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Reviews for The Man Who Sold the World

TCFellows2006.09.10 - 01:32AM25: Twenty-Five -- I Know You Are But What Am I?Signed
Nice to see an update...good!

Author's Response: Glad you liked it!

Prefiera de Gryfalco2006.09.09 - 03:30PM18: Eighteen--Come TogetherSigned
“Perhaps you should see if it works before we have a celebratory orgy,” he snapped. *snerk*

Author's Response: I totally just giggled. I'd forgotten that I wrote that.

Crescentmoon2006.09.09 - 02:25PM25: Twenty-Five -- I Know You Are But What Am I?Signed
Ooo very very good. I'm REALLY enjoying this fic.

Author's Response: Yay! I'm very glad you're enjoying it.

morganskyeblue2006.09.09 - 12:22PM25: Twenty-Five -- I Know You Are But What Am I?Signed
*biting nails* I hope we won't be waiting long for the next chapter!

Author's Response: I'm going on vacation for two weeks as of 21 September, but since I can't knit or bring my laptop on the plane, I shall revert to old fashioned pen and paper. A new chapter will emerge, hopefully.

Prefiera de Gryfalco2006.09.09 - 11:37AM1: One-A Day in the LifeSigned
Very dark indeed so far. George Orwell or Margaret Atwood would probably be pleased.

Author's Response: I rather think Margaret Atwood would sniff snobbily and return to inventing weird author inventions. Sorry, as much as the literati adore her, I'm not an Atwood fan. Orwell, I'll take. ;D

the_scarlet_pervygirl2006.09.09 - 03:25AM25: Twenty-Five -- I Know You Are But What Am I?Signed
I sometimes wish fanfiction could have taglines instead of jacket descriptions. If it did, *The Man Who Sold the World*'s tagline would be, Let's Get Serious. "Voldemort Wins" is a topic that, it seems, almost no one can do well: it requires a great deal of imagination; a great deal of original-character or minor-character development; a great deal of plot-management; and a clear, concise, but descriptive writing style in order to keep everything going without confusing the reader. You have succeeded in what I hadn't bothered to hope could be done, and I am thrilled and even a little bit honored to be able to read such an amazing story. Your characterization is astonishing; you've had the guts to delve into that side of Snape that so few Snape-admirers are willing to look at too closely: the , vicious, slightly unhinged side that's too dangerous to be pathetic. Your Snape is . . . weird, in a delightfully "What is UP with that guy?" way that's reminiscent of canon-Snape without betraying the sexy fanon-Snape that is also so enjoyable. I want to sing the praises of your Hermione, too, because so many writers seem so intent on using her as a point-of-view character that they don't develop her personality fully enough, and you've given her one that's inquisitive and tart but not shrill or fluttery in the least--womanly, I would say, and not girlish--but I'm rapidly running out of room in my estimate of Space Appropriate for Leaving a Review without Being Creepy, and I want to say instead that your use of extant and original characters is nothing short of stunning. *No one* uses Madam Pince. *No one* uses Percy. You've turned names that suffer near-universal short shrift in the S/H world into round, conflicted characters with intriguing pasts and even more intriguing futures. Oh, and Ginny gives me the creeping willies. I didn't even know it was possible to write a character that a reader could get a seriously bad vibe off of without being aware of overt work on the writer's part to make them that way. Gyahh. I could keep babbling for a while--the offhand comment about Neville Longbottom, Vasiliy and the way you balance the fine line between a rich character and an intrusive one--but, again, space constraints, so let me just say that this is an amazing work of fiction, and that I'm profoundly grateful that you took the time and effort to write it and share it with other people. I can't wait to read more of your stories.

Author's Response: Wow. I am deeply honoured that you took that much time to let me know how much you enjoy reading my fic. This whole thing just started off as a whimsy; my boy made me listen to some Bowie in the car once, and I thought, there is only one thing that pops into my brain when I hear "The Man Who Sold the World," and that is Snape. He is by far my favourite character, and I find him far scarier and unhinged than many other writers or readers. I have an English degree, and the years I have spent dissecting the motivations of characters have permanently warped my brain; I need to write characters as flawed, annoying, frightening, passionate and downright crazy because that's what real people are like. Severus is the way he is not because he's suffered at the hand of others, but at his own hands, and I'll get to that at the climax of the story. Hermione is not whiny or clingy or shrill because she has suffered deeply enough to want revenge by living, not dying. Or possibly by making Malfoy pay. And I love Percy. He's great fodder for plot. As for Madam Pince, I used to work in a library. Librarians are awesome, even the horrid ones. They tend to like cake.

justme2006.09.09 - 02:12AM25: Twenty-Five -- I Know You Are But What Am I?Signed
I'm so sorry to hear of your father, I lost mine on his birthday just last year. I'd like to say it gets better with time, but the grieving process is a mysterious thing and whats better is that it is forever changing as we are. My prayers are with you and your family. On a different note, how could you leave this evil evil cliffie...*sniffles*

Author's Response: Thanks for the sympathy. It's really hard right now because not only did my father die and leave my little sister and I without a parent (my mother died when I was five), I'm also the executor of the estate. Legal stuff really sucks, and sometimes it seems no one you talk to on the phone understands that your life is hard and they should bend over backwards to make it easier, because one day it will be them crying on the phone. Mmm, I love cliffies.

Melama2006.09.08 - 06:29PM25: Twenty-Five -- I Know You Are But What Am I?Signed
*Lets out a long, dramastic sigh* Why, oh why, must you torture us so? You left off on yet another cliffy. But, I must admit, I enjoyed the chapter, nonetheless. It was a wonderfully well written chapter and I hope you update as soon as your life gives you a chance. -Melama-

Author's Response: I will do my best to churn out another chapter as soon as life allows. I'm renovating the house I have now inherited (and by renovating I mean painting and installing flooring and replacing drywall and replacing roof... I'm rather tired, come to think of it) and going on vacation for two weeks, but hopefully I'll have something before I leave.

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