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Reviews for It All Comes Down To Time

FlameOfTheNorth2006.06.18 - 05:07AM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
I do hope Severus comes to his senses! Silly man.... Update soon!!!!!!!!!! Cheerio, FlameOfTheNorth

Author's Response: Severus just needs to come to terms with the fact that he is not as emotionally devoid as he likes to pretend he is. I'll do my best on that update. Thanks! :)

Gwenog Jones2006.06.18 - 02:31AM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
Gosh! What a completely heart-breaking chapter. I think that you had each character's emotions and actions down to a T. Very effective use of realism.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I worked very hard to show Severus as an emotional person, while still keeping him in character. I'm so glad that I achieved the desired effect. Thank you so very much for your review! :)

willowywitch2006.06.18 - 01:54AM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
i'm sorry for your and your family's loss. thank you for continuing to write this beautiful story. it's going extremely well. one of the few stories that i truely love. it has everything. keep up the amazing work. don't worry too much about updating, i perfectly understand.

Author's Response: Thank you for your condolances. Luckily, it wasn't unexpected, so it has been a bit easier to bear.

Thank you so very much for your wonderful words about my story. What lovely compliments. I am so glad you are enjoying it. Chapter thirteen is almost halfway done, so, hopefully, I will be able to update early to mid next week. Thank you so much for your wonderful review! :)

Dreams2006.06.18 - 12:16AM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
What a powerful story to read! excellent job!

Author's Response: Thank you so very much! I'm am so glad you are enjoying it. And thank you for the nice review! :)

Lilysweets2006.06.17 - 10:47PM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
I can't believe he would tell her that she's the reason he joined the Death Eaters! It seems like everyone has to apologize...I didn't realize until this chapter just how much EVERYONE screwed up! But he didn't need to lay such a guilt trip on her. Anyway, PLEASE let the baby be okay!!! Great update, Jen.

Author's Response: I know. Severus needs a good slap. Everyone screwed up royally, but he is continuing to make it difficult. Moreso than is necessary. I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter. I poured my heart into writing this one. I love how it turned out, too. Much thanks goes to GeriPixie, Phoenix, and Southern_Witch_69 for helping me with research, suggestions, and mentoring. I can't stess how important it is for a writer to have a good support system. This includes readers and reviewers. Thank you so very much. :)

Sianna Nigtingale2006.06.17 - 10:14PM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
Great!!! Awsome!! Keep it going and update soon PLEASE!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you are enjoying! I'll do my best to update soon. Thanks! :)

Ruby Snape2006.06.17 - 10:00PM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
Oh wow! I think that is all I can say is wow!...Poor Hermione, Poor Severus....Poor Aiden.....The magical womb is an excellent idea. I do pray for happy endings :)

Author's Response: Thank you so very much! I'm glad you are enjoying it. The magical womb was an excellent idea from GeriPixie. It fit perfectly into what I was planning, and I thank her so much for letting me use it. I'll do my best to update soon. Thanks! :)

Aurealis2006.06.17 - 07:50PM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
Oooh that Bastard! I Snape this time, not Dumbledore. But Dumbledore is still bad. That womb thing was brilliant. Poppy needs to not take blame for this. In this day and age, if a girl got pregnant, she could sue Poppy for telling the headmaster without permission. Of course, Snape would be in a whole mess of trouble too, but that's not the point. I liked Hermione's episode. I'm not sure why you made her go into a coma, but her unconsciousness was a nice touch. Trauma from childbirth, followed by a rush in hydrostatic pressure from standing up too quickly... Well thought out indeed! Meanwhile, Snape needs to chill. Making the mother of his child mentally unstable is not in his best interest right now. Cheers on a good job.

Author's Response: Yes, Severus is griping hard to the hateful bastard image he has made for himself. And Dumbledore is still being a prat, too. Much thanks to GeriPixie for her magical womb idea. Glad you like it. Poppy is the only one who is looking at things objectively. She couldn't tell Dumbledore because of medical ethics. When she discovered the truth, she didn't say anything because she was being mindful of messing with time. She has been the only one to react professionally during this difficult time.

I had Hermione fall into a coma because it is what usually happens to a woman after having a severe eclamptic seizure following childbirth and trauma. The coma can last for only a few moments up to a few days, in some cases. It can also be followed by death, but, in this day and age, that is growing rarer. I did a lot of reasearch on eclampsia since it was not something I experienced in my pregnancies. I also watch a dear friend have an eclamptic episode very similar to what I described for Hermione. It is scary and serious. And helps to make Severus realize how much he really does love her, even still. But, he doesn't know how to handle it, so he is making Hermione's postpartum depression worse. Will men never learn? Glad you liked the chapter. Thanks very much for your review! :)

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