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Reviews for The Man Who Sold the World

Kyerie2005.05.05 - 08:04AM3: Three--In the DarkSigned
VE celebrations in Canada too? Guess I missed them, hah. I live in Ottawa, and my dad's in the army, but I didn't get any free stuff. -.-' There's wreaths all over the Unknown Soldier's tomb (I pass by it frequently), but that was for the Battle of the Atlantic this past sunday. Guess I missed the celebrations. :-/

Author's Response: There was a parade (in the military sense, not the floats and clowns sense) in downtown Ottawa this morning (I saw it on t.v.). PM Martin was taking pictures like a tourist! Hee! I envy your Ottawa-living status...I love it there. One day I will live there and be happy. Lurve, Meggory

SusanDara2005.05.05 - 08:02AM3: Three--In the DarkSigned
Oh please don't leave me here to long... PLEASE! Great story and I love the way you cast his return.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'll try to post as quickly as possible. Lurve, Meggory

Kyerie2005.05.05 - 08:02AM3: Three--In the DarkSigned
Lovely. I figured it would be Snape for most of the chapter, and I believe you have given an amazingly precise characterization for him here. That is exactly as I would think someone like Snape would act in such circumstances. I cannot wait to see more,


Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Not only did I try to make Snape well, Snapeish, but I had to factor in his physical state of malnutrition. His brain acuity is below normal, and his breathing and heart rate are depressed. As for the irritability, that's a symptom of both not eating and his own wonderful personality. Lurve, Meggory

sophierom2005.05.05 - 07:10AM2: Two--In the GhettoSigned
Is there any hope at all that the man we think is Malfoy is actually someone else (Severus)? Ergh, now I have to wait for an update to find out! Great chapter. The execution of Dobby was heart-rending. (I'm a big fan of the house elves.) Very nice touch to have Severus appear through the Potions book and Hermione's memory. Looking forward to more! Best, Sophie

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Snape will show up, don't worry! The book will hopefully be important later. Lurve, Meggory

Somigliana2005.05.05 - 01:12AM2: Two--In the GhettoSigned
Well. Upon reading your first chapter I was intruiged. But now I confess that I am your captive, and captivated audience. Bring it on! PS I'm looking forward to the appearance of Severus. My heart hammers in anticipation (yes, I am an absolute drama queen) :)

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! One more captive for my dungeon... We drama queens have to stick together. Lurve, Meggory

Lupine2005.05.04 - 11:45PM2: Two--In the GhettoSigned
This is intruiging. I hope you post more quickly

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'll try my best to post quickly, barring locusts, but sometimes real life gets in the way. If only I could lock myself in my basement... Lurve, Meggory

LariLee2005.05.04 - 11:24PM2: Two--In the GhettoSigned
A thoroughly engrossing tale. I wondered if the title referred to Severus Snape as selling the world, but if Hermione has a copy of his book, it does not appear to be that. So I more intriguing than before!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! The title actually does refer to Snape, but the reason will be revealed in later chapters. Lurve, Meggory

June W2005.05.04 - 11:02PM2: Two--In the GhettoSigned
So you admit to torturing readers for the amusement of yourself and others? I knew it.... When you had Malfoy execute the prisoner, I was afraid it was Severus; still, I was sorry to see Dobby get offed. "Platinum hair and red lapels" sounds like a Malfoy. This is not good. Eeps! When is Severus appearing in your story, and will I be happy to see him? Sigh...

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Yes, I revel in tormenting my audience, but it is all in good fun. Everyone needs a little fictional excitement... I felt really bad when I killed Dobby, but I suppose it's important to both setting and plot. Lurve, Meggory

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