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Reviews for Luring the Enchantress

x_fiery_aries_x2005.06.28 - 07:38AM9: Heated VisitSigned
Oh dearie me, Severus is angry. Poor Hermione, he's being positively cruel! Oh well. Hmm, Draco has feelings for our lovely Miss Weasley... interesting. I could swear that Voldemort was being positively pleasant. Another wonderful chapter, though I still think that Hermione's a bit... too innocent, don't you? Of course, this is obviously all part of your master plan. I can kind of see where this is going, but seeing as you are the esteemed author, I'll sit back and watch the fireworks =) I nearly finished reading Where Your Loyalties Lie, but my computer died on me before I managed so I'll go back and finish it. It's really wonderful! Also, congrats with the Multifaceted Awards for Libertine; another wonderful fic =) Update soon!

Cheers, Aries

Author's Response: He's a bit rough huh? I do like Voldie in here. He seems almost. like a boss. lol She is a bit innocent, but it's only since the relationship is new, she's young/he's experienced, and such. But, things will change. Hermione wizens up some and begins to question things. Oh, I do hope you like Where Your Loyalties Lie!! Thanks for everything, dear. Cheers!

pickles2005.06.28 - 06:52AM9: Heated VisitSigned
Good chapter. The professor seems to be getting a bit pushy himself. He doesn't like to be dictated to. he should realise neither does hermione. hogsmeade sounds intriguing. waiting for more. P

Author's Response: He is, isn't he? I'd say he needs to practice what he preaches...but he won't, the wanker! I'm thinking Hermione is going to rebel soon..hehe

pickles2005.06.28 - 06:23AM8: The Heat Is OnSigned
good chapter

Author's Response: thanks, doll

hallowsnape2005.06.28 - 04:46AM9: Heated VisitSigned
When, when will the next chapter appear?

Author's Response: I'm working with Vengeance right now, but I am nearly done with it. I'll get back on this after that. I'd like to guess maybe two days from today.

Sassara2005.06.28 - 04:31AM9: Heated VisitSigned
Terrific as always, it seems one of my favorite authors has pulled it off again! (Yes, you can preen!) I can't wait to see how the next chapter at Hogsmeade transpires. Could there be an attack? Will Severus use it to his advantage? So many questions...update soon! :-) ~Sassara

Author's Response: I'm so glad that you like this story. The next bit is interesting. I've not written it yet, but i do have it outlined. There will be an attack, Severus will try to use it to his advantage, and it will work...momentarily. :)

Jane Weasley2005.06.28 - 02:12AM9: Heated VisitSigned
WOW!!! Another brilliant chapter and another EVIL cliffy!!!!! I can't wait for your next one. This story just gets better and better with each new addition. I love the way things are progressing between Severus and Hermione. Very nice. I could practically feel the tension between Dumbledore and Severus. That scene was very well written. Can't wait to see what happens so PLEASE update soon!!

Author's Response: Thanks, dear. Hehee... I do like the little cliffies. I should have more up soon. I completed my VIS chapter today, but i've not started on the next bit of this. I'm feeling under the weather. more up soon though ,and Dumbledore isn't too happy ab out things :)

mugglegirl09082005.06.28 - 01:24AM9: Heated VisitSigned
Oooh lovely chapter, Sun. The lemonyness was just right. ;-)

I'm glad she went to Hogsmeade, though. I can't believe how he reacted to her going with Seamus--well, I can believe it, but I still don't like it. Ruddy controlling jerk! Hehehe...well, it looks like she should have listened to him. Thanks for warning us that stuff's gonna happen. I'm glad it isn't a main character who's going to die. That would be awful. *shudder*

Hehe...I'm so glad you were able to update. Your updates only keep me satisfied until I reach the end of the chapter, though. I WANT MORE, I say! Tee hee. Well, at least I have ViS to look forward to. Yay!

Oh, and I'm hoping to get chapter 4 of my fic finished tomorrow. It's all nicely outlined, so all I have to do is type it out. Hopefully I'll be able to get it to you by the weekend. How does that sound? :-)

Author's Response: Thanks, doll. I appreciate that. She's going to start thinking about alot of things. I have an interesting turn of events coming up that will have her wondering about snape. keep writing your story, dear, and send it along. teehee

June W2005.06.28 - 01:01AM9: Heated VisitSigned
Uh-oh, ominous warning for next chapter ... not a main character death? So, not Draco, Ginny, Severus, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Minerva, Albus - but is Seamus "main"? This is labeled "romance" so I'm hoping for a happy ending eventually! Scary author...

Author's Response: hehe. don't worry. it's probaly only someone that you've read about on the HP Lex or seen their name in the books once. **wink**

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