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Reviews for Luring the Enchantress

Cissy2006.03.15 - 06:56AM41: Back to Good: Part 1Signed
Thank God, it's not over yet! Very good chapter, i hope that both Weasleys and Malfoys rethink their behaviour after Hermione's speech. Once again i had tears in my eyes, when she reminded them of how things are with Severus. By the way, are we going to see the letter Severus wrote to Hermione? Just thinking. Congratulations on winning:)

Author's Response: They will definitely chew on what she said. Lucius even pays her a visit. I hadn't thought to include it, but I suppose I could put in a litle something of her thinking about his "parting" words in the next chapter. Thanks!

Maddy Riddle2006.03.15 - 03:58AM41: Back to Good: Part 1Signed
Great chapter. I'm glad you split it, because I think the chapter is heavily emotionaly charged to be rushed or not dealt with in proper time.
I like the way Hermione have grown, and Harry also. The Weasleys are half way there yet... and that makes for a good scene showing everyone.
And of course, Severus waking and reactions deserve a chapter on their own.
My only question would be: Seing as this is the "last chapter" was that the last we will hear of the Weasleys, Ginny, Draco, and Pansy? Not that I think there's need for more information, just wanted to know if you think they would eventually find a way to treat each other like family without needing an referee.
Oops, I do have another question... one I don't expect you to answer here... is Severus going to remember his time in coma or will he wake up thinking he's still in the battlefield?

Author's Response: Thank you. I was afraid people would be upset by the "wait" for the potion bit, but once I had written this much, I couldn't go any more. It would have rushed what I feel is the more important part--Snape.

We'll not see any of the Weasleys again, no. Sorry, but Lucius does come over and brings tidings to Hermione, so we'll know by his words.

I'd like to think that Voldemort was arsehole enough to choose something as torturing as making the person quite aware and unable to do anything about it. So... hopefully that helps to answer your question. :)

June W2006.03.15 - 03:50AM41: Back to Good: Part 1Signed
So Tonks and Lupin eloped - that's all? Not even an apology to Mrs. Granger? (searches for bloodthirsty plot bunnies.... SW is clearly going soft....) I'm glad Hermione pointed out to everyone that Draco-Ginny's union was "seen" and therefore fated. I do wonder if Bane will reappear, and if Firenze is now accepted by the centaurs again, since he was in exile himself (sorry, I can't remember if you've already covered that point). One more chapter?? (pushes Snickers bar to SW for inspiration....) Thanks for updating!!!

Author's Response: Yep, that's all for Tonks/Lupin, and I'm certain they've apologized to Mrs. Granger as they did with Hermione. Much time has passed, and I didn't really want to include them any more. LOL... mean!SW, eh? I purposely left the Bane bit open. I'd like to think he's off someplace, licking his wounds. I don't think Firenze will ever be allowed to rejoin the herd, but I think maybe he can enter the Forest without being killed. No, I never said much about Firenze at all, so you didn't miss it.

Grabs snickers and chomps on while reading the last chapter. *smirks*

Velvet2006.03.15 - 03:34AM41: Back to Good: Part 1Signed
yah yah yah! love this story! keep up the wicked work!

Author's Response: Thank you! More up soon.

akathryna2006.03.15 - 02:32AM41: Back to Good: Part 1Signed
Ahahahahaha!! Narcissa as a poodle! That just made my day!!!!!!

Author's Response: Teehee... Perfectly groomed of course. "Bark, Bark," she exclaimed indignantly. "Bow Wow. Bark, Bark." Hehehe!!

Brisinggammen2006.03.12 - 12:18PM40: ConsequencesSigned
Dear Southern Having read this far I understand your coments to my earlier review. Hermione certainly comes into her own. And that moment with Snape pointing his wand at Harry finally understanding his own emotions was so well written. In a way Severus needed to mature just as much as Hermione. Although so much older he really was very emotionally immature in his dealings with her - for them to survive together in the long run both needed to grow up. You have crafted a very interesting story here and I can understand why you would miss it once it is finished. I will look forward to the next and final chapter with great anticipation.... Thank you so much for writing this...

Author's Response: Severus, even though older, had some growing to do, too. I think that the realization when he's about to kill Harry is one of my favorite parts. (Sappy!SW!) I am really happy that you like it and that you feel better about Hermione as a character. She's still got some learning to do, but I'm thinking she has a better handle on things now. :)

allyroksmuch2006.03.12 - 10:18AM40: ConsequencesSigned
really really good! when do u think the next chapter will be out? cant wait!

Author's Response: It's out! When you left this, I'd just sent it off to my beta. Cheers!

Cissy2006.03.11 - 11:04AM40: ConsequencesSigned
I only just found this incredible fic, and it took me little over a week to get this far, you know, husband and kids disturbing and all...*smirk*. If you dont mind, I'll put all my thoughts in here. I just simply LOVE this story. Everything in it, how he seducted her, how it was uncertain who's side he was on...I also enjoyed other pairings, especially Harry and Pansy. Who would have thought... My english is bad, so it's impossible for me to say everything i liked to. Thank you for this!!

Author's Response: Thank you. I am glad that you've started reading. It's nearly done now, but I'd like to think that makes it all the better. LOL. I can understand you perfectly. Thanks for the feedback. I agree about Pansy and Harry. It's odd, yet acceptable in this case. Cheers.

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