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Reviews for A Fine Life

loreen772017.09.27 - 12:26AM12: Chapter 12Signed
Well hot damn, that was pretty fast. One chapter to go from announcing that they're dating to bonded and married. I like the idea of Stonehenge, it's such a magical place.

Author's Response: It's an amazing place. Even as a mere Muggle, I found being there very moving. I thought the ancient magic in the stones would bring a real depth to their bonding ceremony.

loreen772017.09.27 - 12:03AM11: Chapter 11Signed
Sabrina is a manipulative person and I think a little evil. What is she going to do next?

AlwaysSS2017.09.25 - 10:53PM2: Chapter 2Signed
On chapter 2 and so far I love your characterization of Severus. So many forget his sneaky, self-serving side. Sad that Minerva had to die but the whole "cat flu" theory made me chuckle. Looking forward to where this is going.

Author's Response: The cat flu made me laugh too. McGonagall would not approve.

loreen772017.09.25 - 10:07PM10: Chapter 10Signed
Poor Hagrid. I loved everyone's reactions when she told her friends who she was dating. I also enjoyed Ginny's response. But the best part was Hermione showing up at the castle gates. Brilliant chapter!

OnlyMoonLight2017.09.24 - 03:44PM11: Chapter 11Signed
My guess is Malfoy, but accidentally. However, I am concerned about the threatening tones Sabrina (lovely name) is putting out. I think she had a plan for Severus, even before that kiss. *shrug* Another excellent set of chapters, none-the-less!

Author's Response: Keep your eye on her ... and thank you! Your reviews mean the world x

Jong_Kahn2017.09.24 - 03:54AM11: Chapter 11Signed
It was that security wizard back at the Ministry, I'm telling you!

Jong_Kahn2017.09.24 - 03:17AM8: Chapter 8Signed
Liked Hermione meeting him in her pajamas, but not sure why you allowed the security wizard to have seen her that way. I wouldn't think she'd want that guy to see her like that. Unless that's a way for you to have rumors to start!

Jong_Kahn2017.09.24 - 02:50AM7: Chapter 7Signed
A pleasure to read a story where they're both older, settled and in a different setting than full of immature behavior on both their parts. I'm sure you've got some bumpy ride ahead planned with Prof Cordoba's interference. It's nice to have this grounding between them first, a refreshing change. Thanks!

Author's Response: Thank you for all your reviews, and your thoughts. I'm really pleased you're enjoying this story.

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