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Reviews for Naked Journey

Leia2004.10.19 - 12:23AM16: Romancing the CureAnonymous
YES! Another completely intriguing installment. Lets see, what I love about this chapter: The line, "The room had been expanded and next to his sinfully huge bathtub there was now an object that looked distressingly like a ridiculously large litter box." Ahahahehehe! A litter box! Oh man... And this little exchange: “‘Now Severus…it wasn’t that bad…’ ‘Snort.’” Lol, Sev finds a way to communicate his sarcasm even as a unicorn. I was also very impressed with Severus’s bed, how the underside of the canopy had been charmed to show the nightsky – that is soooo cool. Quite inviting. *wink wink* I hope it wont be long before Hermione and Severus get to really enjoy it! It was really creative of you to envision it in this way, even the colors are perfect and your description is really well done. Oh and the whole mental picture one gets when Severus and Ron have their little wizard chess game was really cool. Those characters are so different, but they are similar in that they are both very “calculating” men when it comes to something as trivial as a match of wizard chess. They take it so seriously! I love the direction the character relationships are going – I just don’t understand why Dumbledore isn’t researching for a cure along with Hermione! Way to dump a huge load the girl who was already having health difficulities!! Ah well, it appears Hermione has had an epiphany so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll all have our Severus returned to his sexy self soon! Keep the updates coming…thanks for the reassurance and explanation about why this chapter wasn’t showing up right away. I’ll try to keep that in mind if the problem ever presents itself again…you know, instead of freaking out, sending my monitor crashing to the floor in rage, and calling my cable modem provider demanding answers: “THERE IS SOMETHING HORRIBLY, HORRIBLY WRONG WITH MY INTERNET. CHAPTER SIXTEEN IS NOT SHOWING UP. COME FIX IT. NOW.” Hehe…yeah I’m a drama queen. Okay I think this review has gotten a wee bit out of hand. Just wanted you to know how pleased I am with your work. Hurrah for quick updates!

Author's Response: I absolutely adore your "out of hand" review! Lol, I think it's longer than my last chapter! *snicker* I'm glad you like the charmed canopy, I was rather proud of that bit, I want one! Don't worry, as soon as Hermione gets Severus straightened out, they'll be sure to put that bed to good use. ;)

JustJeanette2004.10.19 - 12:00AM16: Romancing the CureAnonymous
Now that is a 'shit' awful way to treat a wand..... Severus, now returned at last to his humaniod frame, was eyeing Hermione in a way that would have sent lesser beings fleeing; Hermione just stood there, "well?" she asked. The fact that he now felt somewhat like the 'uptight' git he was generally considered was doing nothing pleasent to his temper, he didn't even dare sit down for fear of doing an internal injury... "Don't worry Severus, it too shall pass..." 'That's what I'm afraid of,' he thought silently to himself.

Author's Response: OMG! Woman you slay me! You write the most wicked parody in the whole history of the whole history! *Sniggergigglechortlesnort* :)

.2004.10.18 - 11:50PM16: Romancing the CureAnonymous
Wow. Best chapter ever. I waited allpatiently and it is so worth it yay very very good chapter thank you. keep up the fabulous writing.

Author's Response: Thank you, darlin'! Glad you thought it was worth a bit of patience. :)

pippin2004.10.18 - 11:49PM16: Romancing the CureAnonymous
Yay it's readable woohoo. Thank you we love you and this is a very very good chapter. hehe I get the review about shoving it up his arse now hehehehe. Aww poor ron it's a draw. well...maybe sev can beat him when he's a human again. *smiles

Author's Response: Naughty Pippin! Shouldn't read reviews before story! Spoils it! *giggle* Glad you thought it was worth the wait! :)

Aurealis2004.10.18 - 11:34PM16: Romancing the CureAnonymous
Good stuff once again! However, I thought that Hermione could probably have transfigured the bed and bathroom herself, since she's practically graduated anyway. I found that to be awfully convenient, that she was all done with course work. But in any case, let me speak on my love of your cliff hangers. Though they torture me, that's why I like them. Also I'd like to commend you on the tidyness of your chapters. Everything seems so well paced and without any run-on thoughts. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: I'm sure Hermione could have handled the transfigurations, but she did promise Madame Pomfrey to rest. Lol, it is a touch convenient indeed to have Hermione's professors skip her out of that last few weeks of course work. But honestly, who wants to read about that? *snicker* Thanks for taking the time to review! :)

.2004.10.18 - 10:56PM15: DemiseAnonymous
sits patienly and waits for the mods. btw "We love you plaidpooka!"

Author's Response: Awwww....*Pook blushes and kicks the dirt* I sure love my readers. I wasn't sure what to expect when I jumped into this. I was afraid everyone would hate my story! Instead, I've got a bunch of lovely readers who have been both supportive and insightful. BTW, fantabulous Ashwinder mods have cleared new chapter. So read away.

pippin2004.10.18 - 10:51PM1: The First StepAnonymous
well unfortunatly enough for us we can't see it because of a loopole in the site that shouldn't be abused. if we loose anonymous reviews I will be very sad and even worse if the site gives up on us I will also be very sad. I you have any idea how to cheat the system please don't please *crosses fingers that people will listen*

Author's Response: :)

Leia2004.10.18 - 10:37PM16: Romancing the CureAnonymous
A lot of us can't see this chapter and we are just a little bit frustrated to say the least...could you post a link here? Pleeeaase? :)

Author's Response: Sorry Leia, (and Pippin too.) I don't even know how to find those hidden links, and the practise is frowned on by Ashwinder. They work very hard to make sure all the stories here are up to their high standards. So I'm afraid we'll all have to be patient. (I have to be patient as well when I read other WIP's) Hang in there! They validate as fast as they are able! :)

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