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Reviews for The Mage

zanuda2010.04.23 - 05:37PM4: 4. DisappointedSigned
Excellent! Wonderful interaction with the boys, and what a nightmare! (Of course, by canon rules they couldn't possibly knock at her door. Sorry - but you know what my nick means). As for Snape - that is going to be difficult... And a good thing too...

Author's Response: Hee, yes! (about the canon). The story is AU for a reason )))) Thank you for reading. And you're right, it's not going to be easy with Snape. :)

browneyes2yu2010.04.23 - 03:36PM4: 4. DisappointedSigned
YES!!!!! Thank You!!! That was one very short lesson though...I guess, you took care of preliminaries. I love how you make Snape so strong and I can't wait to find out what kind of Mage Snape is and whether they are compatible (Mage-ly) with Hermione (or is he himself the ridiculous type? heehee). Oh, yes, and to find out Hermione's type...(in actual words, that is, black on white)...And I can't WAIT to read the next chapter on the Weasley/Hermione meeting! Anyway, I have a feeling this story will get only more and more fascinating. Btw, do you already have it mapped out/completed or you're just going with the flow...err, Muse, I meant?^^*

Author's Response: Oh, hey there! Glad to see you here as well :) I suppose, updated will be much more timely on Ashwinder. And yes, it's completely written, but I'm still tweaking it and have each chapter beta'd before I post it. Thank you for reading!

siage2010.04.23 - 03:34PM4: 4. DisappointedSigned
This just keeps getting better. Intriguing promise for the future - more invasion of private space. Can't wait for more. THANKS!

Author's Response: haha, you'd expect that from Severus, right? )) Thank you for reading and leaving a note, it's greatly appreciated.

MsTree2010.04.23 - 01:29PM4: 4. DisappointedSigned
So she actually put off reading the book. *gasp* She's a better Mage than I am. *grin* I'd want to read it right away. Oh well, F&G will probably answer any questions she might have -- for a price. ^_^

Author's Response: Well.... I think she might just cave. A little bit :)) but we'll see in the next chapter. Thank you for reading, as always!

teatime2010.04.23 - 11:38AM4: 4. DisappointedSigned
This story is compelling to read, as I love books a whole story that involves the library is awesome. I cannot wait to read more.

Author's Response: Thank you very much for reading a letting me know what you think :) I hope another chapter will be up in a week or so :)

faerie_chell2010.04.23 - 11:26AM4: 4. DisappointedSigned
I don't know why I had up to this point always skipped reading this story when I say updates but today I did not. Now I wished that I had never delayed reading it. This is a great idea and I am loving the story and it is only just beginning. I love the affinity for books it is amazing.

Author's Response: Thank you very much for giving my story a try! I'm very happy to know that you like it so far and will do my best to keep you interested :)

madeleone2010.04.23 - 10:59AM4: 4. DisappointedSigned
Yay a new chapter! I love how this is moving along, Hermione's imaginings at the beginning were so true to what the wizarding world is. Too bad she didn't catch Snapey in his nightshirt before he had his first cuppa of the day. LOL His use of the tracking thing seems a bit invasive but I suppose if she has all these untrained powers she could be a danger to herself and others. Still? Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Aww, thank you! *hugs* I'm so glad you're liking this story. I agree, that Snape was very insensitive with the tracking nugget, but I think it was a totally Snape thing to do. *Off to read New Beginnings, I've been saving the latest 3 chaps to read with coffee on a Saturday morning* :)

Leraiv Snape2010.04.22 - 08:16PM3: 3. ConfusedSigned
The Weasley twins? That's awesome. And totally appropriate, given their affinity for all things trouble-making. So...Snape is a Mage? Who else would be? This is unfolding to be an interesting tale - I'm excited to see the rest!

Author's Response: Thank you! :) Twins are going to feature in this story, this is a given, since I love them to pieces. I hope no one minds :) Snape's Mage-ness is about to be ascertained, but you've already guessed that :)

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