The New House Banner: The New House Banner

by beaweasley2


“Would it be too much to ask for a little obeisance from these prats?” Hermione grumbled as she entered the staff room. As soon as she saw the rooms only other occupant, she turned on him. “I’m so sick of being interrupted with such spoony nonsense and having to vituperate them all the time! And all the tittle-tattle! Those girls all sound like jaberknolls!”

Severus turned and looked at her, a subtle arch of his eyebrow his only response.

“You’d think your Slytherins would show some respect to a teacher!” she screeched with asperity. “Look what they did to my Gryffindor banner!” Hermione held up the banner, which had been hanging in her classroom.

Severus looked at the banner, forcing himself to conceal his mirth. The Gryffindor lion was now a silver snake with silver wings and a lion’s golden mane, legs, and claws. “I’m hardly a professor of heraldry or vexillology, Hermione. Starting a new house are we?”

“Hardly! How on earth am I supposed to teach these kids if they won’t cease pulling their pranks, hexes and jinxes!” she said as she brandished the banner in her fist at him. “I really hoped that with the end of the war, everyone would try and get along!”

“I’m not one to either interfere with or exalt another professor’s methods of teaching,” he said with a smirk. “Especially when told to ‘butt out’ last week.” Hermione glared at him, and he smiled amiably. “I’ll have a word with them regarding the defacement of your banner. In the meantime, might I suggest we go somewhere and sooth this Gryffindor temper of yours?”

“I have essays and rounds to do,” she started to say and then looked at him curiously. “What did you have in mind?”

“A swim in the prefects' tub might be in order,” he said smoothly, taking the offending banner from her grasp and transfiguring it into a towel.

“I don’t have a suit,” she stammered.

“I don’t wear a suit when swimming,” Severus replied smoothly.

At his suggestion, Hermione’s mouth opened, her eyes widened, and her gaze swept down his body.

“Precisely,” he said silkily, handing her the towel. “I’ll meet you right after curfew.”



Author’s Notes:

I’ll leave the rest to your imagination!

Thank you, CourtneyRochelle, for the beta read. I really appreciate the help.

The word list (swiped from the past week's list from :

1. obeisance

2. vituperate

3. spoony

4. asperity

5. vexillology

6. tittle-tattle

7. exalt

.......Words with Definitions. ......

obeisance \oh-BEE-suhn(t)s; oh-BAY-suhn(t)s\, noun:
1. An expression of deference or respect, such as a bow or curtsy.
2. Deference, homage.
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vituperate \vy-TOO-puh-rate, -TYOO-, vi-\, verb:
To find fault with; to scold; to overwhelm with wordy abuse; to censure severely or abusively; to rate.
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spoony \SPOO-nee\, adjective:
1. Foolish; silly; excessively sentimental.
2. Foolishly or sentimentally in love.
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asperity \as-PAIR-uh-tee\, noun:
1. Roughness of surface; unevenness.
2. Roughness or harshness of sound; a quality that grates upon the ear.
3. Roughness of manner; severity; harshness.
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vexillology \vek-sil-AHL-uh-jee\, noun:
The study of flags.
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tittle-tattle \TIT-uhl TAT-uhl\, noun:
1. Idle, trifling talk; empty prattle.
2. An idle, trifling talker; a gossip.
1. to talk idly; to prate.
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exalt \ig-ZOLT\, verb:
1. To praise, glorify, or honor.
2. To heighten or intensify.
3. To raise in rank, character, or status; as, "exalted the humble shoemaker to the rank of King's adviser."

This story archived at: Ashwinder