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Reviews for Vengeance is Sweet!

jr_aerin2005.07.05 - 02:14PM10: AcceptanceSigned
I'm glad Sev finally told that voice in his head to piss off.

Author's Response: lol!! me too.. he so needed to be rid of it

jr_aerin2005.07.05 - 06:03AM7: Taking Action!Signed
I think Sev's using Hermione's parents is disgusting. Why hasn't Hermione hexed his balls of yet?

Author's Response: She should huh? Right sneaky of him, the jerk.. hehe.. things improve though :)

jr_aerin2005.07.04 - 03:44PM6: Counterblow!Signed
oh I just KNEW those 'unwanted offspring.." comments were going to come back to haunt her! Your Severus is a right Bastard.

Author's Response: yep. he's a bad one. he does get better though :)

jr_aerin2005.07.04 - 01:28PM5: Concurrence!Signed
Feeling faint? Nauseated by the smell of food? Hmmm.. I wonder how reliable those muggle contraceptives are... I like that Hermione's having more of an opinion and being less of a doormat. I would, however, like to smack your Severus upside the head with brick. Well written!

Author's Response: she will tell him to sod off in just a bit. teehee.... Muggle contraceptives = oops.... more up soon.

jr_aerin2005.07.04 - 06:20AM4: Reprisal!Signed
Your Severus has a mind that would put Machiavelli to shame!

Author's Response: teehee~ thanks?! more up in just a bit

Fictionlover_322005.07.03 - 09:42PM13: SerendipitySigned
Sigh. Just read the last three chapters straight because there was so much info I had to go through. Now I can understand clearly why Snape was being the way he was. It must have been very difficult for him to stay true to his father's teaching and yet fighting for what he believed in was the truth. I don't blame him for resenting his father, but I believe that Snape hated his father's teachings because now it contradicts with how he feels about Hermione. He came to terms that he loves her, but I think he'll take a long time to accept that concept, for you can say that you love someone but accepting that love is different. I love the part where Snape's father made a comment about what being in love was, it's too bad he realized too late to make any difference. At least Snape realized this before it was too late. As for ending the story right here, I couldn't agree with you more. It seems right to end Of course, there are loose ends to mend, but it's up to you as always. You did a fantastic job of bringing everything in full circle. You were born to write, keep up the great work! Cheers!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the excellent review. It makes me feel so good when someone completely understands the methods to mah madness! That's it perfectly! I'm gonna go ahead and tie up some loose ends and that's it for this story. Thanks for following. xoxo Cheers

jr_aerin2005.07.03 - 04:14PM2: Bwahahahaha!Signed
the sex is hot. and your chapter titles are hysterical!

Author's Response: teehee! thank you! It started off as a quickie but ended up as a longer story. muahahaha! hehe, so I had silly names at first. i love it though! I'm glad you are enjoying.

macabre312005.07.03 - 07:27AM14: ProgressionSigned
Bravo Severus, for making the effort with the prat Potter( I'm sorry, but I just want to give him a swift kick in the arse sometimes). Proof positive that he really does love her, if the door wasn't enough. Excellent, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter! I'm so glad you're continueing with it. Thanks a bunch!

Author's Response: As could I (the kick part). Yep, I'm thinking sometimes that actions do speak louder than words. More up soon. Cheers, doll.

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