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Reviews for The Price of Madness

Cinimar2006.06.07 - 04:07AM13: Love and WarSigned
Hey! Great chapter! Theres something about this one that reminded me of an old childhood book called "No Flying in the House," perhaps it was this act of sacfice. Anyway, I'm really enjoying it, keep those chapters rolling! You're on my list of fics that I check to see if they are updated, and yours is the top of that list!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm thrilled that you like it so far! I've never read that children's book, it sounds intriguing. Thanks! :)

not_london2006.06.07 - 03:02AM13: Love and WarSigned
MAN.... ok. The whole "whore" business had me laughing and wanting to stop reading in the beginning because it DOES sound ridiculous... but it's a good story and I love the way you write. You describe the little things, just like Jo.. and even invent a few. (Like the wand holder outside the shower.) It completely paints a picture in my mind. I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: That's the thing about insanity; as sad as it is, it's still ridiculous! I'm thrilled that you like the fic so far and I'm glad that you liked the wand holder bit. I had fun with that one! Thanks! :)

amsev2006.06.07 - 02:27AM13: Love and WarSigned
OH, you probably have the answer to this one, but it's "Ich spreche kein deutsche."

Author's Response: So I have heard. *giggle* Apparently, hermione doesn't speak German any better than I do! :D

amsev2006.06.07 - 02:25AM13: Love and WarSigned
Auuuuughhhh! EEEEEEVIL cliffie!!! Damnit Pooka, you write so well! I do appreciate how you are handling Severus' madness -- sometimes saner, sometimes more insane. And good, gad! Molly! That woman is a potential menace. I'm trying to think of what movie I saw where two characters saw each other and were equally frightened by each other and started screaming when they saw each other (Think it might have been a Jim Carey flick but I can't remember for sure), but that came to mind where there was danger of Molly sauntering into the Library. And poor, conflicted Hermione. Sigh. More, soon? Please?

Author's Response: *giggle* That end was a wee bit evil, wasn't it? ROFL! Your idea of what would happen when Molly saw Severus kills me! I think that's exactly what would have happened! More as soon as I can finish it. Thanks! :)

CMW2006.06.07 - 01:32AM13: Love and WarSigned
I do love this story. Your Severus is facinating and your Hermione is very much in character. I can't wait for the coming chapters as I'm convinced Severus's madness is the result of a spell or potion (thus reversable) and not a true illness.

Author's Response: I'm so glad that you are enjoying this fic so far, and I'm thrilled that you think my hermione is staying in character. thanks! :)

onyxbluemoon2006.06.07 - 01:30AM13: Love and WarSigned
Wow ! what a cliffie! I've been waiting for this chapter eagerly, now I might go back to my childhood nail bitting habit till you post the next one , I hope it was Severus,not any of the bad guys. By the way could you explain why he calls everyone the W -word , other than he 's gone mad explanation.

Author's Response: Never fear, the "W-word" will be explained, but not yet! It's not time yet! Don't bite your nails, I'm hard at work on the next chapter. it shouldn't be too awful long before it posts. thanks! :)

Sokudo Ningyou2006.06.07 - 01:15AM13: Love and WarSigned
Grrr, cliffhangers. Naughty.

Author's Response: Yes. I'm a naughty Pooka! :D

longroot2006.06.07 - 12:53AM13: Love and WarSigned
So sweet, and sad, and painful.....but evil, evil, NAUGHTY cliffie!!! Infinitely pleased that you updated. I love this story!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Sorry about the cliffie. Wait a minute! no I'm not! Muahahahaha! <---evil laughter. Thanks! :)

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