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Reviews for Tonight You're Mine Completely Part I

Becky2006.08.22 - 05:20PM9: Snape RetaliatesSigned
OH WOW...I LOVE THIS STORY..Please hurry with an update! And It was Severus who was marked when she stabbed him in the hand with the quill...RIGHT??? He just hasn't figured it out yet!! I LOVE IT!!!

Author's Response: Becky, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I am so pleased you are enjoying my little story. The next chapter has been uploaded; it's waiting it;s turn in the queue. And, you have just given me the kick to get the chapter following that one back to my beta tonight. Poor Severus. Love him dearly, but he'll be in denial over "the mark". I'm going right now to take care of it. Hugs, joannie.

jaida2006.08.21 - 09:44PM9: Snape RetaliatesSigned
I just found this story today and am really enjoying reading it.

Author's Response: Thank you jaida; it is encouraging to know readers are enjoying this little jaunt as much as I am. I uploaded the next chapter yesterday - may take a few days to get posted. After Albus explains to Severus what Hermione unwittingly did when she charmed the parchment, Severus is going to be very upset. Thank you for the review. joannie

Maggie2006.08.21 - 05:17PM9: Snape RetaliatesSigned
Oh my, she's not going to be happy about this.

Author's Response: Hi Maggie, Hermione is going to find out in chapter 11, and she is definitely not happy. Thank you for reviewing. joannie

MysticForce2006.08.21 - 12:13AM9: Snape RetaliatesSigned
Just a fun fact: there is an anagram for Severus Snape, if you switch the letters you get... pursues Evans... I just thought of that while reading your story, Im a huge SS/LE shipper and I think there arent enough stories about them, so thank you for chapter 5! *smile*

Author's Response: Mystic, thank you, thank you. I had not noticed that anagram. I really do appreciate hearing that. I was a bit alarmed when I went down this path, and for that reason - not very many SS/LE stories. I felt there was the possibly of something in common. My outline is twelve chapters for 5th year. Sixth year is going to see a change in Hermione. She is going to go through a summer of growing and learning, and she will come to some interesting conclusions. I have another poignant, SS/LE chapter outlined, but have not decided whether to include it. I may just let it stand on its own. joannie

deathbyshikon2006.08.14 - 11:34AM8: Hermione’s RevengeSigned
I can't wait to see what happens next! Interesting concept, keep up the goodness.

Author's Response: Hello deathbyshikon, Thank you for the review. It is always good to hear if your storyline is entertaining. I just uploaded chapter 9, which has a couple giggles. Severus and Hermione will be getting a little closer, in a manner of speaking, in chapter 11. These last chapters I wrote while in Cancun under the influence of Margarita's; it is taking me some time to transcribe my scribbles into a readable format. Appreciatively, joannie.

Maggie2006.08.07 - 02:14PM8: Hermione’s RevengeSigned
Interesting? please update soon!

Author's Response: Hi Maggie, Thank you for reviewing. I just uploaded chapter 9 yesterday. Chapter 10 won't be too far behind. And 11 is almost ready. joannie

Maggie2006.08.07 - 12:52PM5: Dreams And NightmaresSigned
WHo is the woman?

Author's Response: Hi Maggie, The woman is not so much a living person as a spirit. Dumbledore, the world's most powerful wizard, has always reminded me (and no doubt others) of Merlin. In HBP when he took Harry on the journey for the Horcrux, the whole time I'm wondering - 'how did he become so knowledgable?" It was as if he could sense through his fingertips. It took me back to Merlin and of course his companion Nimue - depending on which version you read she has various entities. I don't give the woman a name, but I would like to think she is much older than Dumbledore and has gathered her knowledge over the centuries and makes her skills available to the Headmasters of Hogwarts. Thank you asking, I hope the answer wasn't too drawn out. joannie

cathmorgan52006.08.06 - 07:56PM8: Hermione’s RevengeSigned
Enjoying the story. Was the quill accident the mark?

Author's Response: Hi cath, Thank you for reviewing. How very perceptive you are. The next chapter, which I uploaded today, explains the rash Severus noticed when he locked away the spell book. joannie

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