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Reviews for Overcome With Feeling

alphafemale2005.01.17 - 12:58AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
Good rescue plan! My theory: Sev is still sane; he just doesn't believe it's possible she's there. I think his happy memories were memories of Hermione. Hopefully, that sustained him. You wouldn't really let our hero go absolutely crazy, would you? Thanks for the chapter!

Author's Response: Oh my, I really can't say anything without giving it all away! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Lol, no, we certainly could not get our happy ending with Severus in St Mungos! Thanks! :)

WriterLady10312005.01.17 - 01:00AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
Oh no! I just cringed when they saw him. Hopefully, they can get him out fast enough to help him out. None the less, this chapter was just as good, if not better, than the others. The details of the prison, the Order meeting and even Turpin putting in his two knuts (*giggle* knuts!) made the chapter really great for me to read. It was good all the way down, Pook! ^_^ I await with baited breath for the next one!

Author's Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it my Lady! It was nice to be able to write a bit of action for a change. "Two knuts" *gigglegiggle* Thanks for the sweet review! :)

Rosmerta2005.01.17 - 12:56AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
Oh no!! Get him out of there soon! ;_; poor Severus.... Great chapter. I love Hermione-to-the-rescue - and I love it that Sirius and Turpin came along as well.

Author's Response: Glad you got a kick out of it! Don't worry, they'll get Severus out of there. Thanks! :)

LadyM2005.01.17 - 12:38AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
Did I once say you were one of my top two story tellers here? If I didn't actually write it, I should have. HOWEVER, with an evil cliffie like that, I think I will have to recind all my former warm statements (I used to be Mugsy, but had a password issue and ended up as LadyM). Hmmmm. Did someone find out that Severus has feelings for Hermione? Has someone been taking on her appearance to torment Severus? I wondered at Draco's use of the phrase "tell Hermione".... Oh well, I will wait aspatiently as possible for the next installment. May it be soon!

Author's Response: Hmm...I will answer but one of your puzzlements. Draco says "tell Hermione" simply because he knows she has a thing for him. As for the rest, you'll have to wait and see! *smirk* But I will try to update as soon as I can. Thanks for the review, and I hope the next chappie will stop you from rescinding warm statements. There will be smoochies! :)

Veneficus2005.01.17 - 12:36AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
What do we want? CHAPTER 18! When do we want it? NOW! Pooka you mean, mean author. How could you give us such evil cliffy? :'( C'mon readers let's chant! What do we want? Chapter 18! When do we want it? NOW! What do we-...

Author's Response: *gigglegigglegiggle* Well it can't be NOW, as it isn't quite finished and then it has to go off to Goblynn so she can work her magic, but I hope to have it up by the end of the week. Thanks for the review! :)

scully_m_2005.01.17 - 12:27AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
You really do like to torture us with your open ended chapters! *sigh* more please... soon

Author's Response: I did notice that I rather overdid it with the cliffhangers lately, but it just seemed to work out that way! Glad you like it despite my evilness! :)

sevherfan2005.01.17 - 12:25AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
awww :) he's back! i mad severus is better than no severus at all. she should project some love and happiness at him and be done with it. then we can get back to cuddling, kissing, and sex! ;)

Author's Response: *gigglegiggle* Well, we should at least get to some smoochies very soon. Thanks for the review! :)

some_holly_one2005.01.17 - 12:22AM17: Descent to MadnessSigned
EVIL SIMPLY EVIL! i like it. love the story and turpin please update soon. ~holly

Author's Response: *smirk* I am a bit eveil, aren't I? I'll update as soon as possible, promise! :)

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