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Reviews for Vengeance is Sweet!

Cinimar2005.06.28 - 06:24AM13: SerendipitySigned
Hey Southern witch, congrats on the sucsessful story, I've just read it all in one go and its been a brillient journey. I don't know if this is the last of it all or if theres more - one part of me doesn't want another chapter at all, becasue this is a great place to stop it, it doesn't need anything more. But then, the other part of me craves more becasue I find it hard letting go to charactors I've become accustomed with. Either way, i know you will make it complete, and i'm sure I will be satisfied. I just wanted to say its been good, and thanks for writing. Cinimar Blackshire.

Author's Response: Hi! I'm working on the next bit now. I'm going to go ahead and add a few more chapters only, just to tie up some loose ends (portrait, family, friends, baby). I think I was just in the dumps the last time I wrote, and it made it hard for me. I really hate to see the characters go as well. I am halfway done with the next chapter. It will probably be up tomorrow. :)

seleneblack152005.06.24 - 09:18PM7: Taking Action!Signed

Author's Response: lol.. ok. what is? I wish I could see which chapter you are reviewing. I won't be able to tell until I go back and have a look. Ah, well. Cheers! :)

Aloysius2005.06.23 - 10:35PM13: SerendipitySigned
Um, I would like for the story to have an epilogue... I mean, perhaps if the story goes on, it will become a bit, um, charged, dunno, can't find the correct word... If you continue the story it's great for me! But I completely oppose to the idea of finishing it in this chapter with no more of a glimpse to the future... Well, yeah! That's it, said everything, now I'll go for more coffee... I'll go now and I'll send greetings from México! wuuu! o_O!!! Yeah, I ate too many candy...u_u

Author's Response: I'm gonna add on some more. I think I can touch upon a few more things without it being too lengthy. Gracias!! more up soon. Thanks for reviewing

cecily2005.06.23 - 11:46AM13: SerendipitySigned
oh don't stop!! It's so good! lol

Author's Response: i decided to continue on with it. more up soon.

SylvaniaSnape2005.06.17 - 10:52PM13: SerendipitySigned
oh my... wow.

Author's Response: hehe.. more up soon!

FloofWolf2005.06.17 - 09:39PM13: SerendipitySigned
Hmm maybe you could have an epilogue and have it take place several years later? Or a sequel?

Author's Response: I'm gonna continue on with it just a bit more. I suppose I was feeling down and just wanted to end things. I will follow through the pregnancy and all the other loose ends will be tied up.

angel_eyes2005.06.17 - 12:59PM13: SerendipitySigned
Love the story, glad your carrying on with it! I have to say this is one of the best fics I have read. keep up the good work :D

Author's Response: well thank you very much. i appreciate that. :)

Maddy Riddle2005.06.16 - 02:10AM13: SerendipitySigned
I think you question about ending here is an interesting one. I do believe that they reached a point when I won't feel cheated if you ended the story with that scene. But as I mentioned to another author, there are unanswered questions... I believe that if someone writes something into the plot it can't be left without closure. Sometimes it is meant to be answer in a sequel, other times it is brought to an end in the epilogue... and I saw sometimes that writers don't answer those subplots, and on those ocasions my reviews are a list of questions, of things I do want to know, because they sounded important while reading. Then again, I hated the end of the movie "Gone with the Wind" I thought the phrase "tomorrow will be another day" wasn't enough :P
I don't want to sound as forcing you to keep writing. As I said, it's not a bad point to stop. Although I would wonder why so much importance was drawn to Elladora's family and the need for Severus to reach them if it wasn't to be addressed later.
Sorry, my obsessive self like all the ends tied up nicely and roundly.

Author's Response: Well, I planned to mention the family in an epilogue, but I've decided to go on and write a bit more. I think it was the way I felt at the time more than anything. I usually like all things answered as well, but when I wrote this chapter, I thought to myself, 'wow! it's over. i feel it.' I feel better now though and have the need to carry on some more hehe!

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