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Reviews for An Army of Snapes

LetsBotherSnape2005.03.08 - 10:53PM1: Chapter 1Signed
Howdy!! Loved the Philip K Dick reference and the kinda X-men-ish NightCrawler "Bamph" reference too!! As always- love your writing! Keep up the stellar work!!

Author's Response: Well...the sound might be vaguely Nightcrawler-inspired, but the word is "Banff", not "Bamph". It is a direct reference to the Canadian ski-resort town...and a secret tribute to my Household twin. (SCAdian-adopted identical twin; we think exactly alike, which is scary.) Mind you, she doesn't live in Banff, but I love Canada's wonderful history and rich diversity (I'm American, myself), so I thought it would be cool to use such an onomatopoetic word (sounds like it's spelled) for the sound-effect. ~Lotm

Calisto_Marx2005.03.08 - 10:50PM3: Chapter 3Signed
Hm....would that count as snogging? Perhaps it wasn't enough to make him disappear....but I thought he was the one who wanted to kiss her.....hmm....I'm sure all will be revealed at some point. I'm really enjoying this story. It's quite wonderful. It not only sppeds things up a bit (because she gets to know what he may or may not be thinking or how he reacts since the duplicates are able to help a bit) and it also gives us more insight into the relationship. I can't wait for the next chapter, and I'm glad you update so quickly! ^_^ Jen

Author's Response: The bugger about these reviews is that I can't tell which chapter they're attached to...if you mean the kiss in the morning before breakfast in the abandoned classroom...that was Kind-Snape. Kiss-Me-Snape hasn't had his chance, yet. He will, though--never fear! And it was fun to write with the copies trying to cooperate. (Except for Prude-Snape, of course.) ~Lotm

Spearsister2005.03.08 - 10:34PM1: Chapter 1Signed
hmm lotsa snape can I have one pleeeese

Author's Response: Hmmm...that one. Scream-My-Name-Snape. But only for a few hours... ~Lotm

Alarase2005.03.08 - 10:07PM2: Chapter 2Signed
Whoot! I just went and finished reading this on your fan yahoo group. I love it!! So hot. Had to scoop myself off the floor. Nearly caught flame in lust...and jealousy. I got nothing done tonight, which is horriable, your writing though, inspires me and makes me not care!! Squee!! I can't wait what you'll come up for us. Will you be answering your Yenta Challenge as well?

Author's Response: I'm not responsible for your not doing anything (urgh, arse-covering disclaimers...), but I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. And I DID answer the Yenta Livery Company Challenge...technically *before* I came up with it, but "Matrimony" is my official entry for that particular Challenge. In the meantime, enjoy! ~Lotm

FeyinBetween2005.03.08 - 09:55PM2: Chapter 2Signed
This is one of the best stories I've read in that it's both absolutely hilarious and thought-provoking. Good grief, I hope you update quickly.

Author's Response: ...I trust I delivered on time? ~Lotm

Jadeous2005.03.08 - 09:15PM2: Chapter 2Signed
*evil cackle* yay for severus pile! lets have one before the end? pleeeease! Hysterical story, great work.

Author's Response: It's already finished, and the secrets of the ending therein are known only to the MoITWF (so far), so nyah! (But that's a very nice evil cackle.) ~Lotm

jh_wheatley2005.03.08 - 09:03PM2: Chapter 2Signed
I love it, I love it. I LOVE it!!!! Just imagining Snpae in a room-full of sexcrazed clones fufilling their 'needs'... I just adore fics that put the potions master in hilariously absurd situations! Very well done, original idea... I'm dying for the next update! When will it be????

Author's Response: Muwahahahahaha... Oh, wait, wrong posting. That wasn't the reply I wanted...no, wait, it was. Muwahahahahahahaa!--Soon, of course! ~Lotm

Sharon2005.03.08 - 08:38PM2: Chapter 2Signed
This is such a strange story... fantastic, but strange. To be honest, I clicked on it because it had a menage a trois and I just had to look... heh. Well. Now you have me hooked, so I would appreciate it greatly if you updated. Quickly.

Author's Response: ...Sigh. I'm getting there, I'm getting there! At least the story is finished. ~Lotm

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