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Penname:Fallen_Angel [Contact]
Member Since:2008.01.02
Real name:Ariadne
Stories Posted:0
Reviews Posted:19
A Favorite Author of:0 members
Favorite Stories:31
Favorite Authors:33
I love fanfiction; the stories, the authors, the community.

I'll read fics from any fandom, as long as they're well done. Favorites include: Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z, Doctor Who, Ashes to Ashes, Firefly, Death Note, Hellsing, X-Men, Inuyasha, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Stargate: Atlantis, R.O.D., Watchmen, Red Eye, Darren Shan/Cirque Du Freak, and BtVS.

Likes: I gravitate to dark!fics, with emphasis on character development, and a well-defined plot. I especially enjoy fics that involve time travel, alternate universes, conspiracy theories, secret societies, and motley crews.

Dislikes: Not a fan of crossovers, OOC, fluff, song fics, the altering of a character's basic personality to serve a plot, poor plotting in general, and Mary Sues.

Hates: Crybaby, emotional tampon, feminized Snape.

1. Snape isn't a normal person. He's not going to show up at a class reunion, spout poetry, or hold someone's hand, under any circumstances.

He's the kind of broken that can't be fixed, and you have to deal with that as a writer, not change it. In fact, I would say that that's what makes him such an excellent character to work with: you always know where you stand with Snape, how he's going to react, what he's going to say; you just have to be true to his nature.

2. He's a teacher, a Death Eater, and a spy, so he's not going to place "feelings" before responsibility, or love over duty. Finding what makes him human, like the rest of us, shouldn't be as easy as turning him into Harry Potter, with a slightly darker personal history.

3. I can't emphasize this enough: Snape isn't an adolescent school girl, and has nothing in common with one.

The SS/HG pairing works, not because they have so much in common (because, beyond possessing a superior intellect, it's not a lot), but because it shouldn't - because seemingly, it can't.

The most loveable and believable SS/HG stories throw the two together into situations beyond their control, to form bonds neither of them wants. They're two very strong, but different, people, and all the things that separate and stand between them are what make their coming together, and learning to trust each other, so entertaining.

When a story allies Snape and Hermione - against the school, the order, the World - through some unique circumstance, such as the Marriage Law, or a secret only the two of them share, allowing them to build on their previously unacknowledged mutual respect and admiration, it's magic. You just have to remain true to their characters, and not change who they are to fit the story.

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All of the authors on my favorites list are people I love and admire, whose stories have been with me through the darkest times of my life. For what it's worth, thank you.

Stories by Fallen_Angel (0)Favorite Stories (31)Favorite Authors (33)

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