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Reviews for The Price of Madness

veradee2006.05.08 - 08:13PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
“I was the bloody potions maker. I’m deranged; I’m not stupid!” This one had me laughing out loud. I still think he's much more insightful than he appears. Otherwise, the three friends may have found out something that was either a great clue or a very strange coincidence. All the better for us, I assume, because else the story would be over soon, wouldn't it? Thanks for another great chapter.

Author's Response: Lol! Too true! If I told you eveything at once, it would be over very quickly! So I'll just tease you with a morsel here and there. ;) Thanks! :)

Owlbait2006.05.08 - 08:09PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
Hooray, a new chapter! That sure looks like a Snape with a sharp eye on the practical there. Harry has sure grown up since HBP, and a good thing. He's going to need a bit more perspective than he's shown in books 1-6.

Author's Response: I was rather proud of Harry in book six, actually. I thought he was showing a lot more maturity than in the previous books. True, he went a bit off the deep end at the end, but who of us would not? Thanks! :)

Selene2006.05.08 - 07:54PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
"I’m deranged; I’m not stupid!” I've always heard that people who are truely insane don't know it and believe themselves to be quite rational. Was this a slip from him or you? The part with Hermione tucking him in is so sweet; I just wanted to crawl into the monitor and cuddle him! Great work, keep it up!

Author's Response: Some folks with mental problems have no idea that they have a problem. Some are painfully aware that they have a problem, yet can do nothing to stop it. I had a friend who went schizophrenic and she knew very well that she was. That was the most heartbreaking thing about it. Sometimes I think that the idea that insane folks aren't aware of what's happening to them is more a comforting notion than a fact. So no, that wasn't a slip. My Severus is very aware that he is mad, he simply can't do anything about it. That's my take on it, at any rate. I'm glad that you liked the tucking scene. I loved writing that part! Thanks! :)

droxy2006.05.08 - 07:53PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
this fic is both sweet, cute and deranged! Love it.

Author's Response: Fabulous! That's exactly what I wanted it to be! thanks! :)

shishkeberry2006.05.08 - 07:52PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
I just love it when Draco and the boys work together *grin*

Author's Response: I must admit that I'm a sucker for that as well. Thanks! :)

Maggie2006.05.08 - 07:51PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
That would pose a slight problem, but then plants are supposed to grow when spoken to....

Author's Response: Ha! Thanks for the giggle! :)

Snape_dreamer2006.05.08 - 07:38PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
Do you like to do this to me? I swear you are driving me insane and i read your reply to me! Not fair! You r friend and tyou know why but you won't tell Ahh i swear it you writers drive me mad! I will be in nut house "before the dawn" and is this "the price of madness!" Oh such evil writers ! ( if you look you notice the titles of my favorite stories) Now i love that play between hermione and Severus when he tried to go to bed it was so cute and the whore thing is just getting better , my favorite line is "“Such a pretty little whore.”" It almost sounds lovely and cute, but mad! I had to try to clamp my hand over my mouth to stop from laughing... oh but what will the order say when they do find Snape and how long will he be in Hemrione's room and who knows what he might do. Edania

Author's Response: Lol! It's not supposed to make you join Snape in madness, it's supposed to make you want to keep reading! Your review makes me think that I'm on the right track! *wg* You hit the nail on the head about "pretty little whore," it is sweet, it's just mad Severus' version of sweet. More soon. Keep reading and all will eventually be revealed. Promise! Thanks! :)

Aturia2006.05.08 - 07:30PM8: Putting Aside the PastSigned
Beautiful chapter Pook! So funny when Snape's acting like the Mad-Hatter...talking to the suit of armor about potions, lol! Always happy to see when you've updated a new chapter, thanks!

Author's Response: Thank you for reading! I'm glad that you got a kick out of the armor bit. Thanks! :)

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