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Reviews for The Man Who Sold the World

medicdaddy2006.05.17 - 12:56AM23: Twenty Three--DistractionsSigned
I do hope all is well with you. You said you wpuld finish this story if it killed you but I hope that is not the case. I do really love reading your stories. Hope to hear from you soon. It is starting to get warmer out on this cliff. Bill

Author's Response: Things have been--hectic is not strong enough. Insane. Between final exams for my last semester of uni, a funeral, full time work, and my "other" job volunteering for the local Air Cadets, I barely have time to sleep. I promise the next chapter is coming. I'm about half-way through, but writer's block is stalking me. I'll try my best to finish it as soon as humanly possible.

spyido2006.05.15 - 09:12AM23: Twenty Three--DistractionsSigned
Oh, I am so happy to hear this story hasn't been abandoned. I have just finished reading it through and hardly couldn't pause at all. You absolutely got me hooked! I am really curious what happened to Ginny. Funny also she refers to Voldemort as Tom (the name he hates so much). As I recall, only Dumbledore did so as a means of demonstrating his disrespect and otherwise only the Diary Riddle would have introduced himself this way. I hope Vovo apparates his master out of the clutches of the death eaters! Sitting on the edge of me chair waiting eagerly for the next chapter! ;)

Author's Response: Hee! Someone noticed. *Wink* Good for you!

kahlua2006.05.07 - 10:07PM23: Twenty Three--DistractionsSigned
hi! i just found your story and i absolutely love it. its definitely the best story ive read in which voldemort won the war. hows the next chapter coming?

Author's Response: Er, slowly. But I promise, it is coming. I swear. I've plotted out the rest of the story, and there should be about ten more chapters.

EternallyTwisted2006.04.27 - 05:30AM23: Twenty Three--DistractionsSigned
Intriguing thuis far! I can't wait to read more...leaving us with SUCH a cliffhanger is purely maniacal and wicked, shame on you *giggle* The suspense and the anticipation are killing my brain, not that that is a bad thing mind you. You have a wonderful writing style and I can't say it enough..you're story is gripping. *drops to knees* please finish up the next installment quickly so my rabid mind can get some bit of closure! *hands you gold stars* Keep up the magnificent work!

Author's Response: The next chapter is coming, I swear!! Just be patient for a little bit longer!

Joyce2006.04.20 - 06:05AM1: One-A Day in the LifeSigned
I really like it. As everyone else has said it does remind vividly of Nazi occupation. I'm European and fortunate to be young enough not to have lived this situation, I can vividly remember my grand parents talking about their awful experiences, although they were not Jewish, they were treated quite the same because they were hiding and helping Jewish families to safety. Some never survived. Some, thankfully did, and their grand children are testament today of what bigotry can do. Well done for a wonderful start, I'm off to read the rest. Only one thing: I believe no one is allowed to say Voldemort's name, not even his faithful Death Eaters, but the women (although "impure"-I hate the meaning of this word when talking about people but know why you use it) both say his name... Shouldn't they say: the Dark Lord? Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: As for using Voldemort's name, I kinda thought that after becoming the ruler of people and countries, his ego would be so huge that he would require acknowledgement of his "true" name. I debated for a while whether I should stick a bit closer to canon, but I rather think Voldemort wants a bit more respect mixed in with all the fear. I suppose in the end it's not a very good reason, but there it is. Thanks for the lovely review!

relentless06032006.04.13 - 04:25AM23: Twenty Three--DistractionsSigned
*contented sigh* I love reading addicting, wonderfully written work. I've just read from the very first chapter till now and am in awe of your cliffhangers; while torturous in their own right, it makes the story even more appealing. I love how Hermione and Severus have worked together and been developed as individuals before any signs of romance abound. That being said, you must include more sexual tension. Must. :-) I hope your exams go well.

Author's Response: I love to see others who will also sit for hours and read a lengthy story from beginning to last posted chapter. It's a terrible habit for me. Thanks for the review, and I also hope my exams go well (my degree depends on it...)

tmtobias2006.04.10 - 02:07PM23: Twenty Three--DistractionsSigned
This is a wonderful story--I love your characters because they seem so realistic and in-character. Please update soon! =D

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! An update, unfortunately, will be slow in coming because I have exams until the end of April.

manny_chan2006.03.22 - 02:28PM23: Twenty Three--DistractionsSigned
GAH! Dear god I love this story! I want more! like...NOW! *slaps rabid fangirl self* Hey there, I get begin to tell you how well this story is written. Everything is so...detailed! I was hooked to this story from the first words and wasn't able to spot reading until the end. Your cliffhangers are evil, what more is that I thought this story was finished until two chapters ago I realized it couldn't be *cry* and now I have to wait for an update...oh well. Manny

Author's Response: Think of it this way--if it's not done yet, you have plenty of hours of good reading waiting for you some day. Thanks for leaving a review!

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