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Reviews for The Price of Madness

ladytee2006.08.10 - 01:16PM17: Return to the TowerSigned
Yeah for the Pooka whore!!! Another great chapter, but please, please send them shopping for potions ingredients so SS can brew something to help himself get better. Of course, a better SS might not invite her in to watch him shower... Oh, the decisions you must make.

Author's Response: Oh, I think that a more sane Severus will find some way to amuse Hermione. ;) Shower first, then on to the shopping. Thanks! :)

greenwood2006.08.10 - 12:58PM17: Return to the TowerSigned
Absolutly wonderful chapters you added! You have delved into some of the theories that I have been holding on to (such as the spell on the tower that Severus used was not simply a killing curse...JKR made sure that we "witnessed" three killing curses in TGoF 1) the old caretaker - killed by Tom, 2) the Spider - killed by the fake Moody, and 3) Cedric - killed by a DE. We even saw the after affects in Crouch Sr. ) None of these cast killing curses sent the victum flying in the air. Also the fact that, as you so well point out, silent magic was such a key revalation in book 6 that you have to wonder why so many times you hear curses spoken by the DE in previous books. I love the way you are sneeking in the romance between Harmione and Severus. I hope that once he is "cured" they will be able to carry on. I can't wait until the next chapter(s).

Author's Response: Not to worry! Eventually they'll get to the "carrying on." :D I tell you, the whole silent magic thing was hit so hard in book six, that I decided that there had to be a reason for it. Thanks! :)

Mysticaltomes2006.08.10 - 12:19PM1: Dangerous AssumptionsSigned
OOOh! just when i'd given up hope on my favorite wip!!! I love this story, and what you're doing with it...it all has a very cannonlike feel to me :)...i love Hermione's reminiscing when she sees snape in harry's memories...and her noting the stark contrast between the 'two' snapes... and i gotta admit...other ppl can keep their 'sexgod!Snape, their snarky!snape, and all the others in between...as for me, i've fallen in love with Mad-as-a-hatter-pretty-little-whores!Snape!!!! thank you for writing this story :)...sorry...i guess i got carried away

Author's Response: How sweet! I must admit, I've got a soft spot for mad Severus as well. Sometimes I wish I could just hug him; but I'll have to leave that to Hermione. Thanks for the canon compliment. I'm trying very hard to stick to all that new canon from book six, but it's a lot to remember! Thanks for the kind review! :)

Gwynethe2006.08.10 - 11:04AM17: Return to the TowerSigned
Thanks for the update! I also wanted to mention that your treatment of Severus' madness is very realistic. Not to be flippant, but it sounds as though you have experience with emotionally disturbed people. I used to work with head trauma patients and this is so similar. You tend to adopt a bit of the madness in order to interact with your patients, a bit like speaking a foreign language if you will. :o) In any case, this really is a believable scenario with a very realistic "madman". Love it! Gwyn-whore

Author's Response: I was worried about trying to write as difficult a subject as mental troubles. It's so easy to fall into untrue stereotypes, and I don't have any experience in the mental health field. But I have known a few folks with different issues in my life, and I've tried to be true to what it's really like to suffer such things. Hearing folks like you tell me that you think I'm on the right track just makes my day! Thank you so much for that! :)

BradyB662006.08.10 - 10:23AM17: Return to the TowerSigned
::Gasping for breath:: Holding...On...Until...Price of Madness...Updates. ::Shuddering Gasp:: Finally - I'm saved! Forgive the Drama Queen act, but I have an addiction and it must be fed! Nice chapter - Jealous!Snape is a treat, and finding out that he sacrificed himself to madness with the curse he used has me very intrigued! But the last sentence is really unnecessary - isn't every shower time with Severus thoroughly distracting?

Author's Response: Lol! Too true! I imagine that any shower of Severus' is very distracting indeed! Thanks! :)

jenonymous2006.08.10 - 10:19AM17: Return to the TowerSigned
P.S. Vaugh is excellent. I was distracted at the last minute, and sent my review without offering even one word of praise for such a marvelous beta. Three cheers for Vaughn!

Author's Response: ROFL! You are such a sweetie! :)

jenonymous2006.08.10 - 10:14AM17: Return to the TowerSigned
I wonder if that "forgot to take a book" was more subconscious than accidental, hm? Well, seeing your name at the top of "Recently Added" was like a tall cold drink in the desert! The trip into the pensieve was interesting, in and of itself, and I'm glad to see Harry was objective about it. I expected him to have a hissy fit all over again. (In fact, his calm acceptance may have been slightly out of character, but I'll have to re-read previous chapters in order to be sure.) I enjoyed jealous Severus, as well. I don't suppose you'll actually let us read through the shower, if Hermione can't? Oh well, hope springs eternal.

Author's Response: Hmm... You may have something there about Hermione's "forgotten" book. *giggle* I think that my Harry has been fairly calm throughout. Sure, he's had his moments, but I wanted to let both Harry and Ron be a bit more adult in this fic. In my mind, Harry acts out most when there is something he is feeling guilty about himself. So, when he is forced to look at his own guilt about what happened in the cave, he comes to better terms with everything that happened that day. But that's just my thoughts on the matter. Ask a different person, and you'll get a different answer, which is why fanfic is so much fun! Thanks! :)

barbarade2006.08.10 - 09:41AM17: Return to the TowerSigned
I hope that this does turn inot a cure and Severus can come back to his sane self and properly court Hermione.

Author's Response: I expect that he'll be a saner man at the end of this fic than at the beginning. But past that, I will not say! ;) Thanks! :)

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