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Reviews for The Man Who Sold the World

Gannet2005.07.24 - 04:59AM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
Anyone want to guess what’s going to happen next? Severus and Hermione are going somewhere to find a unicorn or a dragon heartstring? Thank you for the update!

Author's Response: Aha, not far off. Good guess.

PattyWaffle2005.07.24 - 03:54AM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
Evil evil person. How dare you leave us like that.

Author's Response: Oh, come on, it's not like they're in mortal danger or anything.

AJS2005.07.24 - 03:28AM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
Such a good read! Thank you so much for continuing.

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying it.

jgurlpunkrck2005.07.24 - 01:52AM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
as,dasfa.dkflaksjdfSO GOOD! More please! *sits twiddling thumbs in excited anticipation*

Author's Response: Coming soon.

pickles2005.07.24 - 12:24AM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
No guessing at this point. Just happy with an update. I will let medicdaddy know you have updated when he is home from work... Thank you for a new chapter. P

Author's Response: No problem. Glad you liked it.

Alarase2005.07.23 - 11:36PM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
Lack of intense cliffhanger? I dunno about that. I'm on tenderhooks for that convo. Very nice chapter, I'm enjoying this story immensely. But where is Gregorovich? Great Britain somewhere?

Author's Response: Gregorovich is somewhere in Scotland, far away from both Muggles and Wizards.

forge_underhill2005.07.23 - 11:36PM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
cueiouser and curiouser! as always wondefully suspenseful, although....the quick emotional jump in our favourite greasy git was a bit startling, but then again in those times you really shouldn't miss an opportunity when it slaps you across the face like that!!! hopefully you can understand this rambling and see it as someone jumping up and down madly screaming : "AAAHHHH wonderful! amazing! fantastic! me want more! more!! MOOOOREEE!!!" btw : the short version of vladimir is vova not vovo (at least i haven't heard that version in St. Petersburg, but then again these are strange times...) keep on writing!

Author's Response: Yes, I know the short form of Vladimir is Vova, but I also said "altered" diminutive. I thought Vovo sounded more house-elfish. But thanks for pointing it out anyway; sometimes I make mistakes like that without knowing. Yeah, we'll get to the craziness that is Snape, don't worry.

June W2005.07.23 - 11:13PM14: Fourteen--Breakfast at Vasiliy'sSigned
Duh .... I just thought of something. If he can make a Portkey out of a map, why the heck didn't he do it earlier, instead of bothering with the car in the first place??

Author's Response: Ah, exactly! Why didn't he do so in the first place? Perhaps he didn't have the strength, maybe he was afraid the wards covering Britain would notice a Portkey and find them and Gregorovich, maybe he didn't know what kind of wards Gregorovich had on his place and was afraid to approach them so suddenly, or maybe it just never occured to him at that moment. In the books, it is always the very powerful wizards who create Portkeys (Dumbledore, Barty Crouch). Regular wizards have to be content with Ministry Portkeys because they are regulated. Is it possible Snape had never created a Portkey before that moment?

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