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Reviews for I'll Never Take Advantage

hunnybunch2005.11.17 - 11:42AM3: Listening inAnonymous
an update! yay! to be honest, i never thought this would see an update, but there you are. i am so glad you are continuing with this story! can't wait to read more of it. btw: great style!

Author's Response: Thanks! I promise to see this through to the end, whatever that is...Annie

Subversa2005.11.17 - 04:53AM3: Listening inSigned
I am so pleased to see an update for this story. Oddly enough, I was thinking about it just recently, Annie. The whole notion of this story captured my imagination six months ago, and still rattles around in my mind. I promise to be a faithful reader if you choose to finish this one. Welcome back!

Author's Response: Thanks, and I promise to be a (more) faithful author! I'm really glad this intrigues you!

Ardeo2005.11.17 - 04:00AM3: Listening inSigned
Very interesting . . . I'm really enjoying this story - I also appreciate the quasi-denial that Hermione seems to be in - aside from a few silly-hysterical moments concerning her appearance and NEWTs, she doesn't really seem to have digested all that has happened to her; most of her focus seems to be on the present and avoiding thoughts of the past. It'll be interesting to see how she eventually reconciles everything that's occured in the last six months. You've written the mental process very well - Hermione trying not to think about issues that will, at some point, need to be resolved. It's often irritating to read fics that don't really address the psychological challenges that come with traumatic experiences - a hug and a cup of tea, and a rape or torture is a non-issue - so unrealistic. So thank you for this. I can't wait to see how you write the frustration and difficulties that would come with dealing with something you can't even remember, but know happened. So yay! I look forward to the next chapter! :-)

Author's Response: That's how I feel...love and care help overcome these things, but the hard work has to be there too. And Hermione has six months to stew about what she's learned before she can communicate about it! I don't believe I'd do very well in that situation...Thanks for the review!

raj2005.11.17 - 03:01AM3: Listening inSigned
A new chapter, how wonderful! In a strange coincidence, I found myself thinking about this story this afternoon, wondering when/if it would be updated. I'm thrilled to see that it has been, and that the latest installment is so very good. I love the way Hermione is dealing with her emotions by concentrating on the information she has managed to gather. And the interaction between Snape and Harry was perfect; not chummy, exactly, but respectful, even relaxed. It seems quite clear that their common goal of seeing Hermione cured has overcome their former mutual animosity, and that's something I really enjoy reading, as long as it is well written. And this entire story is written so very well! I can't wait to find out what the next step is, both in Hermione's recovery and in her attempt to learn more about Severus. Fantastic work!

Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, each needs the other in order to accomplish his goal, and is grateful to the other for past assistance. But they aren't buddies and they probably never will be.

TCFellows2005.11.17 - 01:44AM3: Listening inSigned
I like this...intesting..different...which is always good....Will we ever see snarky severus? Write more

Author's Response: Next chapter...stay tuned!

Darque Hart2005.11.16 - 06:07PM3: Listening inSigned
I've read this story for the first time and wish to congratulate you on putting it together and getting in posted. I am in awe of anyone and all that manage to go from "idea to posting". Very interesting concept for a storyline. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Thanks! It's a struggle, but a fun struggle!

Tautriadelta2005.11.16 - 04:44PM3: Listening inSigned
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy! OK, now that THAT'S out of my system, I can continue in a more constructive manner. I loved it. Hermione's confusion is well written, and her simultaneous zoning in and out makes sense to me. I like how she keeps telling herself to breath. I'm also glad she isn't too pissed at Severus for, well, everything that's happened. How should I send you the promised waffle? .JPG or .PDF? =)

Author's Response: Mmmm, virtual waffles are the best! Thank you! She and Severus are going to have a lot to work through, but I hope she's able to refrain from blaming him for actions beyond his control. Annie

adele rose2005.11.16 - 03:55PM3: Listening inSigned
I'm glad you updated--I'm looking forward to the rest of the story! (I hope they figure out that she is aware now -- that way they can be more entertaining for her!)

Author's Response: I quite enjoyed the notion that Severus would read the graded essays to her for their mutual entertainment. I'm glad you like the story!

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