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Reviews for Killing Time

spunkalovely2011.09.12 - 10:56PM11: ElevenSigned
I love this. I loved the pacing, the loved the way it was written, I loved the ending. It was brilliant!

amestes2011.07.11 - 07:39PM11: ElevenSigned
Just wonderful - the writing is clean, the characters engaging, the tone and storyline is fitting and moving. I simply loved it. Thank you.

DistinctVagueness2011.07.03 - 11:24AM11: ElevenSigned
Wonderfully written, superbly crafted. I actually came to your profile to re-read Second Life originally, but found my attention captured by this story. I thoroughly enjoyed this portrayal of their odd relationship and greatly admire how you pulled this plot off so gracefully. Stunning work. -DV

DistinctVagueness2011.07.03 - 11:24AM11: ElevenSigned
Wonderfully written, superbly crafted. I actually came to your profile to re-read Second Life originally, but found my attention captured by this story. I thoroughly enjoyed this portrayal of their odd relationship and greatly admire how you pulled this plot off so gracefully. Stunning work. -DV

Beeski2011.06.27 - 09:45PM11: ElevenSigned
Thank you for this! I don't believe I have read any other post-DH fic with such a beautifully realized and utterly true Snape. He is not secretly kind, not suddenly beautiful and not a miraculous lover - you have kept him so honestly Snape-y, beyond what many even attempt to portray. I hope writing and gifting this fic gave you as much joy as I gained reading it.

Severed Head2011.06.26 - 10:51AM11: ElevenSigned
i started reading this story hungrily, in an attempt to grab at something by the author of Second Life, which I finished reading just two days before. Naturally, I am inclined to draw comparisons, but then again, I'm not at all sure they would be welcome. It's clear enough that these were two very different projects for you. One thing I'll say is that the writing in this story had a crispness that I sometimes missed in Second Life, particularly in the first half of the novel. I love how compact your writing is, how powerful. The first scene with Snape and Neville was, what, one page? But it contained so much about both of them. I was glad that you made this Snape a virgin. Chimed in nicely with a bunch of his other insecurities without making him some sort of hapless creep who's outlived himself. And yes, I think this is exactly how canon Snape would act in a relationship! THis Hermione, on the other hand, didn't quite work for me. Reminded me too much of what she was like in her first year at Hogwarts: exasperatingly on top of everything. Yes, fragile on closer acquaintance, but still...Anyway, this isn't a criticism of your story: you wrote her very well. It's simply a matter of personal preference. I admire the details of this story (HP and DM bickering, SNape's musings on arithmancy and healing, the little observations about the pleasure of receiving that charmed Hogwarts post), but also the harmony of the big picture. How everyone's stories wreathe together and echo each other. And thanks, also, for the bits of theory you've inserted. The discussion about pureblood frame of thinking was very interesting.

Severed Head2011.06.25 - 03:35PM3: ThreeSigned
it was a bit of a slow start for me, but this chapter is wonderful! And it's made me see the importance of the descriptions in the first two chapters. so glad you've changed your mind about Draco over the years. He's relatable and even likeable in your story. And with just a few brushstrokes you've set up the premises for a very convincing DM/HP!

Jenniemay2011.06.07 - 04:20PM11: ElevenSigned
Amazing. Trully beautiful... Though it lacks something... I dunno... Could it not be it lacks more chapters? I'd love more. Trully. You are a brilliant author. Keep up the good work.

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