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Reviews for Overcome With Feeling

elektrik_storm2005.07.07 - 09:43AM26: Dogheart ManSigned
i have tears in my eyes, which is quite embarrassing being in the school library!!! please update soon!!! this fic is amazing! the complexity astounds me!!! love it!

Author's Response: Sorry I made you cry....damn...I just can't lie to you, I'm not sorry at all! I'm thrilled that something I wrote touched you so! Thanks! :)

garciafan2005.07.07 - 06:12AM24: ThunderSigned
“Yes, sir!” replied Dobby happily. “Tea, wake young miss, fetch dog man.” That line made me chuckle out loud. I know this is a strange compliment, but very few writers do a good job with Dobby. I wish I could put into words why I love this fic so much, because I am sure that my review is going to help you much if I am not specific. I guess the best way to say it is your fic is fresh. Origional. The dialog is good, but I love the way your story moves along quickly. It has a good pace. I also like the way that you handled the teacher student aspect of their relationship. I like the way you held off on the sexual side of their relationship until he was no longer her teacher, even after your fic made it clear that the school didn't have a policy against it. You had Snape relying on his own morals instead of being bound by school rules. Good show!

Author's Response: Honestly, I rather think that neither Snape nor Hermione would let rules get in the way of something they really wanted, but this fic wasn't about them against the rules, so I didn't go into that much. Of course, the school year isn't over and Snape will have no reason not to teach... I'm pleased that you think my idea is fresh. It's very hard to try to find an idea in fanfic that hasn't been done to death, though I think a good writer can hold your attention with even the most cliched of plotlines. Your comment on my dialog pleases me the most! With my first chaptered fic, I had a couple comments that the dialog seemed a bit stilted, so I've been working hard to improve it. And I'm thrilled you liked my Dobby. I think some folks make the mistake of writing characters like Dobby and Hagrid as if they are stupid. They aren't stupid, they just speak differently. I found Dobby easier to write than Hagrid. Hagrid is tough! Thank you so much for the thought-filled review! :)

CareBearErin2005.07.07 - 01:55AM26: Dogheart ManSigned
It took your little note at the end of the chapter to get me to stop crying. Poor Hermione, thinking she's lost Severus like she has. I loved the way that she used her projection to get rid of the death eaters, even though it was at the cost of her current state of loss.

Author's Response: I did rather use Hermione badly in this chapter. But it seemed to me that some sort of catastrophe would be the only way to get Hermione's fledgeling power to do something more dramatic. I'll try to make it up to her in the next chapter! ;) Thanks! :)

Shiro Ryu2005.07.07 - 12:43AM26: Dogheart ManSigned
Bloody fantastic chapter! And, one whopper of a cliffhanger! Without your and Lotm's assurances I would have had to run to my basement and find the torches from my last camping trip. I am curious how you plan to resurrect Snape. And, why is it nobody else thought of Severus? ^_^

Author's Response: I am lucky that Lotm insisted I provide some assurances in the AN; otherwise I expect I'd have quite a few torch wielders on my lawn! As far as your last question goes, perhaps they aren't worried because they know something that Hermione doesn't ;) Thanks!

ladyljd2005.07.06 - 11:01PM26: Dogheart ManSigned
First, I must confess that I'm a fan! I loved Naked Journey and am loving this story even more. You've really managed to capture the true voice of the Snape character in your work. I never see a false note in his characterization in your stories. It's such a rare thing in fanfiction and I love you for it. Like everyone else, I'm dying to read the next chapter here but you have me leery after what you did to poor Sev before the end of "Journey"! ;^) And you do have me a bit confused. After all the inner circle of Order members have seen, how could they fail to recognize the source of Hermione's distress?? Surely they could not fail to notice him lying right there next to Lord Voldything as Mr. Dursley would say? I can't wait to see how your present this in your next chapter. But most of all, I can't wait to read more of your amazing work. Please keep it coming!!

Author's Response: I confess that I rather like my Snapes, though I'm not altogether certain how canon they are. Oh, I think canon Snape is brave, and I think he has a strong sense of honor, but I suspect my Snapes are a bit too nice. Lol! However, I'm thrilled that you find my Snapes recognisable, that means I'm doing my job! If they are a bit too nice, I suppose I can be forgiven, I am writing romances after all! Yes, indeed, the Order seems puzzled by Hermione, don't they? *Pook waggles eyebrows suggestively* Bits of clues in that chapter, and in some of the preceeding chapters as well. But I'm not about to give away any more than I have already! I will, however, try not to make it too awful long before I update again. I don't mean to leave folks hanging! Thanks for the sweet review! It means so much to me to hear what folks think! :)

Maggie2005.07.06 - 09:45PM26: Dogheart ManSigned
Great projection! Wow!

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks! :)

ladycplum2005.07.06 - 09:21PM26: Dogheart ManSigned
I NEED another chapter! I'm completely salivating with need for another chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: I have to write it first!!!!!!!! *giggle* I'll try to get it written as soon as I can, but between work and this blasted flu, it might take a bit. I'm thrilled you are so impatient for it though! Thanks! :)

NotSly2005.07.06 - 08:55PM11: Hot and SpiceySigned
Part of what I like about this story (other than the excellent writing) is how thought-provoking it is. There's a bit of Empath in most of us, I think, and it's interesting how we're drawn to people who we believe must like us. I think of the group of co-workers I have lunch with...there are 5, and I can easily rank them in terms of who I like the most, on downward. The ones I like best are the ones who give me the feeling they like me. It's not a matter of who's "nicest" or who does the most favors. One lady is super-friendly, chatty, outwardly interested, but I like her the least because I sense an ulterior motive. It's really a subliminal feeling, like who'd be most likely to be there for me with sincere sympathy if I needed it. Very interesting to think about. It's also much harder to mask one's feelings. Most people can pick up on what goes on in your head, whether you like it or not! Onward!

Author's Response: I quite agree, and that's why I got the idea for this fic in the first place really. I think all people have a certain amout of empathic ability, some more so, some less. I do know that I could always tell what kind of mood my mom was in when I got home from school, sometimes before I even saw her. And I think that ability does have a lot to do with who we end up feeling close to in our lives. I'm thrilled my story made you think, and thanks for taking the time to tell me what you've been thinking about! :)

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