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Reviews for Vengeance is Sweet!

Layla2005.04.26 - 06:09PM9: TransitionSigned
You know I'm trying but I still don't like this Severus. LOL Of cousre I love your writing though. Now it seems both Severus and Hermione want to blame this all on Harry. Maybe Harry should not have interferred but Snape was far worst in this story. I can't believe I'm actually taking up for Harry!! LOL It just looks like it's going to be very hard for SS to be a decent guy on this one. Hmm-I'll take the Severus in Luring the Enchantress and leave this Severus for everyone else! LOL Have a good one everyone.

Author's Response: lol.. he has a way to go before he'll be deemed likable by most. poor guy. at least he's trying though :) Severus isnt really blaming him for the loss of the baby. He's just being mean to him and mad b/c he lied. Hermione is blaming him a bit, but she's medicated. i dont think she will appreciate the lie anyway. more up on that! cheers xoxooxox ~sw69

JTBJAB2005.04.26 - 05:30PM9: TransitionSigned
Great chapter....aww the poor bubby! And bless Severus for working so hard to help....and how very Slytherin of Hermione to listen - although partly by her tiredness, it was in my eyes, still Slytherin! LOL! I look forward to your next chapter!

Author's Response: he's trying. hehe. i'm glad that she heard everything that he said. she learns that he likes to talk when he thinks that she cannot hear. that's the slytherin bit... muahahahah... more up soon!

mamabecca2005.04.26 - 05:26PM9: TransitionSigned
i hope the act becomes habit! everything you write is so believable. i also love the length of you chapters. development of both cahacters and plot is nice. girl, you can do no wrong!

Author's Response: i'm thinking it will be better! thanks!! I'm one for longer chapters. It seems like you get more for your money. lol I did have more to add for this one, but I figured it would be better in the next bit :) more up soon! cheers xoxo

xib2005.04.26 - 05:21PM9: TransitionSigned
Ugh, I can't say I'd blame Harry totally. It was an accident, and even if he was wrong in doing what he did, I don't know if he's to blame entirely of the miscarriage. But probably Hermione would not agree. I'm glad you've made her hear what Severus had to say, that surely saves lot of missunderstandings. I love this fic, and can't wait to see if finally Severus and Hermione get to work everything out. I'm sure that will take pretty long, though, seeing their past story. Love the way you're able to transmit so many emotions with just words, and the way Severus is dealing with his past, the contradictions he has to face. Love your Hermione when she is strong enough to face him. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: well, i'm thinking hermione is on meds and hurting inside and out, so she's trying to lay the blame. once she clears her head, she'll be okay, and they will talk. Severus is slowly change and will take a bit of time. things will be better from now on though :) Hermione will have her wits about her in the next chapter :)

carmenahermione2005.04.26 - 05:11PM9: TransitionSigned
So Snape is finally trying to make an effort. Having Hermione fall was a strong impetus, but I suppose there needed to be one. Hermione seems too ready to forgive him, though, even before he really tries. I’d rather see him really work for it, which will entail first recognizing that it’s needed and that he wants it. The fact that he didn’t cheat on her shouldn’t erase all the other things he did. Of course, I don’t expect an overnight change from Snape, the sadistic ass to Snape, the tender and loving husband. That wouldn’t be believable. I’m not altogether sure the eventual “tender and loving Snape” would be credible either, at least not the overtly-and-public-tender-and-loving-Snape. But I’m sure you already knew that. A gradual change is the best kind (especially at the beginning of said change), and I can be patient. I do have one small bone to pick, though. I didn’t like it that you made Harry a cad so that Snape could look better. I think it undermines the credibility of Snape’s progress. But other than that, I like how the story is coming along. I’m eager to see more of Snape’s struggle to free himself of his father. And of course, I hope he succeeds.

Author's Response: Yep, Snape is going to try. Her falling was intended to strongly impact their relationship, which it has. As far as Hermione, she's grieving, heavily medicated, and feeling a bit numb. She's looking to seek comfort and lay blame where she can. I guess she feels that on some level Severus is grieving as well (or so she hopes). She's not the only one that lost a little one here, and I'm thinking that it touched her that he went through such lengths to save the baby as she requested.

I'll not soften her back up as she was before. Nor will Severus be the perfect husband over night. This is a story of an eventual change for him. He will NEVER be a softie as I warned in my author's notes a few chapters back. As far as Harry being a cad ??? Who says he was? I think he has reason to attack Snape for what he did and is doing to his friend. I also think that he went overboard taunting him (lying to hermione). That's not cool. All will be well soon enough between all parties. Snape has a few more issues that he needs to deal with before he'll finally be free of his past and be able to look forward to his future. more up soon. xoxoox cheers

Armor2005.04.26 - 04:47PM9: TransitionSigned
I'm glad Hermione believed Severus... But I'm also glad that he's not really in love with her... yet :) Your medical stuff was good. Is this story almost finished ?

Author's Response: no, not yet. i have a good bit more to go. it is good that hermione believes severus, and he does love her (just doesn't know it) xoxoxo cheers ~!

Satoni2005.04.26 - 04:00PM9: TransitionSigned
I've been waiting for this chapter. i wanted to know what had happened to Mione, I'm feeling rather sad that 1 child has been lost. How can you miss something that you didn't know was there.... How can you miss something that isn't real, something you just read about....

Author's Response: yes, it was sad that one was lost, but I'm sure she'll be a good mum to the other one. Severus is a tad confused right now. things will clear up. xoxo

Mystic2005.04.26 - 03:33PM9: TransitionSigned
*sniffles* That is so sad...poor Hermione, I hope she pulls through. I think Severus will change, but not too much. What well happen to Harry? What will Hermione's parents say? The possiblities are endless. Can't wait to see what's next!!

Author's Response: hermione and her baby will be fine. severus will change but it wont all that drastically. it'll take a little time. harry and she will work things through, as always. her parents will be concerned, but her mother's words will touch sev. that's up next.. cheers! xoxo

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