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Reviews for Vengeance is Sweet!

Pearle2005.04.20 - 01:54AM8: UnanimitySigned
No! All right, I know this looks bad, but I have faith in you (I also know you like happy endings, in fact, I'm counting on that!). It looked like they were going to work it out and you have to throw a wrench in to the works. At least he seems to be coming around. My bet is he will admit he loves her soon. Okay, Sunshine, next chapter please.

Author's Response: lol.. Darth Southern shall refrain from mucking with our friends too much more. hehe... And, yep, you know i'm a sucker for true happy endings :)

Cenicienta2005.04.20 - 12:55AM8: UnanimitySigned
that is so dramatic...now I'm bitting my nails waiting for the next chapter. Please, in the name of my painfull fingers, update as soon as you can!

Author's Response: lol... poor doll (sends soothing cream for your sore digits). more up as soon as i can :) maybe tomorrow in fact

Thorn2005.04.19 - 11:44PM8: UnanimitySigned
OMG, what a rollercoaster chapter. The scene with the Grangers really pissed me off, There's not much thats more aggravating than your family siding against you when you are right. Slytherin tactics won out that time. I don't blame Hermione for being angry and hurt about the "wedding" (ha) and the honeymoon (pathetic) Severus seems to think he is doing her such a big favor, the ass. I wondered if the problem with the baby is that its a squib. Could they tell that already? Would Severus be willing to claim a non magical child? Will Hermione come to her senses? inquiring minds want to know :)

Author's Response: Big time! I don't blame Hermione for being frustrrated, and you know, when my hubby and I split up the first time, my mom and dad were like, "Oh, Sunshine, he's a good man and a good daddy." i was like wtf?? "Ya'll don't know how it is behind closed doors!" No, they won't have a squib. To be honest, there was a slight problem, but the fall corrects that. More up soon, doll

lovethelab2005.04.19 - 11:25PM8: UnanimitySigned
I personally loved that Harry got his licks in! What else was he to think seeing Snape coming out of the building. I hate that happend to Hermione though. I am guessing what she wanted to tell him was there were twins, right? And I am guess this is a way for her to let him out of the marraige. But will he go now?? I hope not!

Author's Response: it's true (escpecially if Snape was adjusting his crotch). Things will work out for the best with the pregnancy. I'm thinking after he finds out this next bit, he'll want to keep her even more, and for once, it's because he really wants her in his life :)

SeverusSnape2005.04.19 - 09:19PM8: UnanimitySigned
You definately do not have to worry about Snape being too soft in this chapter. Everything that probably thought was too soft for him went perfectly with the chapter. After all the nasty, mean things he said to her and did, those soft moments are totally not seen as being too soft. I feel like Snape really would have those feelings. You really have him in character. I hope Hermione is okay? I wonder what she was going to tell him in their (sorry, her) chambers? Update soon and great chapter! It was very heart-wrenching. Which is good because . . . well it's just good.

Author's Response: thanks, dear. I was a bit worried on that (that the change was too much at once). Hermione will be okay and things will work out for the best. She wanted to explain what Poppy had told her. some good news but not really. That's all changed now though :( more up soon cheers

Drake2005.04.19 - 05:34PM8: UnanimitySigned
I've reviewed this last chapter already, but I have more to say now. You told someone that she wouldn't lose the baby, but there would be a problem with it. Well, the only problems I can think of are birth defects, twins, or a terminal pregnancy. Since you said there will be no character death, the last option is out. As far as twins, I don't think that would be the best thing to throw on Severus at this point. Of course, I'd prefer it to birth defects, which are always heartbreaking. Very realistic job portraying Severus' experience at the whorehouse- I know firsthand how it can be difficult to perform with a new partner shortly after being in a longterm relationship. XP Anyways, finish it, please!

Author's Response: I don't remember exactly what I said to who, but it should be something like she will still be pregnant, but there was a problem (the way she acted after Poppy), and there will be no developed character's death. ;) That should be a god hint. I will have more of this soon though b/c it's practcially writing itself :) Thanks! I find it's awkward to have a new lover at first (things are just noticably different). xoxoxoxo cheers

Fictionlover_322005.04.19 - 04:06PM8: UnanimitySigned
Cheers to Harry! I've been waiting for Harry to punch Severus for a long time! Whether he was seeing another witch on his wedding night or not, he deserved it anyhow! I feel so much better. Is it just me, or is Snape keeps mucking things up? It's like bad karma or something. I truly hope both Mione and the baby is okay. On that note, I kind of feel sorry for Snape. Mabye he's finally realizing what a jerk he'd been! Good for him, it's about time! Mabye they can start over. Who knows? Update soon. Cheers!

Author's Response: yep, harry got his own little revenge. poor severus though, hehe... i feel sorry for him some. he's had an epiphany at least and more where that comes from xoxo

Mouse2005.04.19 - 01:08PM8: UnanimitySigned
I can totally see why this was so hard for you to write. I was so sad from begining to end. I don't think you made him seem soft at all. Well done.

Author's Response: thanks, love. glad you liked it. it will get better though. never fear :)

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