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Reviews for It All Comes Down To Time

tacdogs2006.07.16 - 08:30AM14: Chapter FourteenSigned
I was very glad to read the new chapter this morning!! I love this story and how you've written all of the characters.... I hope Severus and Hermione can settle a bit and have a talk instead of both of them losing their tempers. They're sure been on a roller coaster!!

Author's Response: I'm so glad you are continuing to enjoy this story so much. I have worked so hard on the characterizations, and it thrilles me you like them. Severus and Hermione will settle down soon enough when the shock wears off. I'm submitting the next chapter today! :)

sharkdiver2006.07.16 - 08:14AM14: Chapter FourteenSigned
what a cliff hanger!!!! You are evil...

Author's Response: I can't help it. I am in lust with cliffhangers. LOL! Next chapter is being submitted today. :)

greeneyeschip2006.07.16 - 08:12AM14: Chapter FourteenSigned
Great chapter mate! I found it so easy to get engrossed in it once again ... :) I liked the conflict between Harry and Snape, which was well written, and I'm glad that Harry is feeling remorseful for his actions now, but now I kind of don't really like him in this story ... Hermione's depression was very realistic and I do feel bad for her, especially the way Snape is handling it. It, however, is understandable on why he is acting like that beause that is who he is and probably don't know how to deal with it ... I love to hear his possessive thoughts too, e.g. 'My Hermione' or when he encountered Lupin with Hermione ... Hmm ... what else ... oh yeah, got a shock about Snape emerging naked! What is that all about? Can't wait for the next chapter! :P Awesome! Quick qu - how often do you update? I only ask, so I can check again for the next chapter ...

Author's Response: I'm so thrilled you are enjoying my story so much! I'm glad you liked the conflict. Harry realizes he has made mistakes. Hopefully, he can redeem himself. He really hurt Hermione. I'm glad Hermione depression is realistic. I didn't have problems like that after my two children, but have been in close contact with those who have. I'm glad I captured it. Severus is not handling things well, but you hit the nail on the head saying the he doesn't know how to deal with it. I thought his possessive thoughts kind of put a more personal touch to his character. Glad you liked that bit. And Naked!Severus. You'll see very soon what is going on there. As for the updates, I normally shoot for once a week, but occasionally go bimonthly. I've only gone that long twice, though. I'll be submitting chapter fifteen today. Hope you enjoy it! :)

skintwo2006.07.16 - 07:55AM14: Chapter FourteenSigned
GAH. gah! NAKED cliffie? Oh, how very evil of you. Oh, sheesh. Love the description of her room, btw.

Naked cliffie. You are killing me.

Author's Response: I admit that I am evil. I have a love for cliffies, no matter how small. They are frustrating when I'm the reader though... Muahhh!!! LOL! Glad you liked the room. I've had mixed reactions about the wall color. LOL! More to come soon! :)

barbarade2006.07.16 - 05:33AM14: Chapter FourteenSigned
Great update, worth the wait.

Author's Response: I'm so glad you think so! I'll be submitting chapter fifteen today, so I hope that one is worth the wait as well. :)

madjh2006.07.16 - 04:29AM14: Chapter FourteenSigned
*blinks* A very naked Severus? *grins* I do hope you're one to update quickly now that you've kept me up until 4:30 am reading what you've got so far! This is fabulous!

Author's Response: Wow! 4:30 am just for me? I feel special. I do update quickly. Usually once a week, but occassionally once every two weeks. I'm so glad you're enjoying. Chapter fifteen is being submitted today! :)

madjh2006.07.16 - 04:07AM12: Chapter TwelveSigned
ahh, I must pause now to say thank you. Thank you SO much for writing this. I had a similar plot bunny running through my head... but I couldn't have done it justice. Your writing ans story telling and grasp of the Marauder era characters is all superb! *hies off to keep reading*

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I'm so glad you are enjoying. And I'm sure you could do well with something if you put your mind to it. It takes a lot of work, so be forewarned. :) I'm so glad you like my writing and storytelling style. I had a wonderful time writing the Marauder era characters, so I'm glad you liked them. Thank you so much for all your compliments. You are wonderful! :)

Lariren Shadow2006.07.16 - 03:47AM14: Chapter FourteenSigned
I love this story! I really can't think of much more to say, seeing as I read the whole thing since I got back from work today. But yes, it was wonderful and I hope it does well in the awards! I like the idea of Hermione going back in time. I just recently got into reading Snape/Hermione stories and really have not read much apart from a few marriage law fics and one where she was a ghost. Anyway, I loved the idea. And that she was having a hard time with everyone back then. The thing with Sirius was a little unexpected, but cool. I really should be more awake when I write these, but I liked her friendship with Remus too. The recent chapters were also interesting. With all her depression and such. I got a flashback of Harry in OofP when he called her a bitch. Something he would do, given. I liked that Ron stayed. It seemed like the right thing for him to do. I really did like that. Aw! The whole thing made me feel happy and like romance is possible(which is a really big compliment because the only other things that have made me feel like that are usually Faramir/Éowyn stories). The womb idea was good. I liked how that worked out and everything. I can't wait for the next chapter and to see how things turn out! Also, I hope things are better for you! I saw that your father-in-law died in one of the author notes and I hope things are better for you! ~Jenny

Author's Response: Wow! What a wonderful review! I've read many of the MLC fic and also the one where Hermione is a ghost. Enjoyable stories. I'm glad you are enjoying my idea. There have bene many time fics, and I have worked very hard to make mine different. Yes, Sirius surprised everyone, but he is so persistant. I feel sorry for Hermione, getting lost in her sorrow for his future. Bad decision on her part, but she is just a teenager. I like Remus. Had to fit him in somehow. :) And Harry in OotP was exactly what I was envisioning when I wrote that scene. Many people hated Harry's reaction, but I think he might have gone off. And Ron is always portrayed as such a berk. I wanted to give another view of him. He is basically a nice guy. Surely he could be mature at times. Thank you for your compliment on the romance. I'm thrilled you are on the same page as me. The womb idea was from the wonderful GeriPixie. I thought it was brilliant! Thank you for your words about my FIL. Things are fine here. It wasn't unexpected, so that has made things easier for us. I am submitting chapter fifteen today, so hopefully it will be up soon! Thanks for your wonderful review! :)

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