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Reviews for Naked Journey

Alyssa_Snape2006.02.17 - 01:27PM4: Wrong TurnSigned
I love how you made the Unicorns name Bob. Bob is such a...good name. Lol...and it definitely sutis a unicorm. Uh huh...

Author's Response: I couldn't resist naming him "Bob", it made me giggle! Thanks! :)

orm irian2006.01.24 - 10:25PM2: LostSigned
"If I have to be alive then I’d rather not be immediately impaled.” Just great! very amusing. I can't wait to read the rest.

Author's Response: Glad that you're getting a kick out of it! :)

Forte2006.01.24 - 09:35AM18: RemembranceSigned
Well, that was certainly a lovely fic. Two thumbs up to your wonderful beta and yourself for the job well done. I liked the ending... It might seem wrong for me to think such, but I still think Bob a rather humorous name for a unicorn. The one thing that's somewhat unnerving for me is the way Severus and Hermione talk to each other. It seems so... Georgette Heyer-ish. No offense to her or you, I just have this thought of dry and sarcastic wit... The whole love-fest talk was a tad disturbing at first when I pictured it in my mind. Still, it was a "bloody brilliant" fic! Keep writing!

Author's Response: I admit that I may have gone a bit overboard with the love talk, but it was a farce after all. The whole tale is a bit ridiculous, and intentionally so! However, i think any slytherin who can't sweet-talk a lady isn't worth his salt! *snicker* I still giggle a bit about Bob's name myself. I'm glad that you enjoyed this first fic of mine and thanks for the kind review! :)

Aurora2005.12.30 - 12:18AM18: RemembranceSigned
Loved your story. You do so well with plot, I wish you'd just focus on writing good stories like this, and leave the PWP for less gifted authors. One question: Unicorns are supposed to only be approchable by virgins. So what happened here, and why did you so greatly vary from tradition? (You seem so concerned to stay with precident, I just wondered why not on this issue.) Once again, great story.

Author's Response: There are many legends about unicorns, and in this case I went for the "pure of heart" take rather than the "pure of body." The worst sort of selfish person can still be a virgin, (and if they are that dreadful they are likely to remain so!) and I decided that my unicorns would be a little less puritanical and a bit more discerning. I'm afraid I get quite a kick out of writing lemons, it's fun! But I'm glad that you enjoyed the tale despite this foible of mine. Thanks for reading and thanks for the kind review! :)

Aurora2005.12.29 - 10:46PM7: Until Death do PartSigned
Love your word pictures of the hag and the battle!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! that was a difficult chapter for me, and I'm so glad it didn't disappoint! :)

kamelia2005.12.28 - 05:26PM18: RemembranceSigned
Such an enchanting story PladPooka, very well done. I can't wait to read more of your stories.

Author's Response: I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, and I hope the others don't dissapoint! thank you! :)

dracontia2005.12.27 - 01:57AM18: RemembranceSigned
Alright...alright. Growl. Grimace. Snort. You earned it, even if you insist upon cluttering your story with UNICORNS, can't imagine why so many people are so enamored of the fuzzy little things when there are DRAGONS around, but here it is- a 10 for a review. You just heard the equivalent of Snape awarding 50 points to you-know-which-house. *hmmph* Thanks for the story *impish smirk*

Author's Response: *gigglegigglegiggle* Hmm...dragons....dragons in a farce of a story. Now that is an interesting thought indeed! Thanks for the Snapeish award, how appropriate! :)

dracontia2005.12.27 - 01:06AM10: She Stumbles, He FallsSigned
Am I the only one wondering if Albus and Minerva are watching the clock with their jaws hanging somewhere about their knees? *smirk*

Author's Response: *snicker* I believe they'd get quite an eyeful! Thanks! :)

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