but she's still *just* a teenager, and while pretty brilliant, she's still very lacking in life-skills. As for the question in your author's note: Of course I'm pulling for Snape and the "good" gang, but to be honest I'd hate to see it all go swimmingly because it would be out of character with your fic. Can't wait for what's next.

Author's Response: Lots o' tension! I am so happy that you understand my take on Hermione and their relationship. I honestly don't think Dumbledore would be accepting of their relationship either. Swimmingly? Not a chance! You shall see what I mean. It's up now. I hope you like it. :)

Dopeydora2005.11.08 - 04:21PM28: Prelude to a WarSigned
OMG, The suspense is killing me, just which side is Snape on? Please update soon....

Author's Response: Snape's loyalties... That's the question of the day. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. :)

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