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Reviews for Tonight You're Mine Completely Part I

Tayla Danaher2006.02.14 - 11:35AM7: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part TwoAnonymous
What? That's it? You left us hanging? Um, please ma'am, may I have some more?

Author's Response: Sorry, Tayla, I didn't mean to do that on purpose - I will have to watch that in future postings. Things are going to simmer for a while between Hermione and Severus. Each will come to the conclusion they have more important things to worry about - and - Hermione doesn't have a clue about the Severus angle - she thinks her soul mate just might be Ron. And Hermione will be plotting her revenge. Thank you for reviewing and I promise to be more careful how I end the chapters. Appreciatively, joannie

mekareami2006.02.13 - 01:01AM7: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part TwoSigned
Yeah! I enjoyed this chapter and look forward to more :) Thank you for writing

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing, mekareami. There is more coming. The Professor has met his match in Hermione; he shouldn't have done what he did. But, then he wouldn't be Professor Snape! I am very pleased you enjoyed the chapter. I hope my inclusion of characters other than the main HG/SS is not disconcerting. They are so much fun to play with and are richly developed - a big thank you to JK. They add dimension to HG and SS. joannie

Tatianna2006.02.12 - 10:16PM7: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part TwoSigned
My goodness! This is such a FANTASTIC story. I can't believe I missed it. You definitely have a way with words and a talent at writing. I didn't even *blech* at Severus/Lily lemon. I found it... pretty darn beautiful. I can't wait to find out what Hermione does to get back at her potions professor ;)

Author's Response: Hi Tatianna, Thank you for the encouraging words. I was a little concerned about the Severus/Lily couple. I felt Severus needed a background - there is a little good in the worst of us and a little bad in the best of us. I was trying to make him human - show there had been a point in his when he could have made other choices - I wanted to show his vulnerabilities - that is why I had to make Lily the stronger of the two. And, we haven't seen the last of Lily - she did give Dumbledore a Pensieve for Harry. That was the most difficult chapter for me to write - I still don't think it was perfect. There are a few hints in their conversation of what is to come. I hope you will enjoy the next chapters just as much. Appreciatively, joannie

Snape_dreamer2006.02.12 - 04:59PM7: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part TwoSigned
it was his fault, bastard, but i love him anyway. Can't wait for this little game.

Author's Response: Thank you Snape_dreamer for the review. It means a lot when someone takes the time to not only read your story, but also leave a review. Hermione is going to take her time and get her revenge. She is such a clever little witch. Appreciatively, joannie

septentrion2006.02.12 - 04:58PM7: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part TwoSigned
briilant !

Author's Response: Thank you for reading my little story, septentrion. I've read several wonderful stories on Ashwinder and Pureblood. I am aiming for a story line that is a little different without making it too AU. joannie

d2006.01.31 - 08:41AM6: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part OneAnonymous
is there any more ???

Author's Response: Hi, Yes, the next chapter just came back from my beta's first read. Dumbledore is going to explain to Severus what has been happening to him, and he will give him advice which Severus will promptly forget about - and come to regret for awhile.

Rowan of the Mist2006.01.22 - 10:07PM6: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part OneSigned
Excellent story so far! Keep the chapters coming please!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review. And, yes, I will keep the chapters coming. Chapter 7 went to the beta last week and I hope to have it returned by the week-end. Dumbledore's warning to the Professor: "As long as she is your student you must maintain a ‘hands off’ policy." His curiosity gets the better of him and - well, he should have listened to Albus. joannie

snapesoulmate2006.01.14 - 09:54PM6: Night Hits The Morning Sun Part OneSigned
Wow! Very good so far. Hope there will be more soon. How many chapters do you think this will be?

Author's Response: Hi snapesoulmate, Thank you very much - happy to hear you are enjoying it. I outlined the story before HBP, which has now caused me a dilemma over Snape and Dumbledore. As to how many chapters - I have it estimated at 20 - 25. I have the final chapter written - with the middle outlined. This is 5th year. Hermione is undecided about Ron and Viktor - she's a teenager - but unfortunately she learns that life is tough. Her dentention will actually become a stumbling block between her and Ron. Severus must learn to live again in the real world - and like himself before anyone else can like (not pity) him. Oh, I may pickup on another thread and do a sequel. joannie

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