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Reviews for As Morning Falls

madeleone2011.01.01 - 12:54PM2: Chapter 2: All On A Misty MorningSigned
Looking back and knowing what we know now about Dumbledore, makes it hard to like the man. I know he was working for "the greater good" but what a manipulative bastard he was. Thanks for the link, lovely song and loved the guitar as much as the words. :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much! Yes, Mr. Weller cast his own spell with that song, I think.

madeleone2011.01.01 - 12:32PM1: Chapter 1: As Morning FallsSigned
Great start. You've captured the desperation of life on the run. I'll be honest in saying that I usually prefer stories with an older Hermione rather than student Hermione. But you make it work here with hints of the background info on the two and his reluctance to get involved with her in the beginning.

Author's Response: I am currently working on a new fic that delves into this more.

talesofsnape2011.01.01 - 03:30AM5: Chapter 5: I Clothed Myself In Your Glory And Your LoveSigned
Snicker! The irony of Hermione giving birth to not one but two Quidditch stars makes me smirk, even if at least one of them was also smart enough for Ravenclaw. And again, so much better than canon. I'm glad Minerva knew.

Author's Response: I had to go back to one of the first chapters and add that Minerva had reasoned it out, because I had to include the part where she falsified the 'Mulhollands' as Hogwarts grads. It's amazing what you have to do to tie up all the loose ends.

talesofsnape2011.01.01 - 03:12AM4: Chapter 4: The Slate Will Soon Be Clean, I'll Erase The MemoriesSigned
Snicker! I was telling myself all the way through that Phineas had to be lying. Had to be, because otherwise you'd be an exceptionally cruel woman, and a murderer of unborn Snapelets. I'm very glad that I didn't misjudge you.

Author's Response: Nope, I'm a HEA girl all the way. There's enough angst in the real world...hee hee

talesofsnape2011.01.01 - 02:59AM3: Chapter 3: A Soul For Sale Or RentSigned
Sigh! Much, much better than the canon version where Ron and Harry come barging back into the tent.

Author's Response: Sex and snow, the best combination! ;)

talesofsnape2011.01.01 - 02:42AM2: Chapter 2: All On A Misty MorningSigned
More sighs! It really does take a woman like Hermione to be able to cope with Severus, and it takes a Severus not to turn into a doormat with a woman like her.

Author's Response: Severus - a doormat? On no! Although, he might like a nice foot massage...

talesofsnape2011.01.01 - 02:29AM1: Chapter 1: As Morning FallsSigned
Sigh! You have such a wonderfully lyrical turn of phrase when you're describing things. It's beautiful, haunting even at times, and yet never overdone, and you certainly make all of us hope that Lily, Albus and the Marauders have a good long time in hell ahead of them.

Author's Response: Thank you so much - especially for the recommendation on One Bad Man - I had no idea it was there, but it made my day when I found out. Thank you so much.

DistinctVagueness2010.12.30 - 07:26PM5: Chapter 5: I Clothed Myself In Your Glory And Your LoveSigned
Loved this. I have to admit that I did raise an eyebrow at the Australian transformation at the end, but I did give it a chance, and really liked the outcome! I realy felt my heart twist quite a bit in the last chapter...I so wanted them to reconnect properly with everyone else, but in truth, the ending was as it should be. I think you did a great job overall here...a relationship between them, whilst Hermione is still ~technically~ a student has its risks in writing, but you tackled it really well. I liked their tentative, hot and cold relationship beginnings. Brilliant job, well done. -DV

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your thoughtful review. I admit the Australian thing was a gamble, but I just kept thinking about Hermione's parents there, and I thought, well between her and Snape they could sort out her parents' memories and could possibly find a stable home life there. Then I had to back track and have Minerva figure out eveyrthing so she could forge their new Hogwarts' identities! And finally, I've always thought that Snape would have noticed Hermione very early on, and felt the conflict of attraction/revulsion because she was a student. Thank goodness for that pesky time-turner age thing!

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